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DV 2016 OC Selectees

Hello good people. Kindly anybody with an idea on current case processing? . Am AF 21*** how soon will i get a notification for interview schedule? any body with an idea please. Thanks
Have you received your visa yet??

Passport came back on Monday with the new shiny visa. It's so beautiful!

Hey! I'm wondering if this has happened to anybody/they've heard of it happening to somebody else...

My husband and I just noticed that our large yellow medical envelope is opened - from the heat we're assuming? We've pressed the tab back down and it stuck, but it's pretty clear that it's been opened at some point. I'm planning on calling the medical centre first thing tomorrow morning to see if they can just give us a new envelope/reseal it, but if anybody can offer me peace of mind before then that would be great!!!
hey all, just had my interview today in London! Everything went well and got the visa!

All documents were fine and then I had a 2min interview about what my plans were. The hardest part was waiting around for hours at the embassy!

Thanks Britsimon and others for your help :)

Hey! I'm wondering if this has happened to anybody/they've heard of it happening to somebody else...

My husband and I just noticed that our large yellow medical envelope is opened - from the heat we're assuming? We've pressed the tab back down and it stuck, but it's pretty clear that it's been opened at some point. I'm planning on calling the medical centre first thing tomorrow morning to see if they can just give us a new envelope/reseal it, but if anybody can offer me peace of mind before then that would be great!!!

Ours were open and not sealed.

In Sydney, Sherri and Terri at security open everything and they didn't even notice that ours weren't sealed.

Call them if you want to be sure but I don't think it's a big issue.
hey peeps - just sorting out our vaccination records. What are the vaccinations they are specifically looking for? Is it measles/mumps/rubella and typhoid?
hey peeps - just sorting out our vaccination records. What are the vaccinations they are specifically looking for? Is it measles/mumps/rubella and typhoid?

I called Sonic Health Plus and they said it's generally the usual "measles, mumps, rubella" etc. If anyone knows anything additional to this, please shout.
Hey all - related to that, if you don't have any record of written vaccinations, can you simply get a serology test done via a GP etc? Has anyone done this? - and/or does the panel physician simply give any of the vaccinations that aren't listed?
We had the blood tests done for my husband and myself. Our GP gave us shots for what we didn't have (and for what he could administer). We still had blanks (like the flu shot, which hadn't come out for the year when we did our medical in March) but it meant it was much cheaper than having topups at the panel doctors. Nothing is claimable at the panel doctors so, if you need shots, best to get them done at the GP where you can claim some of it back on Medicare.