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DV 2015 Winners Meet Here

To Britsimon: I do not know. When I posted a question (to which SusieQQQ gave a reply), that was shown as a Message by an ignored member on the mainpage of DV Lottery or the subforum-2015 Winners Meet here. Also when I saw SusieQQQ's answer, I could not reply to her directly as her Message was not shown on my login page. Her Message can be seen though when I logout. When I try to login again, I cannot see her Message and I cannot reply to her. Just like here. I cannot directly reply to you. That's why I wrote To Britsimon.
May be you inadvertently marked them as "Ignore" in your settings.
Thanks Sensei. That's what it was. Everybody has a right to be an idiot at least once in their lifetime but that's what I am a lot of times these days and actually a couple of years now since I turned 40. Early dementia, early Alzheimer and early vulnerability from social conflicts. Say whatever it is. Anyways.
Thanks Sensei. That's what it was. Everybody has a right to be an idiot at least once in their lifetime but that's what I am a lot of times these days and actually a couple of years now since I turned 40. Early dementia, early Alzheimer and early vulnerability from social conflicts. Say whatever it is. Anyways.

Sensei: I am afraid I did not get the humor here. Maybe I am Really early Alz
There are currently 27 ratified amendments to the US Constitution. Most of them deal with individual rights and liberties. As far as I know the right to be an idiot in life is not one of them.

Folks like You, with the Alz, and I, with echolalia, would be both in favor of the 28th.
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There are currently 27 ratified amendments to the US Constitution. Most of them deal with individual rights and liberties. As far as I know the right to be an idiot in life is not one of them.

Folks like You, with the Alz, and I, with echolalia, would be both in favor of the 28th.
Sensei: Got it! Again another instant of incredible humor reflecting an IQ at the top level. Having a right to Being an idiot as well as echolalia both deserve 28th and 29th amendments.
Someone on Britsimon's blog reported having called KCC today and being told that the 2NL would come within the next 7 to 10 days, so it looks like we're in for more waiting.

they say that to everyone no matter when u email or call them.. they say 7-10 days ...
Go to a concert or so. Time flies. It's more than n a year since we were selected and it was like just yesterday. I'm going for a o days holiday so the 2NL shall come just in time :)