FINAL DRAFTS for backlog Petition


Here is my answer to your feedback :
1. words : I don't see what's the problem with the words that you mentioned. I agree that i am not a professional writer but nobody has made any remarks on these words.
2. Our Expectation Section : You have gone too far in making the remarks here (saying "It seems like you do not have the capacity to understand"). There is no need to use such language. You better concentrate on the defects of the letter than the person.
Coming back to your question, i don't agree with your assumption that you should not present any solutions in a petition. Petition is nothing but a letter submitted by a group of people asking for remediation to their problems. I felt that the letter will be more effective if you offer possible solutions rather than simply complaining about BCIS . Nobody here said that we should not that paragraph in the letter. It doesn't mean that all these people
do not have capacity to understand.
3. -same as above- . The main purpose of Appendix B is that it helps BCIS understand what we are suggesting to them in order to reduce the backlog. They will look into this if they are serious.
4. who we are : I don't feel that we need to go into the details you wanted. We started this petition effort on behalf of all the people whose I485 is pending at the 4 service centers and that much is very clearly mentioned in the letter.

Now that these letter's are brought to the attention of Rajiv, let's wait.
Re: Cinta

Originally posted by dsatish
Here is my answer to your feedback :
1. words : I don't see what's the problem with the words that you mentioned. I agree that i am not a professional writer but nobody has made any remarks on these words.
2. Our Expectation Section : You have gone too far in making the remarks here (saying "It seems like you do not have the capacity to understand"). There is no need to use such language. You better concentrate on the defects of the letter than the person.
Coming back to your question, i don't agree with your assumption that you should not present any solutions in a petition. Petition is nothing but a letter submitted by a group of people asking for remediation to their problems. I felt that the letter will be more effective if you offer possible solutions rather than simply complaining about BCIS . Nobody here said that we should not that paragraph in the letter. It doesn't mean that all these people
do not have capacity to understand.
3. -same as above- . The main purpose of Appendix B is that it helps BCIS understand what we are suggesting to them in order to reduce the backlog. They will look into this if they are serious.
4. who we are : I don't feel that we need to go into the details you wanted. We started this petition effort on behalf of all the people whose I485 is pending at the 4 service centers and that much is very clearly mentioned in the letter.

Now that these letter's are brought to the attention of Rajiv, let's wait.

dsatish, my comments were not meant to be taken personal. If I offended you, I apologize. The words you used the wrong tense as if we did what we did..It is better to find out by yourself what is wrong with them. Plus, there is no need to congratulate someone more than once in the same letter. Choose either the beginning or the end. In this country which I am sure I lived more years than you did and have some experience, smart street as they say, it is considered as "kissing a frog". We do not need that. I wish I could have more time and compose the whole letter. In any case, here is an interesting article showing why the EAD as well as the H-1B are useless wrt "Export Control". Follow the link


Note: My whole US life is more than twenty years, so I lived in this system ON and OFF from the early 80s.
Re: Cinta

Originally posted by dsatish
Here is my answer to your feedback :
1. words : I don't see what's the problem with the words that you mentioned. I agree that i am not a professional writer but nobody has made any remarks on these words.
2. Our Expectation Section : You have gone too far in making the remarks here (saying "It seems like you do not have the capacity to understand"). There is no need to use such language. You better concentrate on the defects of the letter than the person.
Coming back to your question, i don't agree with your assumption that you should not present any solutions in a petition. Petition is nothing but a letter submitted by a group of people asking for remediation to their problems. I felt that the letter will be more effective if you offer possible solutions rather than simply complaining about BCIS . Nobody here said that we should not that paragraph in the letter. It doesn't mean that all these people
do not have capacity to understand.
3. -same as above- . The main purpose of Appendix B is that it helps BCIS understand what we are suggesting to them in order to reduce the backlog. They will look into this if they are serious.
4. who we are : I don't feel that we need to go into the details you wanted. We started this petition effort on behalf of all the people whose I485 is pending at the 4 service centers and that much is very clearly mentioned in the letter.

Now that these letter's are brought to the attention of Rajiv, let's wait.

