When I won the dv2020 lottery,people that won previously and are in USA kept saying that it is very certain to get the visa,unless you have criminal background or the world “ends”or some apocalyps happens ,and we laughed since that was nonsense thought,and guess what happens next:apocalyps,pandemics,the world shuts down like never before in the history,and we get burned I think we the winners of DV2020 are more affected by this pandemics after the victims,I mean i wouldnt care if I woukd lose my job as long as I would have my visa and being in USA because refinding a job would be depend on me on my self,not like this situation where you wait like a stupid from the news on the world and the world decides for you,All the other categories of visas in the world have a delays of 3-4 months because of pandemics ,who cares thats not important ,and we are the only ones that get burn,what a cruel world we live in.