• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

For the DV 2013 lucky ones and future entrants.


Registered Users (C)
The DV is really an epic Journey and you guys start checking tomorrow I would have just completed my journey. A small piece of advice, divide the DV process mentally in 5 stages so it becomes more bearable.

Stage 1: (Early October)

Take proper Photographs, review the required details properly and double triple check your entry before submitting.
Keep your Confirmation number safe. Email it to your account and others print several hard copies. Print a pdf copy. Do what it takes not to lose it. The confirmation number is the one a most important thing you need throughout the DV process.
After this find ways not to think of this at all remember it’s a very small chance so hopes should not be too high. If it’s your destiny it will happen you have done your part by putting in a valid entry.

Stage 2: (May 1st)

Personally I checked on May 5th or something and was not selected. The site would be too busy on the first day so even if you do find yourself not selected try checking again in a week.
For me it was ok no problem it was not meant to be. Let’s move on and keep October next year in mind.
When I heard of the Redraw I was cool. Ok here comes another chance let’s see what happens. Even at this stage I still had my CN and thankfully DOS did email us in case we had destroyed it the first time round.
Rechecked on July 22nd and was very pleasantly surprised to know I was selected! It was only then that I got serious about the whole affair

Stage 3: (post May 1st)

A lot of us get crazy at this stage and rush like a bullet train to submit our DS forms and other requirements to KCC. I feel that is the biggest mistake. The interviews are still several months away even for those with low CN’s
My advice, print out the forms read them carefully enter the requirements with all the documents in hand take your time recheck several times you do not want to make a silly mistake her that may disqualify you!
When sure with your papers send it out by courier or any service that will provide you with a confirmation of delivery to KCC.
Now comes the hardest part, based on your CN number you will start receiving notifications of your interview date and this is the longest wait in the world for many of us.
Great source to know when you may expect an interview is the visa bulletin. Friends at this stage you are overwhelmed with emotion, stress and anxiety some of us need to wait close to and even over a year before our interview date!
Use this time to find the requirements change your lifestyle and START SAVING MONEY. You will need it both at the interview as well as when you move. For most of us moving there will not be a job waiting on a platter!

Stage 4: (The Interview based on CN number)

This is where I am at right now a day to go for my interview!
Most of us will get an email from noreply@... To check our status on ESC again. when you do so you will find that your congratulatory letter of selection dated May 1 has changed to a interview appointment letter. This will happen around 6 to 7 weeks before the actual interview and it means its now time to get your final act together.
It’s my personal advise that the Police clearance and medicals should be done only after this stage. Do medicals 2/12 weeks before interview and the PCC 3 to 3 !/2 weeks before. Of course check the lead times required in your country!
Recheck all your papers Birth certificate in Long form, Education details, marriage certificates etc. it’s all there on the Selectee notice for you. This is not hard!
Go to the interview prepared. Read posts and interview experiences from this forum. This forum is like family and has the best of information that you will never find on any other English website!

Stage 5: (post interview)

Hope to be here on May 2nd!
After a successful interview start planning you have at the most 6 months to make your first move! For some it may be less if the visa is linked to your Medicals!
There is wealth of options; most of us would have issues in moving quickly because winning the DV is gust like winning the lotto you only plan when you get it! On can make an activation trip and return for a few months wrap up things and go back. Others can obtain reentry permits and live another 2 years away…..
I hope I have put up a decent explanation of the journey for those who will be lucky tomorrow and I will be around to assist as I have been assisted by this amazing forum.

Admin is this going to be made sticky? :mad::cool:;)
This post is simply wonderful

Thank you for being so thoughtful and taking the time to write this.

All the best for your interview tomorrow, I am sure you will do well!

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DV 2013 Entrants: Please keep your confirmation number until at least September 2013, even if you are not selected on May 1, 2012. The Department of State may select more DV 2013 entries on October 1, 2012.Does that mean 78000 will be selected come May 1st and the former 22,000 would be restored?I don't get
It has no relation to DV-2012. Second batches happened before, in DV-2007, DV-2003 and in some other years. They make selection, the number of selectees per country is listed in visa bulletin, and open selectees until certain number only. The rest of selectees are not notified immediately, even though they are included into visa bulletin.
If not enough selectees apply for visas, they open next portion (second batch) e t.c.
When the notification was by snail mail, if did not affect selectees in any way. DV-2012 is the first year since electronic notifications substituted paper notifications when they really consider (or considered several months ago) second batch of winners to be open to public (look at May visa bulletin, all numbers are current!; second batch might be expected at least for Europe). When considering it they realized public might not be ready for that. So, from now on they included this measure for public to be ready for that in the future. Keeping the confirmation number is the measure. So, that is just an annual precaution, it is supposed to be there every year, and they just realized they missed that for DV-2012 and strongly regret that.
Does that mean 78000 will be selected come May 1st and the former 22,000 would be restored?I don't get
No, you completely misunderstand that. In DV-2013 they will probably select more than in DV-2012 (in DV-2012 they selected 100,000), not less. That usually happens in the year immediately following a year with additional batches.
Also, those 22,000 are not going to be restored - in other years following years with additional batches previous prticipants were not included into the lottery process just based on their participation in previous years. You actually need to have entered your entry into DV-2013 to participate, and the probablity to be selected is the same for all entries witin region, regardless of your participation in previous years.
BTW, here is the reason why they might really need second batch - http://www.trackitt.com/usa-discussion-forums/i485-eb/999849769/dv-2012-urgent-please-advice
A person did not know there was July reselection in DV-2012 and has just found out today he is a winner. Not enough winners know about their win => not enough visa applications sent => they might need second batch in DV-2012 => they figured out they did not warn to keep numbers handy until the end of the year => they included this warning into DV-2013 page and into pages for all future year. As simple as that.
And this statement in May visa bulletin "Successful entrants are encouraged to send in their required documents to the Kentucky Consular Center (KCC) immediately, so that an interview appointment at the appropriate U.S. Embassy or consulate can be scheduled in the near future" means exactly the same - they do not have enough applications for visas to exhaust the visa pool.
Best Wishes from my heart!