........and you (dsatish) are saying that you are incorporating all the suggestions? Try to take all suggestions in a right way and incorporate them, if not somebody will comeup with version 4, confusing everybody.

I've seen your petition (and also Edison's), are you planning to include Appendix B also? Because in that appendix, points 2& 3 are essentially same (Half the paragraphs talk about the same stuff), you can integrate them both and it's the same case with 4&5.

I would prefer Edison's version than dsateesh's version. It is more formal and inline with people like Prakash expect.

Finally, we are all in the same boat, let's be united and fight for our cause (not fight among ourselves).
version 3.1 is updated with cinta's suggestions

Hi Cinta,
I really felt affended by your earlier remark and that made me take you lightly. Upon GC050102's suggestion and also with your later explanation later, i took a second look at version 3.1 and i incorporated almost all your suggestions. I addded some stuff in 'our contribution' paragraph so that it better explains who are the people behind this petition. When you said you are in this country for 20 years, i realised that you certainly needed more attention than what i earlier paid. Please feel free to give more inputs .
Forgot to mention that i could not do anything about the last paragraph. It's a much debatable issue (whether we should have it or not) and due to the time constraints, let us leave it for now and see what rajiv says.
Appendix B updated

Hi GC050102,
Thanks for pointing me towards a terrible copy and paste mistake.
Today i made some changes in the word document on my computer and while trying to copy those changes in my posting here, i have pasted the wrong stuff at some places (repeat material is pasted).
version 3.1 modified

Mr Prakash Khatri
Citizenship and Immigration- Ombudsman
Dept of Homeland Security.

Subject : Request for reducing the huge backlog for Employment based I485 applications (Application to Adjust to Permanent Residency or also known as Greencard)

First, we would like to congratulate you on your appointment as the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at the Department of Homeland security. For the past few years, th eemployment based I485 applicants have been a voiceless group. We are passing through a very difficult time because of the slow progress of our applications at California, Nebraska, Texas and Vermont Service centers. We believe that you are the only hope of our voice being heard at BCIS.

The Processing Delays :
Until 2002, in most of the service centers (except Texas service center ) Legacy INS’s decision on the employment based I485 applications used to take less than one year.. But with the introduction of additional security checks combined with shortage of staff at the BCIS centers, the I485 application processing time has now increased to more than 19 months at all the service centers, with Texas Service Center taking more than 2 years. What is worse is, this processing time is increasing every month and BCIS is officially changing it (increasing it) every month.

Our Hardships :
This severe processing delay is affecting our lives enormously. We are not sure of our future, we can not take some important decisions in our lives including marriage, home ownership, children’s education.Our career advancement is hampered because the applicant has to remain with the same employer (or) similar job in order to benefit from this adjustment of status. Most of the employers are taking advantage of the above restrictions and the severe processing delays. These delays have only helped in extending this forced servitude. A general feeling of frustration over these ever-swelling waiting periods is very negatively affecting all of us.

Our Contribution to America :
We all provided our dedicated efforts to this country when it was in desperate need of speciality skilled workers. The persons behind this petition include scientists, highly skilled computer experts, system Analysts, innovators, doctors, teachers etc. We are playing an important role in making the American corporations establish and maintain their leadership in US and global markets. We are now an integral part of almost every major American Corporation. Our continued presence in immigration-glitch free situations is critically important for the growth of American business and the American Economy. While pursuing our American dream, we will continue to contribute towards making this country continue to lead the world technologically and economically.

President Bush's promise :
President Bush made a pledge to reduce the Immigration and Citizenship processing times for all types of applications to less than 180 days when he was elected. While we understand the practical difficulties being faced by BCIS, we feel that no serious effort is being made by BCIS to reduce the processing time of Employment based I485 applications, to less than 1 year. If BCIS does not take the necessary bold and decisive steps now, soon the processing times will reach 36 months or more.

