• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.


I don't think past experience is applicable to what is going on now... However, in the past, that's how it worked (given embassy received 2nls once a month).
In your latest update, June 2NLs, majority of the Status change date are between May 10th to May 14th. Is it reasonable to infer that KCC is giving less lead time in advance notice of interviews, considering they used to give 6 to 8 weeks in the past? Do you see this trend forming from the updates in the past few months?
In your latest update, June 2NLs, majority of the Status change date are between May 10th to May 14th. Is it reasonable to infer that KCC is giving less lead time in advance notice of interviews, considering they used to give 6 to 8 weeks in the past? Do you see this trend forming from the updates in the past few months?
A few things:
1. Status date changes every time someone access db record, e.g. embassy accepts the case. By no means it should be treated as an indicator when the case was actually sent by KCC.
2. "June 2NLs" are called June 2NLs only because I assume that if they were scraped between April 15th and May 15th they're June interviews. In reality there's no way of knowing the interview date. If you look closely at those files in between updates there's a handful of cases that gets misclassified, i.e. some of the cases are gonna turn to issued before the beginning of the month.
3. As I mentioned before in this thread: knowing that the current situation is fluid and chaotic, I consider coming up with "trends", whether based on a single point or even all of them, a futile exercise.
In your latest update, June 2NLs, majority of the Status change date are between May 10th to May 14th. Is it reasonable to infer that KCC is giving less lead time in advance notice of interviews, considering they used to give 6 to 8 weeks in the past? Do you see this trend forming from the updates in the past few months?

The 2NLs sent BEFORE April 20th (i.e. 10 to 14th), were May interview 2NLs being sent late. In these extraordinary times there seems to be a more convoluted process about scheduling which I imagine is a conversation between KCC and each embassy to establish how many interviews each embassy will accept. That is more complicated than normal, so up to now at least it has altered the "2 monthly batches" approach. We can assume that 2NLs for July for example will not be sent before the VB is published in the next few days (called the June VB, referring to July interviews). But the recent unusual pattern may continue where July 2NLs come out until early June. But as Xarthisius correctly states, this could all change at any moment so trying to predict the unpredictable is an exercise in frustration.
Hi Guys,
I have been selected for DV2021 , my CN number is bit high.. I didn't receive any documents submission instruction mail yet.. can i send the documents to KCC before receive that email?

If yes.. can anyone send tell me the instructions?
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I’m preparing my documents for my coming interview in June and wondering what is the form I-684 Affidavit of support...
Is this document mandatory for all ?
Can anyone advise please on this ?
Thanks in advance
I’m preparing my documents for my coming interview in June and wondering what is the form I-684 Affidavit of support...
Is this document mandatory for all ?
Can anyone advise please on this ?
Thanks in advance
Please read through the below links.

This forum is one big link to Brit Simon’s website. Lol
Britsimon was one of the original main DV moderators here and his website is kind of like the AOS spreadsheet but for CP, on steroids. People here know that the information there is reliable and detailed (usually far more detailed than you’d get in a typical forum answer), so rather than repeatedly typing the same answers here in response to people literally asking the same questions hundreds of times, it makes a lot of sense to just refer there.
Britsimon was one of the original main DV moderators here and his website is kind of like the AOS spreadsheet but for CP, on steroids. People here know that the information there is reliable and detailed (usually far more detailed than you’d get in a typical forum answer), so rather than repeatedly typing the same answers here in response to people literally asking the same questions hundreds of times, it makes a lot of sense to just refer there.
Indeed. Sort of makes a lot of the questions here redundant, as a little bit of Googling and browsing on his site would answer it, apart from something that is only applicable to a specific event or situation, like bans etc. But even those tend to be addressed by a post pretty quickly.
Anyway, my comment was more related to the fact that whatever someone asks, a quick link to Simon answers it.
It’s a great monitization strategy, so fair play. New wave of hopefuls each year, so plenty of traffic going forward.
Indeed. Sort of makes a lot of the questions here redundant, as a little bit of Googling and browsing on his site would answer it, apart from something that is only applicable to a specific event or situation, like bans etc. But even those tend to be addressed by a post pretty quickly.
Anyway, my comment was more related to the fact that whatever someone asks, a quick link to Simon answers it.
It’s a great monitization strategy, so fair play. New wave of hopefuls each year, so plenty of traffic going forward.
Also a way to keep us oldies in the game. Typing the same answer a hundred times a year gets old quickly, I’d personally have been out of here a few years ago if that was still the way it was tbh. This way the common things get dealt with and as you say we can spend time on trying to help people with particular questions not found in a FAQ.
Indeed. Sort of makes a lot of the questions here redundant, as a little bit of Googling and browsing on his site would answer it, apart from something that is only applicable to a specific event or situation, like bans etc. But even those tend to be addressed by a post pretty quickly.
Anyway, my comment was more related to the fact that whatever someone asks, a quick link to Simon answers it.
It’s a great monitization strategy, so fair play. New wave of hopefuls each year, so plenty of traffic going forward.

