Fraud: We are NOT voting next year

Not fraud, but its difficult to say it is not political. The Republicans push anti-immigrant legislation and we are still with a Republican administration.

I know I am in for a wait, but if it is 18 months or so I am going to be so :mad::mad::mad:
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Not fraud, but its difficult to say it is not political. The Repulicans push anti-immigrant legislation and we are still with a Republican administration.

I know I am in for a wait, but if it is 18 months or so I am going to be so

Um... It sucks yes, but if you're not happy with it you can go back to the country of your origin.
You can't demand anything from a country or a government if you're not a citizen.
I would never vote for democrats if i were a citizen . I am an imigrant, but i don't think that democrats will do this country any good.
I never demanded or ever will demand any benefits from the government.
I chose to move here, nobody is making me stay here and nobody is making you stay here.
I live in a border town and i see how bad the immigration problem really is!
People from Mexico running across the border every day. They live here illegally, don't speak english , have 0 education , but at the same time demand benefits from the government.
Where a non-hispanic people are being discriminated against. Try and get a job or a child support in a border town if you're non hispanic!
85% immigrants from Mexico here ! 85% !!! Each family has up to 10 kids !
What do you think is going to happen in 20 years at that rate?
It will be another Mexico!
Unfortunately govenment is supposed to control the flow of immigrants and they have any right to deny you or push an anti - immigration law.
^Well Miss Ego Princess you sure are coming in quite fiesty and self righteous. I won't even address all that racism and anger, but I will apologise for bringing politics to the table, lets not discuss Democrats vs. Republican. As for going back to my country, this is my country. I made a long journey here and resided in several counrties along the way, but I came here when I was 10 which is 24 years ago, this is my country. I just filed for citizenship and 18 months is a long time to have to wait.
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I dont think there is any racism. In US, illegals are spoiling this country. if people violate law, and gets rewarded by sucking money from legal taxpayers that is bad. Politicians pander to lowest common denominator in all countries. We need people like Tom Tancredo who have guts.
Just curious, you have been an LPR for 24 years and only now applied for citizenship? Or have you had other statuses before becoming an LPR?

As for going back to my country, this is my country. I made a long journey here and resided in several counrties along the way, but I came here when I was 10 which is 24 years ago, this is my country. I just filed for citizenship and 18 months is a long time to have to wait.
^Yeah quite a long time eh? I have several citizenships and came in as an LPR, so no other status. I got denied citizenship in this country for staying out more than 6 months. There are so many people like me, that never had a pressing need to naturalize. I think they all came out of the woodwork after 9/11 and with the fee increase.
^Yeah quite a long time eh? I have several citizenships and came in as an LPR, so no other status. I got denied citizenship in this country for staying out more than 6 months. There are so many people like me, that never had a pressing need to naturalize. I think they all came out of the woodwork after 9/11 and with the fee increase.

I've been an LPR for 18 years, and only got around to applying for citizenship this year. The reason? Procrastination, pure and simple. I just didn't feel an immediate need to become a citizen. However, due to procrastination, I got stuck in this ridiculous mess. Had I applied even a half a year earlier, I would have probably been a citizen by now. Let that be a lesson to everyone: don't procrastinate!
Um... It sucks yes, but if you're not happy with it you can go back to the country of your origin.
I think you need to apologize for making that comment. Most people on this forum are highly educated, and I am very sure they can make it in any country they choose to live in. I am glad they chose to be here in the US, because we need as many educated people as we can get.

You can't demand anything from a country or a government if you're not a citizen.
From your other post (319(b) expedite naturalization. ), it seems like you are not a citizen either, and you want YOUR process to be expedited.
And you are the beneficiary of other who happen to be a US Citizen. So, what do you do for a living, miss?

I would never vote for democrats if i were a citizen . I am an imigrant, but i don't think that democrats will do this country any good.
I never demanded or ever will demand any benefits from the government.
so... what about the 319(b) EXPEDITE that you asked for? Is it consider a perk from US government?

I chose to move here, nobody is making me stay here and nobody is making you stay here.
I live in a border town and i see how bad the immigration problem really is!
People from Mexico running across the border every day. They live here illegally, don't speak english , have 0 education , but at the same time demand benefits from the government.
I agree that they have to come here legally to begin with. The question is, why are you not blaming the employers who hire them?
I am not too sure they demand anything from US government. They might use public resources in such illegal ways (such as driving without driver license, insurance, etc).

Where a non-hispanic people are being discriminated against. Try and get a job or a child support in a border town if you're non hispanic!
85% immigrants from Mexico here ! 85% !!! Each family has up to 10 kids !
What do you think is going to happen in 20 years at that rate?
It will be another Mexico!
Unfortunately govenment is supposed to control the flow of immigrants and they have any right to deny you or push an anti - immigration law.
well... the answer would be ...
if you're not happy with it you can go back to the country of your origin.

I see a little selfishness here ... wait... not only you think you are a princess, but an ego princess.
I don't know if you are deriving immigration benefit through your spouse. But most educated skilled immigrants on this forum would not agree with your lien of thought. This is a country of laws. If laws are not followed then it is everyone's right to sue for redressal. When you prepare for your citizenship exam you will learn that the US consititution applies to "every" person living in the US. That means, even the illegal immigrants living in the US are afforded the due process of law and consititutional protection.

I wont comment on the hispanic part of your posting, because it has nothing to do with this forum, and more over I think you are stirring things up.

Um... It sucks yes, but if you're not happy with it you can go back to the country of your origin.
You can't demand anything from a country or a government if you're not a citizen.
I would never vote for democrats if i were a citizen . I am an imigrant, but i don't think that democrats will do this country any good.
I never demanded or ever will demand any benefits from the government.
I chose to move here, nobody is making me stay here and nobody is making you stay here.
I live in a border town and i see how bad the immigration problem really is!
People from Mexico running across the border every day. They live here illegally, don't speak english , have 0 education , but at the same time demand benefits from the government.
Where a non-hispanic people are being discriminated against. Try and get a job or a child support in a border town if you're non hispanic!
85% immigrants from Mexico here ! 85% !!! Each family has up to 10 kids !
What do you think is going to happen in 20 years at that rate?
It will be another Mexico!
Unfortunately govenment is supposed to control the flow of immigrants and they have any right to deny you or push an anti - immigration law.
Um... It sucks yes, but if you're not happy with it you can go back to the country of your origin.
You can't demand anything from a country or a government if you're not a citizen.

you are sadly mistaken. Even The US Federal Courts do not agree with your line of thinking. Here is an exerpt posted by lazycis in another thread from a court ruling that found everyone is eligible to demand constitutional rights:

MATHEWS v. DIAZ, 426 U.S. 67 (1976)
"There are literally millions of aliens within the jurisdiction of the United States. The Fifth Amendment, as well as the Fourteenth Amendment, protects every one of these persons from deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Wong Yang Sung v. McGrath, 339 U.S. 33, 48-51; Wong Wing v. United States, 163 U.S. 228, 238; see Russian Fleet v. United States, 282 U.S. 481, 489. Even one whose presence in this country is unlawful, involuntary, or transitory is entitled to that constitutional protection."

As for "going back to your country" you can hardly call anything other than the USA "your country" when you have spent a great part of your adult life, as most of us have done, in this country building a home and life and investing in its and our future. There is for most of us, no going "back" to anything. There is only 'fixin' what is broken, that is all.
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Not fraud, but its difficult to say it is not political. The Republicans push anti-immigrant legislation and we are still with a Republican administration.

It's instructive to compare this to the backlogs under the previous Democratic administration. I'll give Bush II credit for one thing, the wait has gone down in a lot of cases.