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When I completed my Bachelor's degree, I went for another year of study at my university and I got a qualification diploma which is higher than Bachelor's and lower than Master's that is normally achieved by additional 2 years study instead of the one year that I did. When I described my third level education on DS-260, I actually put down postgraduate diploma studies to describe my education as this is what our English teacher used to describe that level of education. When I looked the description of postgraduate studies online these, postgraduate normally means Doctorate or something that is higher than Master's as Bachelor's is considered undergraduate, Master's graduate and anything higher than Master's would be postgraduate. I already have my interview scheduled for next month. Is this likely to cause any issues as an incorrect statement arising out of my ignorance, should I unlock my form via Kentucky and correct it or should I just roll on with it ?

It is a non issue. They don't care how "overqualified" you are, simply that you are qualified.
Hi, to Britsimon for some help, please. I have a question similar to chondriac's one. I am qualified on basis of work experience because i have a bachelor degree and more than 4 yrs relevant work experience. I thoughet then, my high school education is not important in my case and i did not add it on my DS260. Do you think it is possible to cause me a prolem not to add it so it's better to unlock my DS260 and add it or i just leave it as it is with no worries. I've submitted my DS260 on 21 June.
Hasn't this question been asked before?

It's easier to qualify on education than work experience. Why make it harder for yourself.
You need to put your high school education in. Simple.

It's far easier to qualify on education than work experience. I don't understand why you would even want to make it harder on yourself. Go the easy route, man.
Hi, to Britsimon for some help, please. I have a question similar to chondriac's one. I am qualified on basis of work experience because i have a bachelor degree and more than 4 yrs relevant work experience. I thoughet then, my high school education is not important in my case and i did not add it on my DS260. Do you think it is possible to cause me a prolem not to add it so it's better to unlock my DS260 and add it or i just leave it as it is with no worries. I've submitted my DS260 on 21 June.
Just to add to what other have said, you need to add your high school details on the DS-260 whether you qualify on the basis of education or work experience. The DS-260 form clearly asks to list all education you attended at a secondary level. So, regardless of what basis you qualify on (education or work experience), you need to add your high school details. So, my advise is, unlock your DS-260 form and add your high school details. Most likely it will not affect your interview date as other members who unlocked their forms did not experience any delay.
Furthermore, just like Emily said, it's much easier to qualify based on education than on work experience. Qualifying based on work experience is complicated and tricky.
That's clear well, thanks friends. I am going to unlock my DS260.
I remebered one more issue. I am will have a new passport with a different passport no. by the end of this month , do you suggest that i unlock and add my education as soon as i can , or i shall wait for the end of December and unlock once to change my passport no. too.. appreciate your advise.
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That's clear well, thanks friends. I am going to unlock my DS260.
I remebered one more issue. I am will have a new passport with a different passport no. by the end of this month , do you suggest that i unlock and add my education as soon as i can , or i shall wait for the end of December and unlock once to change my passport no. too.. appreciate your advise.
There will be no problem if you present new passport at the time of interview. You need to have to old one with you too.
But, if you want to have your new passport number on you DS260, you can wait till you get your new passport only if your case number is high.
Otherwise unlock your form, edit your education history and submit it as soon as possible
There will be no problem if you present new passport at the time of interview. You need to have to old one with you too.
But, if you want to have your new passport number on you DS260, you can wait till you get your new passport only if your case number is high.
Otherwise unlock your form, edit your education history and submit it as soon as possible

Thanks for the sdvise,, am going to unlock and edit my form and later i will take both old and new passports along with me to the interview.
You're in the same boat as I am. There has been significant delays at KCC with forms taking around 5 months to process. Here's a post I recently created which relates to processing forms at KCC
The latest submission that got their 2NL which I come to know of was July 2. Depending on how the speed at KCC this month is, I would guess that you will either get your 2NL this month or the next month for an interview in either February or March. However, I would suggest that you give KCC a call and ask whether your forms have been processed and when you can expect an interview.

Thank you for sharing useful data. I will wait.
OK, I've been to my interview and I got declined a visa (which I knew 100 %). The reason was that I haven't founded any proof of income to manage myself in US, but is there any chance of getting passed this by getting a "regular" job from home. Or is that pretty much impossible? I don't have the best education, and I was hoping I could with warehouse and driving forklift.

And do anybody know approximately when the 50 000 limit will be reached? It says on the paper I got that there's "no reason" to expect the limit hasn't been reach if I'm not completing the "proof of income" during the same month (December).

Thank you if someone could answer to this
OK, I've been to my interview and I got declined a visa (which I knew 100 %). The reason was that I haven't founded any proof of income to manage myself in US, but is there any chance of getting passed this by getting a "regular" job from home. Or is that pretty much impossible? I don't have the best education, and I was hoping I could with warehouse and driving forklift.

And do anybody know approximately when the 50 000 limit will be reached? It says on the paper I got that there's "no reason" to expect the limit hasn't been reach if I'm not completing the "proof of income" during the same month (December).

Thank you if someone could answer to this


It is unlikely that you will get a bona fide job offer in the USA without coming here first. So - that really isn't a solution to your visa approval problem. From your posts before you should have obtained an I-134 or had more cash in your accounts to show. Clearing AP is slightly harder than avoiding AP in the first place. Your proof will now have to be solid.

The 50k limit will start to be reached around August of next year. However, as Susie explained to you before, once your AP has crossed a month end, your visa slot is returned to the pool and you will need to have one re-allocated once you have cleared your AP. That is risky - some people last year from July/August onward were being put on waiting lists for visas - and many people lost out. So. Get this sorted asap.

The 50k is including derivatives (as is the 125k selectee number).

Which embassy was it by the way?
Thank you Britsimon. Maybe it should have been better having a larger amount of money at the interview to begin with (I had 6k usd to show).
It was in Stockholm
Yes, if you had 10k plus there would not have been an issue.

I only have my own laziness to blame, since I could have had gotten 4k usd in time if I'd putted a little more effort into it. But anyway, does "solid" mean I'd need an ongoing income and like 20k? I asked the girl who had the interview, and she said they would make their decision when they'll see it
I only have my own laziness to blame, since I could have had gotten 4k usd in time if I'd putted a little more effort into it. But anyway, does "solid" mean I'd need an ongoing income and like 20k? I asked the girl who had the interview, and she said they would make their decision when they'll see it

It isn't about your income - you can't write your own I134 - a US resident needs to do that for you. Their savings are not important but their income needs to exceed the Federal Poverty Guidelines for their family size PLUS you (and your derivatives).

As to whether you could solve this by showing additional savings (let's say a family member gives you some money) that should work BUT I would now suggest an amount of around $15k plus. Basically, you've made it harder and since they have you on AP you have to present a more compelling case than before.