Employment based immigration backlog petition

Short break

Originally posted by Edison
good work. let me know if we need to include anything in the main petition from appendix.
lets have brief description in the main letter and detailed explanation in the appendix.

Edison and all the other folks,

Let us take a short break (couple of hours)as we have other duties to perform. I will comment for the letters in the afternoon. I think we still need to spice it a little bit! As far as the Appendices, let us see if it is professionally/businesslike acceptable to have them, otherwise we incorporate the most important points into the letter. Another point for now, let us point only the Interim GC as a solution, not a lot of suggestions. If we go back into the INS history (80s and 90s) they along with Congress found solutions (see, Chinese students for example). More later...
Cheers to all.

Appendix B

1: We all work in a diverse array of jobs, sustaining the ailing American economy on our part. This is the basis of the Employment based Immigration.
* I've rephrased the above.

* fellow americans? We are not americans, atleast not yet.

I feel it could be rephrased as follows:
We all pay federal, state, city, social security and unemployment taxes. Homeowners pay property and school taxes, thus supporting our communities and cities we live in.

* Might be better to leave out "It is unfair to be treated worse than criminals in many instances."
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Per your suggestion let's not change para 1:

"We are pleased to congratulate you on your appointment as the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at Department of Homeland security. We, the immigrant community, appreciate the potential of more effective communication with Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services (BCIS)."

"hardships caused to the applicants and the United States"
will be changed to

"hardships caused to the applicants"
My 2 cents

Instead of long and winding sentences, we should try to convey the message in small sentences. By the time one completes the sentence, it's easy to lose track of the content.

I agree with dsatish about the opening statement. When 'we are pleased is used' it sounds like conferring some award on someone. 'We are pleased to announce your GC has been approved in 3 months....'

Moderator wins:

So para 1 is:

"We would like to congratulate you on your appointment as the Citizenship and Immigration Ombudsman at Department of Homeland security. We, the immigrant community, have long awaited for someone like you with deep experience and liaisons with the industry to be appointed so that we could communicate effectively with Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services"
Actually, i have not read a single sentence of Cinta's appendix. I was just happy that some prepared a good appendix ( it appeared good to look). But after seeing mogli's comments, i feel that we have to scrutiny the whole appendix, word by word. I agree with all of mogli's comments.
Here is a suggestion : Since we are all working now, we really can't focus much on proof reading and finalising the petition, especially because there are divergent views and it's not good for any one to say that "OK guys, here is the final letter". How about having a conference call in the week-end ? I can book a free conference call and send Email to you with the bridge number and pass code. Is it OK ? We will have printed copies of the latest drafts and let's review them point by point.
Somewhere it says '...as we contribute to the Government coffins in the form...'. It should be coffers, we don't contribute to coffins; that sounds very morbid.
Edisor, I think we should point out the second FP problem in appendix, it really becomes an issue people are very confused
and anxiously waiting for answers.
I don't think conference call will help much. Also it is very difficult to adjust the individual schedule due to prior commitments , also conference call will be restricted to few participants.

I feel it would be better if all the active participants logon to this forum today evening and post the comments or schedule a time to discuss on this forum today evening.

If we feel that conference call is going to help, then it like attesting that we can't achieve anything fruitful on this forum.
I have booked a conference call for this Saturday. Here are the details :
Date : 8/16 (Saturday)
Time : 2 PM (EST)
Duration : 2 hours (maximum)
Bridge Number : 323-785-4156
Pass Code : 73667

You will be charged for long distance charges only.
Please let me know who is wiling to join ? If no one is interested, i can cancel the call.
Actually, when 20 officers back to work on 485 cases in Oct, it will be much faster, and Oct.Nov.Dec backlogs will be cleared in one month.
Even if we write and sign the petition, the earliest time VSC will take our petition into account is Oct. Same thing.

Read my thread about "20 officers work on 485 cases"
Looks like online chatting is better preferred. So let's complete our work on this forum only. Just ignore the conference call. Shall we chat tonight in this forum (or) shall we chat tomorrow ?
I am all for tonight!. Let us get this over soon. You guys have done a tremendous job. Decisions take time and the sooner we send it the better will it be.

Schedule a time, and let's do it. Even if we have most contributors of this letter, we should go ahead.
Rajiv has already offered to review it . It will be good if he sees the final draft when he logs-on tomorrow morning.

OK, let me create a thread to ask how many people want to join tonight's chat to finalize the letter. We definitely want more people's participation.
Re: Re: Version 2.0

Understanding Indian bureaucracy(Prakash?), "grateful / thankful" might appeal better, although appreciate is what we normally use.


Originally posted by YJay

2. We don't need to be superior to say "appreciate". You can appreciate President Bush, your manangers, your supervisors and anything to your favor. The synonyms are "be grateful for", "be thankful for", etc.