I just came to wish each and every one of you forumers the very best tomorrow or October 1, 2012 as stated for the first time on State website.

I am also rooting for a family member this time! So wish her the best too!

Looks like the results will be released at noon tomorrow: "Beginning on May 1, 2012 at noon Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), entrants from DV 2013 (those who submitted entry between October 4, 2011 and November 5, 2011) may check the status of their entry using the confirmation number through Entrant Status Check on the E-DV website"
The DV is really an epic Journey and you guys start checking tomorrow I would have just completed my journey. A small piece of advice, divide the DV process mentally in 5 stages so it becomes more bearable.

Stage 1: (Early October)

Take proper Photographs, review the required details properly and double triple check your entry before submitting.
Keep your Confirmation number safe. Email it to your account and others print several hard copies. Print a pdf copy. Do what it takes not to lose it. The confirmation number is the one a most important thing you need throughout the DV process.
After this find ways not to think of this at all remember it’s a very small chance so hopes should not be too high. If it’s your destiny it will happen you have done your part by putting in a valid entry.

Stage 2: (May 1st)

Personally I checked on May 5th or something and was not selected. The site would be too busy on the first day so even if you do find yourself not selected try checking again in a week.
For me it was ok no problem it was not meant to be. Let’s move on and keep October next year in mind.
When I heard of the Redraw I was cool. Ok here comes another chance let’s see what happens. Even at this stage I still had my CN and thankfully DOS did email us in case we had destroyed it the first time round.
Rechecked on July 22nd and was very pleasantly surprised to know I was selected! It was only then that I got serious about the whole affair

Stage 3: (post May 1st)

A lot of us get crazy at this stage and rush like a bullet train to submit our DS forms and other requirements to KCC. I feel that is the biggest mistake. The interviews are still several months away even for those with low CN’s
My advice, print out the forms read them carefully enter the requirements with all the documents in hand take your time recheck several times you do not want to make a silly mistake her that may disqualify you!
When sure with your papers send it out by courier or any service that will provide you with a confirmation of delivery to KCC.
Now comes the hardest part, based on your CN number you will start receiving notifications of your interview date and this is the longest wait in the world for many of us.
Great source to know when you may expect an interview is the visa bulletin. Friends at this stage you are overwhelmed with emotion, stress and anxiety some of us need to wait close to and even over a year before our interview date!
Use this time to find the requirements change your lifestyle and START SAVING MONEY. You will need it both at the interview as well as when you move. For most of us moving there will not be a job waiting on a platter!

Stage 4: (The Interview based on CN number)

This is where I am at right now a day to go for my interview!
Most of us will get an email from noreply@... To check our status on ESC again. when you do so you will find that your congratulatory letter of selection dated May 1 has changed to a interview appointment letter. This will happen around 6 to 7 weeks before the actual interview and it means its now time to get your final act together.
It’s my personal advise that the Police clearance and medicals should be done only after this stage. Do medicals 2/12 weeks before interview and the PCC 3 to 3 !/2 weeks before. Of course check the lead times required in your country!
Recheck all your papers Birth certificate in Long form, Education details, marriage certificates etc. it’s all there on the Selectee notice for you. This is not hard!
Go to the interview prepared. Read posts and interview experiences from this forum. This forum is like family and has the best of information that you will never find on any other English website!

Stage 5: (post interview)

Hope to be here on May 2nd!
After a successful interview start planning you have at the most 6 months to make your first move! For some it may be less if the visa is linked to your Medicals!
There is wealth of options; most of us would have issues in moving quickly because winning the DV is gust like winning the lotto you only plan when you get it! On can make an activation trip and return for a few months wrap up things and go back. Others can obtain reentry permits and live another 2 years away…..
I hope I have put up a decent explanation of the journey for those who will be lucky tomorrow and I will be around to assist as I have been assisted by this amazing forum.

