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DV2010 Asia Only


Thankyou very much for all your response. Atleast it makes us feel that people from Asia are waiting.

Gcard_Dream, that was a very good one ..

My Friends,
This year I think the way of posting the letters is different from past years. I mean this year the time that a letter posted and be receive by a winner is very long. Maybe they are using very low price post service for this purpose.

Maybe Aisan letters will be out tomorrow 1/May and it will receive until 15/May inside US!:cool:

We all are waiting for our Big white damn envelope!!! ;)
May be KCC decided to send all the DV NLs for Asia via ship and the ship carrying all the DV NLs for Asia got hijacked by Somalian pirates. Damn pirates :D

Asians with addresses in US should not be impacted by this hijack, however.

My Friends,
This year I think the way of posting the letters is different from past years. I mean this year the time that a letter posted and be receive by a winner is very long. Maybe they are using very low price post service for this purpose.

Maybe Aisan letters will be out tomorrow 1/May and it will receive until 15/May inside US!:cool:

We all are waiting for our Big white damn envelope!!! ;)
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not yet i guess.. my hope will still be here until end of may ..

GCard ..
hahahaha i was there when Obama become president .. I should've run to him asking for the green card ..

I was there when he was still debating with Hilary to get the Democratic nomination. If I knew he was going to win, I would have done what you have suggested :cool:
My Friends,
This year I think the way of posting the letters is different from past years. I mean this year the time that a letter posted and be receive by a winner is very long. Maybe they are using very low price post service for this purpose.

Maybe Aisan letters will be out tomorrow 1/May and it will receive until 15/May inside US!:cool:

We all are waiting for our Big white damn envelope!!! ;)

USPS is losing money, and oh, postage goes up on May11, day after Mother's Day.
May be KCC decided to send all the DV NLs for Asia via ship and the ship carrying all the DV NLs for Asia got hijacked by Somalian pirates. Damn pirates :D

Asians with addresses in US should be impacted by this hijack, however.

LOL GCard_Dream..... I like the way you think! :)
I have been waiting and waiting and have been playing for 5 years..... Working in the US now... My mail box still doesn't have the NL :( When will it come for folks from Asia living in the USA?
S.O said KCC blocked NL for Asia Region.
No more Asia winners this year . . . the last year for us.

No more southeast Asia??? Oh, no--!! but..why we could apply for DV2010?? I hope we will be winners...
S.O said KCC blocked NL for Asia Region.
No more Asia winners this year . . . the last year for us.

Where is this source? Logic will tell anyone it's just false. Otherwise, when the results are available online in July and not one person from Asia wins, there will be uproar given Asia was included in the qualifying zone (apart from the specifically excluded regions). Use common sense guys...
May be KCC decided to send all the DV NLs for Asia via ship and the ship carrying all the DV NLs for Asia got hijacked by Somalian pirates. Damn pirates :D

Asians with addresses in US should not be impacted by this hijack, however.

I should've sent it to my friend's mailbox in Houston .. demm.. hehehee :rolleyes:
S.O said KCC blocked NL for Asia Region.
No more Asia winners this year . . . the last year for us.

why would KCC do that?.. especially when they specifically allowed AS region to apply. I don't know, doesn't sound reliable nor logical at all.
I honestly hope this is not the truth, although I have to admit that it is really strange we haven't heard of any AS winners yet... I don't know what to think
Relax, guys. The consular center simply processes and sends out NLs region by region, because it makes sense to do so logistically. It doesn't mean that any one continent is preferred over another, because case numbers are assigned PER REGION - it is possible to receive a draw number from 1 to XXXXX for every continent, regardless of when it was mailed out by the KCC.

They usually start with Africa, Oceania and Europe, and then do South and North America, and the Asia ones go out last (May-June is usually a good bet, and they are all done by the start of July). In other years, they have even sent out one batch to a region, then nothing for a few weeks, then another batch.

So chill out. It's a good thing they haven't gone out yet, because it means we all still have a chance to win.
S.O said KCC blocked NL for Asia Region.
No more Asia winners this year . . . the last year for us.

yeah right :)

if S.O said he/she loves you till the death do you part,
would you believe him/she too ? :)

if the NL is blocked, it will be blocked for all region.

so don't worry, AS Region NL will come soon :)

Last year by this time, many NL's were already received to AS region. This years delay is long. So far, We have not heard even a single NL for Asia region
My source told me contrarary to the one quoted below. The authority needs more time to generate the NL's since they have decided to include every application from ASIA to be winners specifically DV2010. Cheers folks

Originally Posted by Bongthom
S.O said KCC blocked NL for Asia Region.
No more Asia winners this year . . . the last year for us.
My source told me contrarary to the one quoted below. The authority needs more time to generate the NL's since they have decided to include every application from ASIA to be winners specifically DV2010. Cheers folks

fantasies are excellent, but lets not rely on them lol ;)
My source told me contrarary to the one quoted below. The authority needs more time to generate the NL's since they have decided to include every application from ASIA to be winners specifically DV2010. Cheers folks

it can be a bit of both .. fantasies and realities ..

let's just pray ;)