This darn DV lottery messes with your head.
At one end of the scale we have estimates from Raevsky. He knows his subject, that is for sure, but I still feel his ranges are too pessimistic. Obviously I hope they are and these 2013 numbers tell me that 110k selectees were not quite able to fill the global limit which I now believe is in the very lows 50's.
At the other end of the scale there are the opinions of Sloner. He is much more optimistic for all regions and believes almost everyone will have an interview, no matter what the case number. He bases his opinions on 2012 data and makes the argument that the new software (used in that year and DV2014) made a big difference to that year and will again this year. That statement never made sense to me (bevause I absolutely believe the redraw screwed things up in that year), and recently available information from 2014 CEAC data and the newly relased 2013 data just confirms the assumption that his theory is wrong. Sorry Sloner but although I respect your opinions, I really think it is time for you to reconsider your baseline. DV2014 will not be like DV2012.
I do NOT believe much has changed with the allure of going to America between 2013 and now. The economy in America is doing slightly better, but then it is improving in other countries also. I also don't think there is much going to change with success rates. So, if 110k selectees yielded 51k selectees then I really think that 115k or perhaps 120k is the most that will be used this year and a cutoff will happen around 52, possibly 53k.
So, although it worries me to go up against so well thought out statistical analysis that Raevsky and others perform, I am coming back to my patented "Simons' super simplistic estimation method" (SSSEM) which comes up with an estimate of where your number stands on a global basis. So if your number is EU40k for instance and we take EU56k as the highest EU CN, then you are just within the top 100k of entries measured globally (40,000/56,000*100 = 71.4% and 71.4% of the 140,000 selectees is 99,960). To me, that should mean that EU40k is safe. EU44k would be roughly equivalent to the global 110,000 point - so that should be safe(ish). You can lay this game at home with your own number and your own region.
There are more scientific ways to come up with these answers (including a method I have demonstrated with 2011 data) and those more scientific ways do tell me I am being slightly optimistic with the SSSEM method BUT I am hopeful that sensible optimism will be proved right in the end.
Now, as I have said before, all we need now is for KCC start reading this forum and start doing what we expect them to do!!!!
Good luck to everyone!