Our Expectations :
We request you to appraise yourselves of our pathetic situation and help us make our voice heard at BCIS. Some of our immediate suggestions are listed below :

1. Increase the priority and resources given to process Employment Based I485 applications
2. Automate / improve the Name check and Security check procedures.
3. Automate the overall approval process
4. Increase the validity period of Finger Printing from the current 13 months
5. Eliminate need for EAD and Advance Parole renewal for employment based cases. Instead of renewing every year, these can be given until a decision has been made on the pending I485 petition.
6. Better Customer Service over phone. We should be able to know the exact status
of our applications and how to remedy any problems.
7. Initiation of a special backlog reduction drive for Employment based I485
applications. It should be taken as a serious project.
8. Allot some adjudicators to exclusively work on old cases (which have Receipt
date prior to the current processing month, but not yet approved). This would help alleviate disparity in the processing periods. People who have applied in 2003 have been accorded their I485 approvals, whence persons who applied in 2000 or 2001 are still waiting for BCIS’s responses.
9. Conditional approval for cases where BCIS did not get final results of Name or
Secuity check.
10. Finally, please get back to us with what BCIS is going to do on these suggestions. Any recommendations or guidelines for our approach will be eagerly followed.

We request you to discuss all the above issues with senior BCIS officials. Kindly inform us of the decisions taken. We see a bright opportunity for us to communicate with BCIS about the issues facing us, in you,

Thanking you

Employment based I485 Applicants
Updated version 3.1

The update looks good to me. Please rephrase the following sentence under processing delays paragraph : "What is worse is, this processing time is increasing ... ". I think "what is worse is" does not look good.
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Jaxen: One more point needs to be added under “our expectation” that local transfer cases must be given highest priority and be interviewed within a month of transfer. These guys have already waited long and should not be made to suffer any longer.
Re: version 3.1 modified

3 things,

1) 4rth point in immediate suggestions, current fp expiring in 13 Months (I think it is 15 Months.)
2) topazB point is very good regarding inclusion of HIGHER PRIORITY ON LOCAL TRANSFERS.
3) very small, 2nd line in first paragraph a typo. It is 'th eemployment' inlieu of 'the employment'.

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Please e-mail me the two petitions. Can you?

Folks, let me take a look at them. I have been extraordinarily busy the last two days. Now I have time. I will work them over and let you have my comments.

E-mail to

Hi Rajiv,

I e-mailed the petition for your reference. We appreciate your comments and thanks for your time.

light at the end of tunnel...

Thanks for your action.

Please respond to Rajiv with the version improved by Jaxen if you have not done so.

I just did (sent the sofy copy to Rajiv by Email). Here is the copy that i have sent.

Did you recieve it ? If not, please download from this post.
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dstatish, can you change that 19 month to 20 month - 24 month, it's no longer 19 months now

typo on line 19, not 2003 but 2002. this is a mistake.

several spacing problems between words and comma.

"Conditional approval for cases whic BCIS has not been able to get final results of Name or Secuity check.

"We request you to discuss all the above issues with senior BCIS officials" not polite, we would like to request is better.

Kindly inform us of the decisions taken. should be "please kindly"

Page 3, line 13. each of us has been living
line 14 should be therefore, instead of there by

line 15, Defence -> Defense

line 18, an asylee

line 24, should be "so that they will work more efficiently"

Page 4, line 7, they should be "The operators"

line 44, should be "at least"

There're many other problems in your document, If you want, I can fix for you, but since you've already sent the document to Rajiv, maybe he will fix it for you.
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i tried to change it to 20 and save it, but i can't save it. I can only save it to my harddisk. "save" is disabled. I can delete that attachment there, but i could not attach a new attachment in the same post. Seems you can only attach files to new posts. So let's keep it. Since we said that it is taking more than 19 months, it is still true.
I have added the suggestions of feb12rd and topaz (see point 10 in suggestions)
19 months is not as long as 20 months even though only one month difference. Here, everything is $xx.99 is not same as $xx+1. 19 let someone thinks it's in teens, but 20 let someone thinks it's more seriously, much longer.
Originally posted by dengdeng
19 months is not as long as 20 months even though only one month difference. Here, everything is $xx.99 is not same as $xx+1. 19 let someone thinks it's in teens, but 20 let someone thinks it's more seriously, much longer.

It's just a petition not a bill or law, so take it easy.