• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2015 Selectees from Ghana

Also just to point out that some people might not really welcome simply being told to pray especially without any accompanying practical advice. Like this:

what next is for her to walk for her Visa with Faith

I can guarantee that walking into an interview without the required documents will not get you a visa, no matter how much faith you have.
Also just to point out that some people might not really welcome simply being told to pray especially without any accompanying practical advice. Like this:

I can guarantee that walking into an interview without the required documents will not get you a visa, no matter how much faith you have.
I fully agree. Faith is not cover up for laziness. One has to well prepare all required documents before going for interview.
But, I also believe that God gives favor for His people wherever they go.
Note that God is righteous; He gives rain and sun for all human being, with impartial way. Visa is for all well prepared applicants, (with special favor for who prayed).
But, Visa is not for those who are not prepared even having great faith and day and night prayer.
Note that God is righteous; He gives rain and sun for all human being, with impartial way. Visa is for all well prepared applicants, (with special favor for who prayed).

With all due respect, the bit in brackets is nonsense.

There are forums to proselytize I am sure, I don't see why people feel the need to do it here. America is made up of people of many different faiths and those of no faith. I have no problem with people having their own faith, but it is not anyone's place to say that people of one particular religion or indeed religion per se have any kind of advantage in the visa process over others... Because it is simply not true.
With all due respect, the bit in brackets is nonsense.

There are forums to proselytize I am sure, I don't see why people feel the need to do it here. America is made up of people of many different faiths and those of no faith. I have no problem with people having their own faith, but it is not anyone's place to say that people of one particular religion or indeed religion per se have any kind of advantage in the visa process over others... Because it is simply not true.

SusieQQQ I read that comment yesterday and woke up feeling the exact same way you did. As well as the Christians, We have members of many religions, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and a few atheists. None of the people from those other religious relentlessly bring up their personal beliefs, but many of the Christians do. The rest of us say nothing, but to be honest, the background noise of religious comments probably make me miss some real comments from people that need help. Now I read that believing in the God that GIL believes in gives an advantage during interview (which is either utter rubbish or just your personal opinion depending on your viewpoint). Do we have to keep bringing this up, especially from regular members? Your religious beliefs have nothing to do with this process and suggesting that people on your team have an advantage is frankly a little insulting to those that do not share your belief. So please, believe whatever you want to believe but please enjoy your personal beliefs in a more personal way, thus being more respectful of this space we share,regardless of religious beliefs. Can we do that?
form unlock twice, what is the effect to that
Depends on what changes you made. Some changes are informational only (like the address in the USA). Those changes don't cause any reprocessing. However adding a spouse or changing names causes them to do some more processing and will obviously take some time.
With all due respect, the bit in brackets is nonsense.

There are forums to proselytize I am sure, I don't see why people feel the need to do it here. America is made up of people of many different faiths and those of no faith. I have no problem with people having their own faith, but it is not anyone's place to say that people of one particular religion or indeed religion per se have any kind of advantage in the visa process over others... Because it is simply not true.
I didn't mean to offend anyone. I wish you quoted the whole text. I was supporting your advice for those who are moving simply by faith without any preparation. I agreed faith by itself wouldn't give success.
That was the spirit of the post.
I didn't mean to offend anyone. I wish you quoted the whole text. I was supporting your advice for those who are moving simply by faith without any preparation. I agreed faith by itself wouldn't give success.
That was the spirit of the post.

But then you said there is special favor for those who pray. There is not.

Please, I know you mean well. But I am here for DV lottery winners, and I am pretty tired of feeling like I am being constantly preached to, or it being implied I am inferior or disfavored because we happen to have different beliefs. And I know I am not the only one. I agree with britsimon to keep focused on the matter at hand.
We thank you all moderators for your constant support in this forum but please to the best of my knowledge if somebody talks about faith helping somebody in a special way I don't see any problem with that. No matter what you believe in now one day you will know that somebody is the owner of your life. So please, lets focus on DV and make God our personal issues. God loves us all and we shouldn't discriminate in anyway. After all he is the same person that gives life to all. Please am still waiting for my 2nl wae.

