• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

For the DV 2013 lucky ones and future entrants.

All the Best


In less than 24 hours you would have finished your long awaited interview. We wish you all the best go in confidence in the Lord, fear no CO. Your faith is with the one above.
Tonight our family prayers are for you and your family to come out with flying colors.

Go get it…….
There really is something not quite right about this year's selection. I remember last year, there was alot of activity a week after the results were announced. This year it is still quiet. Either less have been selected? some have not accessed their result yet? or winners are a little wary of the result? Very strange.
It does seem very quiet doesn't it? I think I agree with you Abbie. Even with all the different forums out there, there seemed to be a lot more winners posting last year.

Ah well. Back to trying not to think about it until next time lol

It does seem very quiet doesn't it? I think I agree with you Abbie. Even with all the different forums out there, there seemed to be a lot more winners posting last year.

Ah well. Back to trying not to think about it until next time lol

Hey Qwety I kinda miss you being on the forum.
Hey Bahamas :)

I still wander around these forums every now and then, just in case there is some news I need to know about! :)

I am preparing for my mid year exams at the moment (social work and psychology) so that has me a little distracted - which is a good thing!

I hope you are keeping well, and best wishes to everyone else from our DV 2013 - I'm sure we will catch up on here again :)

I still wander around these forums every now and then, just in case there is some news I need to know about! :)

I am preparing for my mid year exams at the moment (social work and psychology) so that has me a little distracted - which is a good thing!


Forget you ever heard the words "DV Lottery" - it's a mugs game. Good luck with your mid year exams!
Now I'm really confused...

So...there were, according to the Visa Bulletin mention above, 105,628 entries "registered" (out of 7.9 Million entries) in the 2013 DV Lottery. Note: The Visa Bulletin says "registered", not "selected".

My question: Have they merely released a "selected" status to the first half of those "registered", and if they don't get a huge response, they will notify the second lot of "registered" people on October 1st?


Have they notified 105,628 people as of May 1st, and if it looks like they'll have any space left over, they'll draw from the pile again?

Haven't found anything anywhere to really explain the process. The odds are still not very good if it's a "redraw" of the total pot...

Anybody know?:confused:
So...there were, according to the Visa Bulletin mention above, 105,628 entries "registered" (out of 7.9 Million entries) in the 2013 DV Lottery. Note: The Visa Bulletin says "registered", not "selected".

My question: Have they merely released a "selected" status to the first half of those "registered", and if they don't get a huge response, they will notify the second lot of "registered" people on October 1st?


Have they notified 105,628 people as of May 1st, and if it looks like they'll have any space left over, they'll draw from the pile again?

Haven't found anything anywhere to really explain the process. The odds are still not very good if it's a "redraw" of the total pot...

Anybody know?:confused:

The difference between selected and registered is semantic. Previous DV announcements used identical language. Of course in light of the confusing situation, the terminology used is scrutinized ever more.

At a guess, I imagine that the 105,628 have been notified, for there is little point in staggering the initial notification as good uptake first time round will avoid hassle of another possible draw from the selectee pool. If the uptake is poor, the Kentucky Consular Center may / may not select more DV2013 entries on October 1, 2012 in second draw. Whatever the criteria or pre-conditions are, I do not know.
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That is an approximte number. The more precise number is 105,629
Those are the number of applicants selected, but not necesserily notified. Only about 60% of them were notified. The rest 40% have not been notified yet and could be notifed later, in case of necessity.

So...there were, according to the Visa Bulletin mention above, 105,628 entries "registered" (out of 7.9 Million entries) in the 2013 DV Lottery. Note: The Visa Bulletin says "registered", not "selected".
My question: Have they merely released a "selected" status to the first half of those "registered", and if they don't get a huge response, they will notify the second lot of "registered" people on October 1st?
Correct. About 60%, not half. The date could be October 1st or another date, or there could be no date at all. Those second batches occaionally occur. The last one was DV-2007, another one DV-2003.

Have they notified 105,628 people as of May 1st, and if it looks like they'll have any space left over, they'll draw from the pile again?
No way. More that one draw per year is contrary to the law. The only year they had two draws was DV-2012 but the first draw was cancelled. After eah draw they issue a document fully describing the number of wins per country.
Haven't found anything anywhere to really explain the process. The odds are still not very good if it's a "redraw" of the total pot...
The process is well described (still not fully described) in Kirit Amin's declaration to the court.
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That is an approximte number. The more precise number is 105,629
Those are the number of applicants selected, but not notified. Only about 60% of them were notified. The rest 40% have not been notified yet and could be notifed later, in case of neccesity.

Correct. About 60%, not half. The date could be October 1st or another date, or there could be no date at all.


Wow, I've been under the assumption that the DoS practically selects all the applicants on 1st May. So in reality 60% or 63377~ individuals will be selected initially?

I'm not doubting you, but I've never seen a source for this and I'd be curious to know where this is documented?

