dalal screw the bhadva who cheated you
tell employer you will write one letter with 7 departments:
1. State DOL
2. Federal DOL
3. Indain Consulate NY
4. US consulate Chennai
5. Departmentof Homealnd Security (enforcement department)
6 FBI if funds were removed from your account without authorization or permission. what right does anyone have to extract funds from your bank account. this is pure fraud
7 departmnet of state where visa was issued (anti fraud unit)
threaten to sue for damages,lost pay, fraud and violation of immigration laws, further contend that you were exploited into slavery by desi bhadva due to USCIS stupidity for delaying your case causing you to be a virtual slave
note: tell him all these fancy terms and names and he will shit bricks and pay you back.Also tell him since he held your h1 he is liable for airline tickets (not exactly sure,but some law saying he has to pay your fare back if you leave or he fired you)
you cna get back pay for the two pay periods and any illegal benching (did not pay fully while employed due to bench time) or any other illegal deductions.
send him a letter saying he owes you the entire amount and he has 1 week to pay or else you are writing to everyone and also add in a few press newspapers saying you aree reporting the case to everyone and his chance of ever employing a desi again are zero as the DOL will blacklist him, Chennai visa consulate will never issue a H1 for his company and DOL will definitely go to recover back pay if you insist. there are laws in this country and they follow them,. you can get your money back if you want to and help teach the dog a lesson
dont spare these dogs teach them a lesson so they wont abuse people due to USCIS delays and their golden window to enforce slavery as long as USCIS continues to delay the cases
i think each deparmtent has an annonymous complaints and violations department also where you can report abusers and exploters. once you ahve left his clutches,pay him back for his kindness fully with interest
Note: "i am not a legal advisor or lawyer,but i encourage you to file as many reports as possible against unethical employers"
I also encourage you to use AC21 free yourself and then fight, there is no point living in slavery of your existing employer or any unethical scum