I absolutely agree that God should be made a personal issue. That was the point, please keep it a personal issue.
I made a very RELEVANT comment regarding susQQQs reply to GILs n it ended up being deleted by a moderator bcos to him it’s ‘ANTAGONISTIC’. Really?????!! Britsimon u hav showed me that fr one to survive on this forum, your views must reign supreme n shd be acceptable by all.in a cosmopolitan world we hav to tolerate each other n not use offensive words to describe other peoples belief system.

And now you are continuing Shine. We have discussed this, the matter was done and you persist in bringing things up, it seems purely to make trouble. I contacted you by PM to ask you to stop. So take this as your last warning. By all means stay to ask and answer questions on topic, but there is no need for you to comment on any other matters. If you persist it will confirm that you are only interested in causing trouble and I will have no hesitation in banning you.
Also just to point out that some people might not really welcome simply being told to pray especially without any accompanying practical advice. Like this:

I can guarantee that walking into an interview without the required documents will not get you a visa, no matter how much faith you have.
Why it is necessary to have all required document at the interview, i consider this ( no matter how much faith you have) a limitation to what God can do. I can over guarantee you that God has no limitation what so ever.
Why it is necessary to have all required document at the interview, i consider this ( no matter how much faith you have) a limitation to what God can do. I can over guarantee you that God has no limitation what so ever.

Ok, well those more interested in coming to America than proving their faith are well advised to go with full documentation...
Thanks Gentlemen for various assertions of my recent post. i which to share this, It is clearly written by the DOS and Kcc that all Dv visas for a fiscal year must be issue before September 30 of that year. even if one is place on AP you must be clear and issue Visa before September 30 of the fiscal year of your case is done with. As recently as Dv 2014. In LIBERIA( it is in Cap so you may check it out) people were given visa for dv 2014 up to October and November 2015 this i thought was impossible. the Ebola outbreak stall the interview process medical was suspended. the embassy called people who had cases pending and told them because of their numbers and the situation there will continue with their cases. and people completed their interviews up to November and were given visas. this i be leave was exceptional and in my mind only God could have done that much for those 2014 winners.
Thanks Gentlemen for various assertions of my recent post. i which to share this, It is clearly written by the DOS and Kcc that all Dv visas for a fiscal year must be issue before September 30 of that year. even if one is place on AP you must be clear and issue Visa before September 30 of the fiscal year of your case is done with. As recently as Dv 2014. In LIBERIA( it is in Cap so you may check it out) people were given visa for dv 2014 up to October and November 2015 this i thought was impossible. the Ebola outbreak stall the interview process medical was suspended. the embassy called people who had cases pending and told them because of their numbers and the situation there will continue with their cases. and people completed their interviews up to November and were given visas. this i be leave was exceptional and in my mind only God could have done that much for those 2014 winners.

I very much doubt this is true at all. But something so miraculous should be verifiable. Do you gave a case number of someone in this position?
Gentlemen lets move on i know that taking out precious time reading and responding to post signified that you main well for all of us and I as a member of this forum appreciate it highly. what about the issue of a misspell name i posted early which is involving a friend of my. almost her entire first name was misspell on the EDV application form By a cafe attendant where she play the DV. because The guy new her he did not bother to check her form but went on spelling her name as he pronounce it she only notice it minute after it was submitted why reading her confirmation page. Her name is spell deamah and was misspelled as deyama. what is the chances your opinion is appreciated.
I very much doubt this is true at all. But something so miraculous should be verifiable. Do you gave a case number of someone in this position?
I have not gotten a case number yet and we are talking about more than 20 cases to prove my case i wil try to get a case number and a telephone of one of the applicant for this forum belive me it is so so true. there is a forum like this near the us embassy in monrovia every tuesdays and thursdays i will get the prove for this forum
I've studied with Ghanaians so I can say this with certainity. Never come between a beleiver and his God. My friends would pray before they ate, sat in a car, slept, basically just prayed all the time. Even when they talked, it was a cute mishmash of words and prayers. Hello Usamommy, the lord has surely had mercy on you, you look very good today. I personally feel, we should let people keep their personality in posts AS LONG AS THE POST IS NOT MISLEADING. Disclaimer: I am Muslim.