They were all already selected by May 1st. That means DOS knows who they are. But not all of them were notified, that means they do not know if they were selected.
The only definitely place that allows me to say that is Amin's declarations.
According to the declarations, when randomizer is switched off, the winners are selected in the same order in which they were entered into the database, with the exceptions of backfilled entries. So, if A and B submitted their entries in that order, and B won, according to Amin, A won as well. However, a lot of people exist who did not win in this situation. That means only one thing - Amin' meaning of selected is overall, including future possible notifications and current notifcations. All those who were not selected in regular meaning, but according to Amin are selected, are notified in a second batch if necessary.
They were all already selected by May 1st. That means DOS knows who they are. But not all of them were notified, that means they do not know if they were selected.
The only definitely place that allows me to say that is Amin's declarations.
According to the declarations, when randomizer is switched off, the winners are selected in the same order in which they were entered into the database, with the exceptions of backfilled entries. So, if A and B submitted their entries in that order, and B won, according to Amin, A won as well. However, a lot of people exist who did not win in this situation. That means only one thing - Amin' meaning of selected is overall, including future possible notifications and current notifcations. All those who were not selected in regular meaning, but according to Amin are selected, are notified in a second batch if necessary.

Gah! I meant that the DoS practically notifies all the applicants they select on 1st May, I should have been more specific. Ok, so the secondary batch of notifications, roughly 40%, according to Amin, is only utilised should a situation occur when there is an initial poor uptake in visas, in this case, potentially by 1st October 2012.
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Amin did not say anything about when the second batch occurs. But it occured historiclly when they did not have enough applications for visas. Not all hidden selectees were notified. The hidden slectees is a reserve from which they take selectees to notify, in the increasing order of rank numbers. It could be they need 0 new numbers, or need 1000, or need 10000. They take whatever they need.
About the date. Historically it happened after October 1st, not before. It is very unlikey they already know by October 1st that they do not have enough numbers.
I don't understand this "second batch" stuff.

I can see how this may apply for dv2013. I can accept they may have released only 60% of selection and have another 40% are in reserve for later. The announcement to keep your confirmation number supports this, as does the perception that there are fewer winners on the forums this year.

But DV2012, is a completely different story. There was no notice to keep confirmation numbers for later. So they must have released 100% of the selectees on May 1st. For the July draw, they must have again released 100% of their selectees. There was no mention of keeping confirmation numbers, so there was no plan to select a second batch later.

Otherwise, did we all misunderstand DOS when it says "results can be checked FROM May 1st", and what they really meant was "(KEEP checking) results from May 1st"?

If this was done in previous years, when the notification was mailout, then we would't really know - but - you could still check online, and many would assume, as I did, that once I had checked the results, I could throw away my confirmation number. I would be curious to know, if pre 2012, had anyone checked their status online, found they were not selected, and then got a notification letter in the mail later?

It really does look like DOS don't even know themselves what they are doing, and certainly don't explain it to us very well! Maybe having the DV all online wasn't very well thought out - which ties in with the report about the DOS Tech department being disfunctional.
I can see how this may apply for dv2013. I can accept they may have released only 60% of selection and have another 40% are in reserve for later. The announcement to keep your confirmation number supports this, as does the perception that there are fewer winners on the forums this year.
No, this happens every year. This year the amount of open winners is about the same as last year.
But DV2012, is a completely different story. There was no notice to keep confirmation numbers for later. So they must have released 100% of the selectees on May 1st.
No. They just forgot to put the notice, because DV-2012 was the first year since they started fully electronic system. Second batches did not require any confirmation numbers before, they just sent additional paper mails.

For the July draw, they must have again released 100% of their selectees.
Wrong again. Also about 60%. This is the same every draw.

There was no mention of keeping confirmation numbers, so there was no plan to select a second batch later.
There was plan B to do it, the same as in DV-2011 and DV-2010. Now it is plan A for DV-2012, and still plan B for DV-2013. So, for DV-2012 it has to happen, and for DV_2013 it is only a remote possibility.

Otherwise, did we all misunderstand DOS when it says "results can be checked FROM May 1st", and what they really meant was "(KEEP checking) results from May 1st"?
They just realized they forgot to put the notice in DV_2012, so they do it just in case every year starting DV-2013.

If this was done in previous years, when the notification was mailout, then we would't really know
We do know. That was exactly like that before.

- but - you could still check online, and many would assume, as I did, that once I had checked the results, I could throw away my confirmation number.
Well, they forgot to tell you that was a wrong assumption.

I would be curious to know, if pre 2012, had anyone checked their status online, found they were not selected, and then got a notification letter in the mail later?
That was the same story for July winners. After May lottery they threw out their confirmation numbers and got links back how to get them back.

It really does look like DOS don't even know themselves what they are doing, and certainly don't explain it to us very well! Maybe having the DV all online wasn't very well thought out - which ties in with the report about the DOS Tech department being disfunctional.
I think it solves a number of major problems and creates some minor ones instead.
So, is there supposed to be a second batch for dv2012? If so, they are leaving it a bit late?

Is the second batch the higher case numbers? And..different to other years, all numbers are current this year, whereas other years - not the case.