EAD, AP & FP status for May, 2001

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Hi Syngreen,

8/21 is the AVM updated date or AP received date.
Appreciate your response

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8/21 is the date I received my AP by mail. I didnot check AVM . IF
you have a valid H1 visa stamp , you donot need to worry about AP though

AP approved but never recvd (RD: 5/15 ND: 7/15)

RD: 5/15 ND: 7/15
AVM says that a AP approval was mailed on Aug 9th
but I have not received it at all.
Any suggestions on what I should do ?
Summary of EAD/AP/FP as of 8/22/2001

EAD/AP/FP Tracking for RD in May/Jun 2001HandlerRDWAC-NO.APEADFPADKakinada 4/0901-1717/??6/??WSoon amburan 4/26U7/09WWSoonAllanGreenSpan4/2901-2247/20WWSoon Bongo 4/3001-2237/20WWSoon gz82 5/0101-2307/25WWSoonCSCvictim 5/0101-226N/AWWSoon daysleft 5/0301-2287/23iEAD(wife:8/16), Self:WWSoon Johnson J 5/0401-2287/09WWSoon cheetah 5/04U7/29WWSoon rrao_k 5/04UWWWSoonI-485 hopeful 5/0701-227WWWSoon help ins 5/0801-230UWWSoon hsc 5/0801-2318/15WWSoon VenkataC 5/0901-2317/23WWSoon obajaj 5/0901-224WWWSoon carter yen 5/1401-2337/19WWSoon damsel 5/1401-2337/31iEAD:8/17WSoon brush 5/1401-2348/10Wife:iEAD:8/15WSoon AZ-Boy 5/1401-233W:RFEWWSoon 485485 5/14UWWWSoonsuresh d 5/1501-2358/02WWSoon vaneetb 5/1501-2358/10WWSoon ramnath 5/1501-2358/12WWSoon zone5/15U8/09WWSoonGreenBoy 5/1601-2368/10WWSoon rrrash 5/1601-235WWWSoon JPGREENCARD 5/1601-236WWWSoon immiviewer 5/1701-2368/3WWSoon kumarSunil 5/1701-237WWWSoon smrao50 5/1701-2378/03WWSoon csc485 5/1701-2368/10WWSoon montybhatia 5/1801-2368/02iEAD:8/20WSoon RHT 5/1801-237WWWSoon davidjed 5/1801-2368/17WWSoon acg5/1801-2378/17WWSooncsg raj 5/2101-238WWWSoon S. Singh 5/22UWWWSoon Grams 5/2301-243 8/17WWSoon A Singh 5/2301-240N/AN/AWSoonhumbleman 5/2301-242 8/20N/AWSoonThinkDifferent5/23U8/21WWSoon syngreen5/23U8/21WWSoonRadh 5/24UWWWSoon M K Gautam 5/2501-2478/12WWSoon ray888 5/29UWWWSoon mohan3000 5/30UWWWSoon cscer 5/3001-250WWWSoon Total Count474730100

Legend: I assume everyone knows what are RD/EAD/AP/FP... blah, blah, blah....
AD: Approval Date
U : got it but didn\'t provide or ...(Unknown)
W : Waiting
N/A: Not Applied
iEAD: Interim EAD
  : Only for new Handler/AP/EAD/FP/AD, New added RD & WAC-NO. will not use this indicator!

Please keep updating your info.
If any of your data is wrong, post a message to info me.
Summary of May thread as of 08/23

