Follow To Join....

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getting spouse after 485 is filed

Thank you for your reply aps.

But, my H1 has expired. I am on EAD right now and dont plan to have an H1 at anytime in the future.

Hence, the H4 option is ruled out.
Oops, didn't realize that. In that case, all my points in the previous post are void.

I think what you can then do is, apply for 824 soon after marriage without waiting for 485 approval. I think that should save you time.

Also, I guess there is no risk in applying 824 again if the first attempt does not work/gets rejected. Spend some $$$ and play safe/smart :)
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soclose -

You can now follow only I-824 Procedure - Get more information

and contact to good lawyer ...Other wise H4 option was the best

one . I was also have same sitution but i brought my spouse on

H4 and after my approval i filed separate I-485 for my spouse..

See my entries for details -

I have similiar situation

I have similiar situation, however I have H1, but dont have VISA. I never had H1B visa stamp, as the way I came from F1 to H1. I can not bring my wife on H4 because for my country it is taking 8/9 weeks to issue visa. My I-485 is pending. I am planning to go on AP and get married, then I will do her follow-to-join. I know follow-to-join is frustrating, but I dont have choice. I dont have that much vacation to take and wait for H1 visa. This is very frustrating that they are taking that much time for a H1B worker. They should think that H1B can not have that much vacation.

For follow to join: The best steps are:
1) Apply for I-824 mentioning your spouse address detail in separate sheet as the way I-824 does not have option to put address of spouse. Do it wheather your I-485 is approved or pending. It willsave your time.
2) Dont wait for I-824 approval, contact embassy physically or over the phone or email or fax. Ask them what should you do now to process your spouse follow to join. Sometimes, they process your case without the approval of I-824. Also from April 2002, the new rule says if you have plastic card, you dont have to apply for I-824, the consulate should start your spouse peocessing based on this card.

Therefore, dont wait for I-824. This I-824 processing takes for ever, sometimes consulates do not get the notice for a year.

From diffrent people's posting, I saw this follow-to-join is very frustrating case. People should try to avoid if anybody has option.
The good thing is Embassy in INDIA are much cooperative, they have experience of processing lot of cases. So, things will be easier, I guess.

Where did you get this info?:

"Also from April 2002, the new rule says if you have plastic card, you dont have to apply for I-824"

I have approval for I-824. My embassy is Chennai. My emails are never replied. I am really frustrated.
Can you please post the link for the new rule not requiring I-824.

I have mailed documents as suggested by one member. The only thing is that it was not notorized. I will mail them again.
Could you please say what email address you use. I have emailed about 10 messages. But no reply so far.

I am frustrated.
CSC refuses to fax again because my file has been filed away..

I am at loss here...

Thanks for everyone who takes time to reply regards

grams2 and ap (posting from Mr. Khan)

Please read the document from

Also, read the clause 9 FAM 42.53 PN1.2 and 9 FAM 42.53 PN1.3. If you have received your I-551 plactic card then there is no point applying for I-824 for your spouse. I also suggest that you take a print out of the above document and show it to your lawyer. They will understand. My lawyer have confirmed that US Consulate in Mumbai does not require an approved I-824. Consulate in Chennai is problematic because of backlogs. Regardless, I don't know where you are applying but if you need more info. let me know.

I am applying thru Chennai Consulate. I will try to talk to my attorney...

Thanks for all the info...

For all follow-to-join applicant


For all who are going throu or have to go throu follow-to-join in future, please read all messages from the begining of this thread. Beleive me you all will get lot of information that will really help you to proceed your case. There are people in this thread who havs successfully completed their spouse follow-to-join in INDIA.
Also, a good and helpful lawer can do it more quick as the way it depends on 70% on embassy. If any lawer calls embassy and request consulate about the processing and involve in some conversation regarding particular case, that makes diffrence. Embassy does not care our phone call, or email. They sometimes loose the document, and keep saying that we have not received anything from INS/ VSC. Also you know the mailing system in back home as far as normal/regular mail is concern. INS send the cable by regular mail, most likely it will end up missing.

This Follow-to-join is a lengthy and frustrating procedure, so have patient, and try to visit the consulate physically with your spouse to get the info about your case.

The worst thing is when consulate/lawer is not aware of updated law that has been introduced lately. Sometimes I think I will be a lawer/IIO/Consular in my future life :)

Good Luck!!! Everybody.
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follow-to-join applicant questions ?

Originally posted by Sahin

I am also going thru the follow to join process for my wife. chennai consulate didn't mention anything about I 824 by Email
they are just asking me to send my I 485 approval,birth certificate,marriage certificate and passport copy of mine and wife? I am planning to send the documents to chennai consulate . do I need to notarise my documents thru my attorney Or any notary public in USA ?

How do I meet the consular officer in madras ,I might go to chennai in january thought of go in person to meet them,does any one know how to get an appointment for that?

Does any one know good lawyer in chennai to deal with immigrant visa ?


Send those documents as soon as possible. Certified copy might help, do it by your lawer. It is hard to see Consular physically, I am not sure any lawer in Chennai would be help you about this matter or not. However, when you visit India, go to embassy and ask the customer service, see if they can give you some update. If not send email, fax, or phone.
Follow to Join

Hello friends,

This is my first post for this thread. First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for the valuable input which not only scared me but also led me take steps.

My case is the same as most of yours. I got my green card 2 weeks after I got married, wife's in India so Im trying t get her here by the follow to join immigrant visa

I applied for I-824 with VSC receipt date July 2nd 02. When it was taking that long I started reading your posts and then sent an email to Chennai counsul , to my surprise they replied me next day (the same way they did to "toooldtowait" friend) and asked for my notarized docs, which i sent to the them and according to fedex reached them on Oct 3rd....

