Employment based immigration backlog petition

Re: Version 2.0

Sorry, I didn't know that because I am not from India. There appears to be a cultural perception of words being used. Thanks for pointing it out. Edison's final version of paragraphs 1 looks good to me.

Ok, guys I am grateful for the effort everybody has put in. Let's finalize it send it to Mr. Prakash ASAP.

Could someone take the lead to put the whole thing togehter (letter + appendix)? I nominate Edison.

Originally posted by sai-2367
Understanding Indian bureaucracy(Prakash?), "grateful / thankful" might appeal better, although appreciate is what we normally use.

We haven't done yesterday. Let's do it today at 8pm. Let's finalize the letter and appendix. What do you say Edison , dengdeng , Topaz, Cinta, Mavishka , YJay , mogli etc ?
dsatish, chat on the forum is difficult, since it's difficult to post while reading others'.
and you can't post twice in less than 30 seconds.
Not as good as online chat.
chat on this forum is very slow,every time after you post, it will lead you to "thank you for your post" page and you have to refresh the browser to see the new post. I would suggest we find a fast chat room
I am OK for chatting on the link that you have sent yesterday. What about others ? Shall we chat on the link that dengdeng has sent ? Where is Edison ? No posting from him from yesterday afternoon. Looks like he is in the blackout area (Newyork).
haha, Edison blacked out, he invented lights.....

Anybody can find a better chat room?

And does anyone know if it's safe to turn on computers.
I heard the blaster virus will attack this weekend heavily.
edisor or dsatish, can you guys post a final version for ppl to discuss here and also the time to enter chat room
i can publish my final version by tomorrow. Let's bring the best points of v2.0 and v3.0 together.
Final version


Let us see the final version and then comment again.

As far as following this with other actions, please see article from "Murthy" as to why BCIS is working on asylee cases. Let us examine this more closely.

Government Sued Over Mishandling of Asylee Adjustment Cases

The February 22, 2002 MurthyBulletin included an article, available on
MurthyDotCom, on the American Immigration Law Foundation (AILF)
Annual Immigrant Achievement Awards Dinner, which honors highly
accomplished immigrants and raises funds for AILF activities. One example
of these important activities is a class-action lawsuit, filed jointly by AILF
and a private law firm, against the INS, the Attorney General, and the
Commissioner of the INS for alleged failure to properly issue permanent
residence to persons who filed for the green card based upon a grant of
asylum status.

Individuals who are granted asylum status may apply for permanent
residence after they have held the asylum status for one year. There is no
limit to the number of persons who can be granted asylum status. Under
law, however, of these individuals, only 10,000 per year can be approved for
adjustment to green card status. An applicant can file for the green card,
whether or not one of the 10,000 numbers is available to him or her. There
is then a waiting list for allocation of green card approvals. Cases stay in
"pending status" until the approval can be granted.

The lawsuit charges that, over the past eight years, the government has not
issued many of the available green cards, has failed to keep track of the
numbers, and has failed to process the applications on a
first-come-first-served basis. Additionally, the suit claims that certain
individuals who are exempt from the limit of 10,000 are kept on the waiting
list in error, due to their being granted asylum status under certain special
programs. The suit also alleges that certain exempt applicants were
included in the 10,000 approved cases, disadvantaging those regular
applicants who should have been included.

The applicants suffer in many ways. They are forced to spend extra money
in order to renew their employment authorization cards each year, at a fee
that is now $120.00. They are required to undergo repeated fingerprinting,
as the prints expire after 15 months. They must also undergo repeated
medical examinations, at an expense of $200-$250 each. These expenses
can cause substantial hardship, particularly to asylees who often escape
their countries with little more than the clothes on their backs. In many
instances, these people are trying to send money to their families overseas
who are in desperate need.

But the delays cost these applicants more than money. They are subject to
delays in their ability to petition for family members and for themselves
becoming U.S. citizens. They may have difficulty enrolling in schools, be
unable to obtain loans necessary to the furthering of their educations, and
have to pay out-of-state tuitions even within their particular states of

The lawsuit claims that more than 18,000 of the available asylee
adjustment numbers were not distributed. The suit asks the INS to
distribute the unused numbers, administer the waiting list properly on a
first-come-first-served basis, and find a way to eliminate the need to renew
the employment authorization card for pending cases.

© The Law Office of Sheela Murthy, P.C.
I know you guys have been working on the final version. If we have something ready by tonight, I can print them and hand them as flyers during the cultural festival in Atlanta to raise awareness among people to our plight. This way we can get more signatures.
I'll see if I can log in at 8:00 pm.

But Edison is still "missing".

Originally posted by dsatish
We haven't done yesterday. Let's do it today at 8pm. Let's finalize the letter and appendix. What do you say Edison , dengdeng , Topaz, Cinta, Mavishka , YJay , mogli etc ?
When he's held up in the elevator, maybe he came with a brilliant proposal of petition. He can concentrate on it while waiting.
Looks like chatting may not be possible. I will use the week-end to prerpare a final version (my final copy). I request others also to spend time and prepare their final versions. It's basically making little improvements to version 2.0 and 3.0 and bringing the bet points together.
For me the most importsnt aspects are the following :
1. Letter should be short and sweet (people generally do not read long letters)
2. It sould have emotional appeal
3. It should not have any controversial issues (any mention of 9/11 etc)
4. The major portion of the main letter should be devoted to "what we expect from BCIS" (the last paragraph). If we put this matter in Appendix, then there is no guarantee that it will be read.
I agree with much of what you have said.
Just keep in mind that Prakash being a new guy can easily get overwhelmed with letters demanding a lot. Also the idea is to get it out soon, as Rajiv will review it anyway for accuracy and content.



Originally posted by dsatish
Looks like chatting may not be possible. I will use the week-end to prerpare a final version (my final copy). I request others also to spend time and prepare their final versions. It's basically making little improvements to version 2.0 and 3.0 and bringing the bet points together.
For me the most importsnt aspects are the following :
1. Letter should be short and sweet (people generally do not read long letters)
2. It sould have emotional appeal
3. It should not have any controversial issues (any mention of 9/11 etc)
4. The major portion of the main letter should be devoted to "what we expect from BCIS" (the last paragraph). If we put this matter in Appendix, then there is no guarantee that it will be read.
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