Summary of May thread as of 08/23

  Summary (May) 50 50 50 -- 28 0 0 0 -- Handle MD RD ND WAC# AP EAD FP AD Remarks bongo 4/30 5/01 6/30 01-233 7/20 CSCvictim 5/01 5/01 7/03 01-226 no AP gz82 5/01 5/01 7/10 01-230 7/25 daysleft 5/01 5/03 7/06 01-228 7/23* iEAD 8/16 rrao_k 5/02 5/04 6/20 00-000 smallCo 5/01 5/04 7/05 00-000 7/20 cheetah 5/03 5/04 7/06 00-000 7/29 Johnson J 5/03 5/04 7/06 01-228 I-485 hopeful 5/03 5/07 7/05 01-227 help ins 5/07 5/08 7/11 01-230 7/23 hsc 5/08 5/08 7/11 01-231 8/15* kobayashi 5/07 5/08 7/17 00-000 7/27 obajaj 5/04 5/09 7/02 01-224 VenkataC 5/09 5/09 7/11 01-231 7/23 carter yen 5/07 5/14 7/13 01-233 7/19 AZ-Boy 5/11 5/14 7/13 01-233 AP-RFE for copy of 140 damsel 5/10 5/14 7/16 01-233 7/31 iEAD 8/16 brush 5/11 5/14 7/16 01-234 8/10 iEAD 8/15 485485 5/13 5/14 7/16 00-000 GC_In_1_Day 5/11 5/14 7/16 00-000 zone 5/14 5/15 7/15 00-000 8/09 suresh d 5/14 5/15 7/17 01-235 8/02 ramnath 5/14 5/15 7/17 01-235 8/12 vaneetb 5/14 5/15 7/18 01-235 8/10 montybhatia 5/15 5/16 7/18 00-000 8/02 GreenBoy 5/15 5/16 7/18 01-236 8/10 JPGREENCARD 5/15 5/16 7/18 01-236 rrrash 5/11 5/16 7/18 01-235 immiviewer 5/07 5/17 7/18 01-236 8/03 csc485 5/16 5/17 7/18 01-236 8/10 smrao50 5/16 5/17 7/19 01-237 8/03 KumarSunil 5/16 5/17 7/19 01-237 montybhatia 5/17 5/18 7/18 01-236 8/02 iEAD 8/20 acg 5/17 5/18 7/19 01-237 8/17 RHT 5/17 5/18 7/20 01-237 davidjed 5/17 5/18 7/24 01-236 8/17* gc_waiter 5/18 5/19 7/18 00-000 csg raj 5/20 5/21 7/23 01-238 S.Singh 5/21 5/22 7/23 00-000 A Singh 5/22 5/23 7/24 01-240 no AP, EAD Grams 5/22 5/23 7/27 01-243 8/17 humbleman 5/23 5/23 7/27 01-242 8/20 no EAD Radha Yalavarthi 5/22 5/23 7/27 00-000 syngreen 5/22 5/23 8/05 00-000 8/21* Radh K 5/22 5/24 7/30 00-000 M K Gautam 5/24 5/25 8/02 01-247 8/12 Ray888 5/28 5/29 8/06 00-000 Mohan3000 5/29 5/30 8/07 00-000 cscer 5/30 5/31 8/06 01-250 Handle MD RD ND WAC# AP EAD FP AD Remarks
    MD Mailed Date RD Receive Date   ND Notification Date AP Advanced Parole Approval Date   EAD Employment Authorization Approval Date iEAD Interim EAD   FP Finger Print Date AD AOS Approval Date   WAC# I-485 Receipt number (First 5 digits in WAC XX-XXX format)   * Indicates Receive Date (deduct app. 5 days for Approval date)

- PCee
Here is the reason why I have to post another summary...

Here is the reason why I have to post another summary...

In the past I tried to convince carter yen several times to carry ND with his summary and for some reason he don\'t want to do that! He THINKS that ND is not an important piece of information in tracking summary (even though I mentioned him that every summary on the net does carries ND with it).

I am watching AP approval dates very closely and as of now, once packets are opened (ND) people are getting approvals with in a week or two. It may not be the case in the future. For this reason I wanted ND also in there so that it will help, not only those who are waiting for AP and EAD etc. but also those who are waiting for receipts.

What should I do if I need that information (ND) and the person creating it don\'t want to carry it? I thought I should do it on my own, and that\'s what I am doing.

Sorry that you have to put-up with another summary at this time and thanks for your patience.

By the way I didn\'t copy carter yen summary at this time! Rather I went though the entire thread and updated the summary I created in the past (I have to do this because I need to find ND). Note that I dropped couple of entries that belongs to April thread.

- PCee
is AP date the date it says issued?

