My good people. I have 2 words, Wow & Thank you.
Wow because for many selectees, myself included, the DV2018 journey has come to a painful end with the August VB. More so to the AF region which was already current. Well, that was something
. The thought of living the American dream was quite tempting to say the least. You know, in a dream come true kind of way.
Thank you because God has blessed us in countless other ways. I am so grateful. Thank you God. A big thank you to the wonderful individuals in this forum led by
@Britsimon. The ever helpful
@Guriix and many other wonderful people including my Kenyan brothers and sisters who spend their precious time giving their wise counsel to selectees, applicants and passerby's. Thank you for being patient and keeping your cool even during some very tense moments. Many success stories on the DV process can be directly attributed to your hard work. You have all been like family. God bless you guys.
For all the lucky ones, so happy for you all and all the best in your future endevours. Make the DV fam proud. For those who missed out, keep trying, keep your heads held up high despite the unfortunate end to this journey. Be kind, be generous, be happy and keep the faith