Finally Approved.....Greaty-k of


Very happy to hear the news. Congratulations. Enjoy the weekend with your family.
Thank you very much for the wonderful site created for tracking the I-485 application filer's status to compare. Also I am glad that you have taken the suggestions given by each one of us and responded with no ignorance.

Again Thank you very much. May god bless you and your family. Good luck to lead a very happy and wonderful future life.
Another wish

Life is wonderful, that is our feeling about your site and of course your effort. You deserve more.

Wish you all of the best and congrats !
Congratulations greaty-k!!!

Happy to see your long awaited approval!
Thanks for making rupnet wonderful :)
Congrats Anita....

Gaurav Mangla right !!! He told me about you in one party.

Anyway congrats again.
Best Wishes Greaty-K

Hi Greaty-K,

I am very happy to know that your I-485 is approved. It must have been very difficult for you to wait for your approval (eventhough you are Aug' 01 filer) when Sept' 01 applications were being approved ahead of you.

You have done a great service to the immigrant community by creating and maintaining RUPNET with out which it is very hard to track the latest approval status of I-485, etc of other applicants. Your work has helped thousands of people and will certainly help many more thousands in the future.

I wish you the very best for you and your family.

Take care
Congratulatins Greaty-K

Wish to all the best for the future and thanks a million for your great work on Rupnet
Greaty-K - Congratulations....:D :D

It was long time due....Enjoy.

Good luck in future. Rupnet has been awesome and hope it will continue to serve the immigration community.
Thank you all...

for your love and consideration..... Your messages motivated me to do more...

Greaty-K, heartfelt congrats and thank you!

You of all people deserved to be approved. You have helped a lot of people unselfishly and without you a lot of us may have never seen the light.

Congratulations buddy!!! Enjoy and savor every moments and best wishes for your whole family and may you have a great life and your goodness continue to bless others still waiting and struggling to get the approval they all deserve!!!

Thanks a lot my friend!!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :)


Are you a human or some divine figure that landed on this planet to help the immigrant community ? ..

My request to you is please post your pic. somewhere all of us can see you ...

Great work Captain have really "beamed-up" the immigrant community :) .... have done something that "no man has done before." ..

And sorry for my late reply ....I had lost my password ...