Admin is this going to be made sticky? :mad::cool:;)

Wow, thanks for typing all that out! You seem like a great, helpful person, I'm glad you won the lottery, you seem like you deserve it. :) I'm sure you'll do great at your interview tomorrow, just keep us posted and good luck!
Off for the Interview!

Thanks Everybody. Glad to help.

I now head for my interview will post my experience after I am done.
Wish me well. The outcome is in the hands of the Lord my God, not the CO!

I will continue to be on this Forum whatever the outcome! You guys are family.

Best wishes to the 2013 applicants!
All the Best

Thanks Everybody. Glad to help.

I now head for my interview will post my experience after I am done.
Wish me well. The outcome is in the hands of the Lord my God, not the CO!

I will continue to be on this Forum whatever the outcome! You guys are family.

Best wishes to the 2013 applicants!

Amen to that and wishing you all the best.
I know you'll come out with a powerful testimony.
One of the 22000 Tears
and an old Green card holder
dv 1994 crossing finghers again
Tunisia is in the House......................
Enter Date: Thursday, October 6, 2011
Case No: 20132A9ASXXXXX
1st NL Recvd:
Send To KCC:
KCC Recvd:
2ND NL Recvd:
Interview Date:
Medicals Report:
Police Cert:
Visa Pick-Up:
P.O.E :
GC Recvd:

The DV is really an epic Journey and you guys start checking tomorrow I would have just completed my journey. A small piece of advice, divide the DV process mentally in 5 stages so it becomes more bearable.

Stage 1: (Early October)

Take proper Photographs, review the required details properly and double triple check your entry before submitting.
Keep your Confirmation number safe. Email it to your account and others print several hard copies. Print a pdf copy. Do what it takes not to lose it. The confirmation number is the one a most important thing you need throughout the DV process.
After this find ways not to think of this at all remember it’s a very small chance so hopes should not be too high. If it’s your destiny it will happen you have done your part by putting in a valid entry.

Stage 2: (May 1st)

Personally I checked on May 5th or something and was not selected. The site would be too busy on the first day so even if you do find yourself not selected try checking again in a week.
For me it was ok no problem it was not meant to be. Let’s move on and keep October next year in mind.
When I heard of the Redraw I was cool. Ok here comes another chance let’s see what happens. Even at this stage I still had my CN and thankfully DOS did email us in case we had destroyed it the first time round.
Rechecked on July 22nd and was very pleasantly surprised to know I was selected! It was only then that I got serious about the whole affair

Stage 3: (post May 1st)

A lot of us get crazy at this stage and rush like a bullet train to submit our DS forms and other requirements to KCC. I feel that is the biggest mistake. The interviews are still several months away even for those with low CN’s
My advice, print out the forms read them carefully enter the requirements with all the documents in hand take your time recheck several times you do not want to make a silly mistake her that may disqualify you!
When sure with your papers send it out by courier or any service that will provide you with a confirmation of delivery to KCC.
Now comes the hardest part, based on your CN number you will start receiving notifications of your interview date and this is the longest wait in the world for many of us.
Great source to know when you may expect an interview is the visa bulletin. Friends at this stage you are overwhelmed with emotion, stress and anxiety some of us need to wait close to and even over a year before our interview date!
Use this time to find the requirements change your lifestyle and START SAVING MONEY. You will need it both at the interview as well as when you move. For most of us moving there will not be a job waiting on a platter!

Stage 4: (The Interview based on CN number)

This is where I am at right now a day to go for my interview!
Most of us will get an email from noreply@... To check our status on ESC again. when you do so you will find that your congratulatory letter of selection dated May 1 has changed to a interview appointment letter. This will happen around 6 to 7 weeks before the actual interview and it means its now time to get your final act together.
It’s my personal advise that the Police clearance and medicals should be done only after this stage. Do medicals 2/12 weeks before interview and the PCC 3 to 3 !/2 weeks before. Of course check the lead times required in your country!
Recheck all your papers Birth certificate in Long form, Education details, marriage certificates etc. it’s all there on the Selectee notice for you. This is not hard!
Go to the interview prepared. Read posts and interview experiences from this forum. This forum is like family and has the best of information that you will never find on any other English website!

Stage 5: (post interview)

Hope to be here on May 2nd!
After a successful interview start planning you have at the most 6 months to make your first move! For some it may be less if the visa is linked to your Medicals!
There is wealth of options; most of us would have issues in moving quickly because winning the DV is gust like winning the lotto you only plan when you get it! On can make an activation trip and return for a few months wrap up things and go back. Others can obtain reentry permits and live another 2 years away…..
I hope I have put up a decent explanation of the journey for those who will be lucky tomorrow and I will be around to assist as I have been assisted by this amazing forum.

Admin is this going to be made sticky? :mad::cool:;)

I hope by now you have a success story with you.....heavens light was shining in your direction. Anyway this is a very clear and well thought after piece of advice that will go along way to help the future dv winners. God bless you and your family sir.
Good luck everyone! Looks like will be released at noon EST.
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Approved Yahooooooooooooooo

Dear Members

Praise the Lord the Visa’s for the whole Family and me have been approved.

Just a five minute interview will post details soon.