The date it says was issued is Aug 04, they mailed it on Aug17th and it is valid till Aug 03 2002. So what is the AP date???
EAD/AP/FP Summary of May RD as of 8/23/2001

EAD/AP/FP Tracking for RD in May/Jun 2001HandlerRDWAC-NO.APEADFPAD
Kakinada 4/0901-1717/??6/??WSoon amburan 4/26U7/09WWSoonAllanGreenSpan4/2901-2247/20WWSoon Bongo 4/3001-2237/20WWSoon gz82 5/0101-2307/25WWSoonCSCvictim 5/0101-226N/AWWSoon daysleft 5/0301-2287/23iEAD(wife:8/16), Self:WWSoon Johnson J 5/0401-2287/09WWSoon cheetah 5/04U7/29WWSoon rrao_k 5/04UWWWSoonI-485 hopeful 5/0701-227WWWSoon help ins 5/0801-230UWWSoon hsc 5/0801-2318/15WWSoon VenkataC 5/0901-2317/23WWSoon obajaj 5/0901-224WWWSoon carter yen 5/1401-2337/19WWSoon damsel 5/1401-2337/31iEAD:8/17WSoon brush 5/1401-2348/10Wife:iEAD:8/15WSoon AZ-Boy 5/1401-233W:RFEWWSoon 485485 5/14UWWWSoon suresh d 5/1501-2358/02WWSoon vaneetb 5/1501-2358/10WWSoon ramnath 5/1501-2358/12WWSoon zone 5/15U8/09WWSoonGreenBoy 5/1601-2368/10WWSoon rrrash 5/1601-235WWWSoon JPGREENCARD 5/1601-236WWWSoon ND 7/23(Mailed: 5/16)U8/22WWSoon immiviewer 5/1701-2368/3 iEAD: 8/23WSoon kumarSunil 5/1701-237WWWSoon smrao50 5/1701-2378/03WWSoon csc485 5/1701-2368/10WWSoon montybhatia 5/1801-2368/02iEAD:8/20WSoon RHT 5/1801-237WWWSoon davidjed 5/1801-2368/17WWSoon acg 5/1801-2378/17WWSooncsg raj 5/2101-238WWWSoon S. Singh 5/22UWWWSoonGrams 5/2301-2438/04WWSoon A Singh 5/2301-240N/AN/AWSoonhumbleman 5/2301-2428/20N/AWSoonThinkDifferent5/23U8/21WWSoonsyngreen 5/23U8/21WWSoon S Ray 5/2301-2408/14(Wife & Self)WWSoonRadh 5/24UWWWSoonM K Gautam 5/2501-2478/12WWSoon ray888 5/29UWWWSoon mohan3000 5/30UWWWSoon cscer 5/3001-250WWWSoon Total Count494932100

RD: Received Date EAD: Employment Authorization Document
AP: Advanced Parole FP : Finger Print
AD: Approval Date
U : got it but didn\'t provide or ...(Unknown)
W : Waiting
N/A: Not Applied
iEAD: Interim EAD
  : Only for new Handler/AP/EAD/FP/AD, New added RD & WAC-NO. will not use this indicator!

Please keep updating your info.
If any of your data is wrong, post a message to info me.

I agree with PCee. I think you should add ND to the stats. It will be of some help.

carter yen Pls add ND

Hi Yen,

First of all thanks for maintaining such a good table and bringing us all together till we get our GC.

I will really apriciate if you can add ND to it.

Once again Thanks
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Notification date on your AP approval Notice is the AP date that I wanted to track. So if you already have your approval notice in hand you can find out what is that date, OR else If you call AVM then you will know the approval date from the message.

I am not sure exactly where this Aug17 came from! Is it from the postal stamp OR is it from approval notice? If it is from postal stamp then by comparing it to the actual notice date (approval) may give other peice of information i.e. how long it will take INS for shipping/mailing.

I know in the past (when things were taking really long for approvals) in some cases INS approved some APs with back dates and by the time they reached the candidate they are already expired or going to expire very soon.

- PCee
Received AP dated 8/5/01 by mail

carter please update.

Received AP dated 8/5/01 by mail