EB1- OR: please update your info.

Hi Wtli,
it is beyond relief ... to the point that relief lost its meaning: desensitized :rolleyes:
In my case I had a lawyer. His suggestion is to go through the liaison. This is a lawyer, I suppose, who has been designated to intercede wit the INS office for such inquiries. I could not do it myself since I am the beneficiary. If the posted date is 1 month past your Receipt date (RD), have the proper person for your case file an inquiry on your behalf. Make sure you have that filed by the proper channel so that your dossier does not travel around and be delayed in its adjudication.
It is your right to file an inquiry when the posted date is 1 month past RD. I have no idea whether my starting an inquiry triggered the adjudication. My advice is that if you can do something to help your case within the bounds of what you are allowed to do then "do it".
Good luck.

wtli said:
Congratulations. mzgh and rajan123.
you two must be greatly relieved as you two have RD far earlier than the published date. I have a RD 08/12 still no information. mzgh, do you think your case inquirey triggered your case processing? How did you ask your boss to make the inquiry, just send a letter(fax) to INS? Thank you very much.
congratulations, mzgh.
I am still waiting, its never ending, hope to hear something soon.
Dear skusa,
I urge you to start the "liaison" process. It will certainly help. Your light will shine soon too. I will pray secular thoughts for you.
skusa said:
congratulations, mzgh.
I am still waiting, its never ending, hope to hear something soon.
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Got an RFE on EB1 EA, anyone with similar experience..?

Hi all,

Following are the excerpts from RFE:

"While the letters of recommendation are intended as praise, and are indeed praise, they are not the caliber of praise that would flatter some of the senior scientists authors of those letters. ....We note that those letters appear to have been prepared to support for a less restrictive immigration visa classification than the extraordinary classification."

My Questions:

1. Do I need to get more letters and what should I ask my authors to highlight?

2. Does the guy mean that I should apply for other catgory, EB2 (NIW) ...perhaps?

If anybody got through with similar experience please help.

EA_visa said:
Hi all,

Following are the excerpts from RFE:

"While the letters of recommendation are intended as praise, and are indeed praise, they are not the caliber of praise that would flatter some of the senior scientists authors of those letters. ....We note that those letters appear to have been prepared to support for a less restrictive immigration visa classification than the extraordinary classification."

My Questions:

1. Do I need to get more letters and what should I ask my authors to highlight?

2. Does the guy mean that I should apply for other catgory, EB2 (NIW) ...perhaps?

If anybody got through with similar experience please help.


I have some general knowledge on the subject though I applied on EB1-OR

Do you have an attourney ? If not, I would strongly recommend you to hire one at this point. Your are very close to approval, it is much easier to answer the RFE than to start again.

Regarding the questions:

1) Yeah, maybe some additional letter would help. But also a letter from your attorney stressing why the existing letters and documentation DO support you as an EA. Also, you mught include other additional documentation.

2) The obvious alternative is OR, not NIW. NIW means something very particular, that you represent a value for the US national interest.

OR is VERY general, you ONLY have to show that you are a very good (about or above average) researcher in your field. EA means EXTRAORDINARY, and they mean it. That's why my lawyer recommended me in the first place to use OR. Because quite frankly the only person who thinks I am extraordinary is my mother, and my wife after some wine ;)

Seriously, EA is easy if you have an international prize, something that shows clearly that you are THE person in your field, in your generation. And then there are some levels of gray inbetween.

A guy from my institute, with qualifications similar to mine, applied as EA, and got rejected after 1 RFE. My OR went through just fine. The other difference between us is that I used a lawyer, they ARE useful.

I don't mean to scare you, I'd rather go downstairs with my son, and I'll do it in a minute, but I thought I should let you know how I see things and try to help out. Maybe you fit well as an EA, don't forget the "E" part of it for the RFE.

Best luck, keep us posted!
Thanks Mendieta,

Your feedback was helpful. The problem is my institute does not, as a policy, support green card applications. So the only other category where I can apply myself is NIW. Also my work involves research in cancer, so it is of US national interest.

Just one more question, for OR application, should I just get a letter from my boss as a petitioner or this has to go officially through the institution?

EA_visa said:
Thanks Mendieta,

Your feedback was helpful. The problem is my institute does not, as a policy, support green card applications. So the only other category where I can apply myself is NIW. Also my work involves research in cancer, so it is of US national interest.

Just one more question, for OR application, should I just get a letter from my boss as a petitioner or this has to go officially through the institution?


AFAIK in principle it is institutional. But there is a fine line there: if you have a good lawyer maybe she/he can, you know, make it look institutional.

But hey, IMHO your case looks like a clear NIW, and your qualifications don't need to be stronger for a NIW than they need for OR. In other words, if you have to start all over,I'd go for NIW. In this case it is good to get letters from national labs, senators, stuff like that.

But then again, I don't see why you would drop the EA case right now, I'd definitely answer the RFE, along the lines I posted above. Trying to show that you are extraordinary.

Thanks again Mendieta,

I shall certainly reply to the RFE but I am just preparing for any eventuality, so NIW would be as a backup.

alexk said:
The main problem they found was with recommendation letters. I submitted 7 letters- 4 from USA and 3 from Canada, Germany and Sweden. They replied: The letters of recommendation you submitted are noted. However, is beneficiary considered to be at the SAME level as the authors of the letters of recommendation? (Those who gave me letters are professors, section chiefs and a director of an institute.)
Conclusion: it has not been demonstrated that he belongs to an elite group of other individuals who have also reached the very top of the field as well.