"It’s a great monitization strategy, so fair play."


Yes, every time I get a $5 check I thank my lucky stars I thought of that. Of course the 1 to 2 hours a day I spend answering questions when people won't read the FAQ is kinda frustrating, and the site costs me more to host than I make on my super clever monitization strategy, but apart from those obvious flaws in my wicked plan it's a GENIUS side hustle!

I have submitted my DS-260 as I have a low case number in DV2021, however my consulate is not processing DV cases at all and it is unlikely I will get interviewed. As I have declared immigrant intent, how likely am I to have issues entering the USA in the future? In the past I have entered using an ESTA. The ESTA form does not ask about previous immigrant intent so I assume it is still OK to use an ESTA? Of course I would always be honest if they asked me, but would USCBP they even know that I have filed a DS260 in the past and use that as justification to deny me entry? It is quite stressful for me because the only way I can even get back to my home country at the moment is by transiting through the USA, if I can't enter the USA, I can't get home. Would it be safer to wait until after September before entering the USA?
"It’s a great monitization strategy, so fair play."


Yes, every time I get a $5 check I thank my lucky stars I thought of that. Of course the 1 to 2 hours a day I spend answering questions when people won't read the FAQ is kinda frustrating, and the site costs me more to host than I make on my super clever monitization strategy, but apart from those obvious flaws in my wicked plan it's a GENIUS side hustle!

Indeed. What colour would you like the yacht sir? :)
YouTube is more generous than that surely. Even my little YT channel bring in a decent amount.
I admire what you do, and as mentioned, thankful for the time and effort you dedicate to this.
maybe you need to start selling some BritSimon merch.
“I got my Green Card because of BritSimon” t-shirt would be a best seller :)
I have submitted my DS-260 as I have a low case number in DV2021, however my consulate is not processing DV cases at all and it is unlikely I will get interviewed. As I have declared immigrant intent, how likely am I to have issues entering the USA in the future? In the past I have entered using an ESTA. The ESTA form does not ask about previous immigrant intent so I assume it is still OK to use an ESTA? Of course I would always be honest if they asked me, but would USCBP they even know that I have filed a DS260 in the past and use that as justification to deny me entry? It is quite stressful for me because the only way I can even get back to my home country at the moment is by transiting through the USA, if I can't enter the USA, I can't get home. Would it be safer to wait until after September before entering the USA?
You’re not an adjustment risk because you can’t adjust status from ESTA, so I don’t think waiting till after September is necessary. If CBP happens to ask about it just tell the truth - you’d have loved to get a green card but that legal mechanism fell away and you would only do it legally. in the meanwhile....maybe your consulate will reopen for DV in time.
Hello, Hope all you guys are well , actually I wanted to transfer my case from Kathmandu Nepal to Abu Dhabi UAE. My case is current in VB and I am DQ( documentarily qualified ). I m currently residing in UAE with residence visa. I first sent transfer request to KCC... but they didn't change my interview location... instead sent formal reply. Then I sent the request to Abu Dhabi... They immediately asked me for a copy of residence visa..... Then I sent them the copy of residence visa. After that I haven't got any reply from Abu Dhabi. Now what should I do next? why Abu Dhabi did not reply me after I sent them the visa copy? Will they request KCC to send my case to them? I want to know what is the Full process of case transfer? What shoud I do next......? please guide me.. Thank you!