• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2017 AOS Only

My question is about the Affidavit of support form. Should the supporter fill all the sections like "I have on deposit on savings banks in the united states".
Should he answered it based on all his bank accounts. It's not reasonable. No one wants anyone know who much money he has.
Or maybe just showing he has $15000 in a bank account to support someone is enough.
Would you please guide me in this section?

The INCOME is what is most important. Showing 15k in a bank account would NOT be enough.
As I understand we should send the copy of our documents. and having the original one in the interview session. what about translated documents?
Should I send a copy of translation or the original one. which should I have in interview session?
As I understand we should send the copy of our documents. and having the original one in the interview session. what about translated documents?
Should I send a copy of translation or the original one. which should I have in interview session?

I just answered someone else on this a page or so before this. For translated documents, the original translation gets sent in. You keep the copy of the translated version and take that to the interview.
he will definitely write his income. my question is about the saving money in the bank.

The sponsor isn't expected to fill out all the sections on the affidavit if his/her annual income is above the applicable poverty guideline level. Adding bank account savings/information is also recommended. The other sections are not necessary - they are for sponsors whose annual income isn't enough and would like to use other assets to meet the minimum requirements.
I got my letter of appointment from university today. the expiration date is August 2017. and my salary is higher than $15000. My I-20 is valid till January 2018. Is it enough for financial support or I need to fill out form I-134 as well?
I got my letter of appointment from university today. the expiration date is August 2017. and my salary is higher than $15000. My I-20 is valid till January 2018. Is it enough for financial support or I need to fill out form I-134 as well?

USCIS hasn't mandatorily stated when or if an affidavit of support is required. If you're comfortable with using the letter alone on the basis of having an annual income of over $15K, by all means do so.

The recommendation we make though is for those with student status include an I-134 with their AOS package. We've seen several cases where the IO has requested for this in the past at the time of the interview. So it's your call if you want to include it or not.
Once in while the spreadsheet becomes unavailabe, it is possible to download into my computer?


We've never taken the spreadsheet offline, you're the only one I know of that seem to be having this problem, I don't know if it has to do with your connection.
Hi there, this website is very helpful! I really appreciate for helping us out.
I have a quick question. For those who are pending asylum, (form I-485 Part 2) which box do they need to cross out? My friend crossed out a, but I am guessing that it should be d. Which one of us is correct, or are we both wrong?

Hi there, this website is very helpful! I really appreciate for helping us out.
I have a quick question. For those who are pending asylum, (form I-485 Part 2) which box do they need to cross out? My friend crossed out a, but I am guessing that it should be d. Which one of us is correct, or are we both wrong?


Are you a DV selectee processing AOS?

In that case, both you and your friend are wrong. For DV based AOS petition the right response for the main selectee is 'H' and you're supposed to write something similar to 'Diversity Visa Winner. Selectee Notification Letter attached' in the space in front of it. Your spouse or any other derivative is the only one that selects 'B' in that section. This is applicable to all, regardless of current USCIS status in the US.
Thank you very much. Your response helped my friend so much.
Another questions:
1) I am also DV selectee, and my visa is F1. I already have send the AOS package on Sep. 23th. In form I-485 part 2, I selected 'H' for myself, but what about spouse or kids ?Do I need to select also'H' for them or 'B'?
2) I made some mistakes on the forms. Do they going to reject me? Are they going to send my whole package and money orders back to my address? And if I get rejected, can I send the AOS package again?
I know that they received my AOS package on Sep. 29th, but I haven't received any texts or emails yet.

Hello. I have two question from form I-134 affidavit of support. I'm student in USA. should My supporter select I attend in session 11? I read that if I am a tourist it should be selected. Is it right?
The other question. Should he send me his W-2? He is working for a company. And he changed his job on Febuary. So the last W-2 that he has is not related to his new job.
Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much. Your response helped my friend so much.
Another questions:
1) I am also DV selectee, and my visa is F1. I already have send the AOS package on Sep. 23th. In form I-485 part 2, I selected 'H' for myself, but what about spouse or kids ?Do I need to select also'H' for them or 'B'?
2) I made some mistakes on the forms. Do they going to reject me? Are they going to send my whole package and money orders back to my address? And if I get rejected, can I send the AOS package again?
I know that they received my AOS package on Sep. 29th, but I haven't received any texts or emails yet.


1. Go back and read my previous response to you. I already mentioned what derivatives (spouse and kids) should select.

2. What sort of mistakes did you make?
Hello. I have two question from form I-134 affidavit of support. I'm student in USA. should My supporter select I attend in session 11? I read that if I am a tourist it should be selected. Is it right?
The other question. Should he send me his W-2? He is working for a company. And he changed his job on Febuary. So the last W-2 that he has is not related to his new job.
Thanks for your help.

1. Sponsor needs to select 'I intend' otherwise there's no point in filing out the affidavit.

2. Check the AOS process spreadsheet for the list of documents the sponsor needs to provide with the affidavit of support.
I am 2017 DV winner with pending asylum and DV number is AS00000700. I prepared all my documents and send the package 2 days ago. I read all these comments and I am so worried now. I think they going to reject me because I made a mistake.
I didn't send my original translate certificate and diploma, I send it the copies of them.
My second mistake is that I put 'D' for me and my sons, instead of 'H' (Form I-485, part 2)
Are they going to reject me?

Thank you
1. Sponsor needs to select 'I intend' otherwise there's no point in filing out the affidavit.

2. Check the AOS process spreadsheet for the list of documents the sponsor needs to provide with the affidavit of support.

In the spreadsheet, w-2 is mentioned. But in USCIS website in the instruction of the form it's written if you are self-employed, attach w-2. That's why I'm confused. He is not self-employed, he is working for a company.