Misery starts now as I sent them 5 emails, everyday phones asking for a confirmation that they received my docs, so that if no I can resend it.

1. Can somebody tell me what’s the next step?
2. Is it worhwhile for my wife to travel from Kerala to Chennai, and would they allow her to meet an officer?. Has anyoone been like that to Chennai. Will they entertain or give appointments.
3. Should I send them packet 3 forms without even them sending or asking for it (which I havent got from them). If yes, where an I get packet 3 forms. What does it contain?

I have anyway booked my tickets for end of November. See what i can do by going to chennai personally. Please advise. Any suggestions from friends who have already gone through these stages would be greatly appreciated.

Paul Simon

p.s. - "tooldtowait" "grams2" "sarojaryal" we all are in he same boat. My email id is
Would appreciate if you email me so that we could talk more

I aint no expert here, if you had read my posts, I guess you would know that.

Since, we are all in the same boat, I guess I can share my experience and answer your questions.

1. Can somebody tell me what’s the next step?

I think you should wait for the reply from chennai. Actually they replied the very next day for me, when I asked them what are the step, but It took more than a week for them to respond, when I asked them If they got my papers. They DO remember(Even I was surprised when they replied after a week) and will reply as and when they started opening your papers.

2. Is it worhwhile for my wife to travel from Kerala to Chennai, and would they allow her to meet an officer?. Has anyoone been like that to Chennai. Will they entertain or give appointments.

My wife did the same, she went from bangalore to get an appointment and they wouldnt even let her in, by mistake she got appointment for a non-immigrant visa(she doesnt know that much) and after they realized that she is for the green card, the security/customer service people politly rejected her.

3. Should I send them packet 3 forms without even them sending or asking for it (which I havent got from them). If yes, where an I get packet 3 forms. What does it contain?

I would suggest you to wait and give them some more time. Actually, My lawyer told me not to send Packet 3 unless and untill they ask for it. Somehow, I didnt have the patience, so I asked the chennai if I can send the packet 3 and they responded by saying, yes but send only DS 230 and DS 169.

I do understand how you all feel. I had been feeling the same for almost 1 year. I guess I wouldnt recommend follow-to-join to anyone, but I guess we are more luckier than people who get greencard before their marriage!.

Good luck.
Is anybody aware of this

I came to know a new thing about follow to join. You know there are classfication between posts /consulate. Some are alpha, some ar beta etc.

Indian all consulates are alpha. Now if the consulate is alpha then I heard that your packet 3 will be taken care by NVC (National Visa Center). The thinng will work like that

1) Your I-824 wil get approved, they will notify the NVC to take proper step for your spouse
2) NVC will send the Packet 3 to you, you will fill them up on behalf of your spouse, or your spouse can also fill it up, and send it back to NVC.

3) NVC will make an immigrant VISA available for you, and they will ask the consulate that this applicant's VISA is ready, you notify him/her.

4) Consulate supposed to send a letter for interview date along with Packet 4.

5) Your spouse will fill up Packet 4, and wil show up at consulate for interview.

Spouse will have VISA.

Now, in is this case that everyhting will be done via NVC?? But looking at these postings, it looks like that Packet 3 is sent by consulate. This is kind of confusing. What is the real procedure then??

I heard from that fact above from a lawer. Hell, this is very frustrating.:rolleyes:
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i know someone who waited from july2000, still CP not done.
send a new I-824 petition to NSC, its simple you dont need a lawyer.
I have already applied for I-824

Anyways, thanks Dharmarau, I have already done it, but that is taking forever in NSC. I guess the current processing time is 365 days, more over I think Grams2 has an already approved I-824 and she is not able to proceed further.

I feel too bad for your friend. Which consulate is he applying in?

The 2 months (which they said it will take to confirm my LPR Status) is over, now I am keeping my fingers crossed. If they dont get back to me, or they dont respond to me in a positive way, then I dont know what I can say to my wife. She is really worried. I sometimes think that I should leave this US and be back with my family in peace!, but at the same time, I feel like a coward if I do that.
Re: I have already applied for I-824

Originally posted by tooOldtoWait
Anyways, thanks Dharmarau, I have already done it, but that is taking forever in NSC. I guess the current processing time is 365 days, more over I think Grams2 has an already approved I-824 and she is not able to proceed further.

I feel too bad for your friend. Which consulate is he applying in?
CHENNAI, Nebraska duo

keep an eye on this thread- he said they have sent file again to cons. and he is waiting yet again for 3rd time.

i will post as soon as he calls or at least once every fortnight either way.

keep writing / talking to INS
keep your cool, dont be rude with INS.

After a couple of calls and e-mails, I just got a reply from chennai asking me to check again after 20 days.

I dont know if this is a positive or negative sign.

I will keep this board posted, If I hear anything more.

BTW: I called and e-mailed to ask the status of my case and if they can tell me the approx date/period of the interview.
I got an email asking for my husband's address to mail Packet 3.

I emailed Chennai Consulate. Now I have to wait and see..

CSC told my attorney that Chennai consulate was notified. NVC does not anything..

As it is anything related to Chennai consulate is very tedious to deal with.

Due to a medical condition I want my husband to be here ASAP. I just do not have any more strength to deal with anything..

I think Chennai has woken up finally

Great news Grams, this is a slow but a sure step forward. I hope Chennai keeps up this spirit till the end.

Please let us know what is going on. I am planning to check back with them around nov 15th
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