On the other hand I presented inventions, on which I am a co-author and 19 publications out of which I am on 11 is first author.

I put everything together pretty much carefully and had documents lined up logically. I have several inventions, that were filed by my lab chief. My name is the second. As a proof that I am major contributor to the invention I presented a first author (my name first) paper in top journal describing the invention . In addition I presented letters from collaborators, stating that I am a major contributor to the invention and describing how extraordinary I am and how important my inventions are. Additionally I add to the list several inventions supported by publications where I am just a co-author.
So, what do I get in response:
The beneficiary has gained a certain amount of recognition among his peers and the scientific community in general. The inventions in which he has been INVOLVED are noted along with his publications, invitations as a speaker, poster presentations, and contributions to his field. However, it must be noted that he is NOT NAMED as the principal inventor but rather is named among several other individuals. The same applies to his poster presentations, publications, etc. While it is noted that scientific research is often a collaborative effort, it must be shown that the beneficiary stands out amongst his peers and has reached the very top of the field.
I do not understand how else you prove your first authorship. Send them my lab notebooks? Just kidding. I will ask several more experts to write letters. And will resubmit them. I am not decided yet if I have to hire a layer.

Hi Alexk,

I have been through your postings in this thread. I got an RFE in my EB1 EA 140 almost with the same wording regarding recommendation letters(ie. "However, is beneficiary considered to be at the SAME level as the authors of the letters of recommendation?) . I think same guy might be my adjudicator :) . Since your 140 has been approved, could you throw some light on this as to how you takcled your RFE?

I have several publications in very good journals including one invited paper and an invitation to be a reviewer in a journal.

Let me know.


I just ignored this problem. I still believe that no one in this world who's position in scientific hierarchy is higher than yours will write you a letter which will state that you (a post-doc or research scientist) are at the same level of expertise and reputation as they are.

What I did, was to get more letters from independent researchers (Lab chiefs or professors) and point out that they were seeking my expertise or advice to resolve important problems. This is how I wrote it in a cover letter:

These very accomplished scientists in their own right have not supervised Dr. ...’s graduate or post-graduate research studies or employment. They have, however, become familiar with Dr. .....’s accomplishments through his many internationally circulated journal articles and presentations. Scientists from many countries have solicited Dr. ....’s expertise and relied on his research findings in order to further their own cancer research efforts.

Good luck.
Thanks Alexk,

This is very helpful. I am in a process of preparing cover letter. I am also trying to get more letters and add two very recent publications. This I may come back for suggestions.

To include new publications will be helpful. I did it to demonstrate continuing contribution to the field.

Also, invited paper is very useful. You may want to include an editor's letter and all positive reviews. This will show that you are highly regarded in your field.
Thanks Alexk,

In fact about to ask your suggestion on this matter. I have one invited paper and an invitation to be a reviewer from the editor of a journal.

  • To edit the list, please reply QUOTED and remove the "quote" (and other additional) tags, to preserve formatting
  • Approvals in boldface, RFES not yet approved in italics
  • This is for I-140 EB-1 Outstanding Researchers @ Vermont

immigrationcom -------06/13/02 ----------------------------


reverse_man--------09/04/02--------5/15/04 --------------------

***** 9/16/2002 ***** USCIS CURRENT PROCESSING TIME *****

mendieta-------------09/23/02----06/02/04 --------------------
NY_OR --------------07/10/03 ---------------------------------------
IceTea --------------12/01/03 ---------------------------------------
USCIS website Updates?

Hi all

There was supposed to be an update on Processing Times this weekend - what happened?

rpb8260 said:
Hi all

There was supposed to be an update on Processing Times this weekend - what happened?



AFAIK, these updates are not exactly every two weeks, USCIS may post new processing dates anytime this week ...
Hi! Guys: I have been waiting for my EB12-OR from VSC since June'02. It is really frustrating. Please share your thoughts about these questions.

1. What are the reasons, except lucky or not, for VSC to process Sept. cases while some May-Aug. people are still waiting?

2. If I re-submit I-140 under NIW section, can I still use my recommendation letters of EB12-OR, which are wroten two years ago

Thanks in advance. IC
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Have you started a case status referal on you case? Have the person representing you call on your behalf.


immigrationcom said:
Hi! Guys: I have been waiting for my EB12-OR from VSC since June'02. It is really frustrating. Please share your thoughts about these questions.

1. What are the reasons, except unlucky, for VSC to process Sept. cases while some May-Aug. people are still waiting?

2. If I re-submit I-140 under NIW section, can I still use my recommendation letters of EB12-OR, which are wroten two years ago

Thanks in advance. IC
mzgh said:
Have you started a case status referal on you case? Have the person representing you call on your behalf.

I started case referal two monthes ago without any response. The person representing me wrote them instead of calling them. She doesn't want to wait for the call. IC
immigrationcom said:
I started case referal two monthes ago without any response. The person representing me wrote them instead of calling them. She doesn't want to wait for the call. IC

I am sorry to hear that, though I am not surprised. She should have CALLED IMHO, this is what the USCIS suggests to do in their proceesing times webpage, an really, calling the 1800 number is quick these days. It used to be a pain in the *** when there was no customer care 1800 number, but now it is quick and much faster. We all know it takes a month to USCIS to even open a letter they receive :-(