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DV 2015 Selectees from Ghana

This reminds me, I have three names including my surname and I have entered all on both the edv entry and ds260. My problem is I have omitted one of the names on my SSSCE but all other documents bears all the three names.
Eg Asare john edem and on my SSSCE I didn't include edem.
All the same I have gone for an affidavit / attestation.
Would this cause any harm?
entry and passport names the same, right? You will be fine

Hi @Britsimon and @SusieQQQ I have been reading your post and now worried. my first letter stated NFN Daniel Wilson. I checked online it meant NO FIRST NAME but my first name is Daniel and last name Wilson. I have that on all my documents/passport. am I OKay please?
Agree with mom. The names are right even if they are not exactly in the right boxes. You'll be fine.
Hmmmm. God is in control. I just called the guy that did mine for me. They assured me that they used my pic during the entry. The rest is God to take control. I will send an affidavit of support and if they ask me why my name differ from the entry one I will tell them the truth. When God is on your side telling the truth is what gives you victory. Nobody, I repeat nobody will leave this forum crying. The Lord will provide.

Certainly the people who take money to fill in the forms, correctly or not, are not crying. They must feel well provided for.
I got a dv visa and moved to U.S in 2013, during the time of entry of my details i was single,now i want to marry.After marrying,does the Visa covers my incoming wife and my unborn children?. If yes,what document do i need to access such a right and move my incoming wife to U.S?
I got a dv visa and moved to U.S in 2013, during the time of entry of my details i was single,now i want to marry.After marrying,does the Visa covers my incoming wife and my unborn children?. If yes,what document do i need to access such a right and move my incoming wife to U.S?

Your FY is already over, the visa you got is no longer valid and does not or cannot cover anyone else except you. As a LPR, you can petition for your new wife under the F2A family category. You can read more about the process below;

It's really bad news. But I guess the guy may had multiple entries just by rearranging the letters. I think they have the databases to check multiple entries at embassy level.
I read many interview experiences with minor spelling errors but granted visas.
yh that may b ryt but the guy also looked scared during the interview. .it's all about ur documents and your "CONFI"..
This reminds me, I have three names including my surname and I have entered all on both the edv entry and ds260. My problem is I have omitted one of the names on my SSSCE but all other documents bears all the three names.
Eg Asare john edem and on my SSSCE I didn't include edem.
All the same I have gone for an affidavit / attestation.
Would this cause any harm?
jux get an affidavit on the one u omitted u will b fine. ..
Hmmmm. God is in control. I just called the guy that did mine for me. They assured me that they used my pic during the entry. The rest is God to take control. I will send an affidavit of support and if they ask me why my name differ from the entry one I will tell them the truth. When God is on your side telling the truth is what gives you victory. Nobody, I repeat nobody will leave this forum crying. The Lord will provide.
that's a smart move to tell the truth ...because the co can tell when u lying. ..
yh that may b ryt but the guy also looked scared during the interview. .it's all about ur documents and your "CONFI"..

The CO is not going to reject anyone because they "look scared". They know many people are nervous about these interviews. They have to file a reason for rejection. Looking scared is not an appropriate one! As you said, the documents were not in order because the name was incorrect. That would have been the reason for rejection.
So guys in my case with different name and DOB but the same pic what do you suggest I do?

Scratch. You told us before that your name was different. Now you are saying your DOB was different too???

So the only connection between you and the selectee is the photo that you "think" is of you, and the lastname. The firstnames and DOB are different and the photo may be because the agent may or may not have used your photo.

Does this seem a bit suspicious to you???? If you were a CO don't you think you would be a bit skeptical of this whole thing???
Ya but what about the pic? The agent used it, my pic.

Yes I read earlier that you called the agent to confirm they used your photo. But you were unsure enough about that to call him to confirm it (so you had some doubt) and of course this guy could be lying about that (because he stood to gain about 2000 Cedis).

Scratch - I have to say, I am worried about your case. You don't owe anyone here an explanation, but your case seems very "unsafe". If you get denied you will lose the processing fees and the medical fees - so it is up to you as to whether you feel confident you will be approved or denied. We will support you either way (because I think you were scammed, not cheating), but it is YOUR risk.
So guys in my case with different name and DOB but the same pic what do you suggest I do?

I asked about DOB before and you didn't answer...

I'm sorry but quite honestly I think your case will be denied. There is a first name that you have no other documents in and a date of birth that is not yours. These are indications of something wrong to a CO, anything from trying to enter multiple times to outright fraud. You cannot provide proof that the entry is yours. A photo is not proof of that. A birth certificate and passport with names and date of birth that match the entry is proof.

I agree with simon that your risk of losing your medical and visa fees is very high. Honestly I think you need to insist that the guy who did your application refund your fees. He did not do what you paid him for, which was to submit a correct entry. Then enter DV2016 while it is still open and please do it yourself...
now the details. ..
I got the embassy around 6:30 am ..met some other ppl there.at 7:00 Am we were checked in ....(.all protocols observed. )
Now the interview. .
co:(in twi) how are u doing.
me:am fine (in twi), and u.
Co:fine (in twi).
co:am going to ask u some simple questions nothing fancy ok..jux relax and answer n pls don't mess up.
me: ok (smiling)
co:pls put ur ryt hand up n swear. .
me:I did.
co:now we are ready to start. .
co:when did u complete shs..?
me:I answered
co:how many times did u resist. .?
me:I answered
co:after school what did u do.??
me:I asked him which sch..shs or uni..??
co.: I meant university. .?
me:I answered. .
co:do u know what. ?
me:asked what pls. ??
co: congratulations I have approved ur visa..he then handed over to my blue slip with my name n visa collection date. .
me: thank u ..I asked "is that all.."
co: yes..simple isn't it. .
me:yes..I wonder what the fuss is all about. .
co:I will explain to u if u want me to..
he then told me about the agents and the naivety of applicants ..
me: I told him they should intensify the education of the public. ..
co: thanks we will do that. .see u next time for ur visa.
me: thank u bye..

e b sooooo....good you are handing over the baton (as we called it in our forum) well. next person, please dont drop it. handle with care and also pass on the success till you all get your visas. what a party that would be!
thanks britimom ..I wasn't saying this to scare anybody I am jux saying what happened at the embassy. .so as to inform u guys not to make that same mistake. ...
And the guy was also a bit angry and I could hear him raise his voice at the Co also. .am jux reporting what happened there today. .

Note of caution...never ruin your chance of ever coming to America one day by raising ur voice at a CO. it's painful. i know if one ever gets refused (God forbid though).
i was denied once under very painful circumstances...way back in 2005. i swallowed the bitter pill but see today...
you can always win again, you or your spouse or even someone wanting to file immigrant status for you. if you do the unthinkable, it will be a stain on your records worldwide not only in the Ghana embassy.
A word to the wise....
This reminds me, I have three names including my surname and I have entered all on both the edv entry and ds260. My problem is I have omitted one of the names on my SSSCE but all other documents bears all the three names.
Eg Asare john edem and on my SSSCE I didn't include edem.
All the same I have gone for an affidavit / attestation.
Would this cause any harm?

it shouldnt...relax...once that name is on your birth cert and in your passport you should be safe. i had a similar issue where my middle name was never used in any school document but was on my birth cert and passport. in submitting an entry for the DV, I introduced the middle name and did an affidavit to cover me.
it did not raise any eye brows and that is not why i was put on AP. the AP was for a different thing. i had lived outside Ghana for over a year and i needed to present a police report from that country where i stayed. the 2.5months of being on AP was to check my police records with that country's police and also with the US embassy there.
Dont be deceived...they check everything...they are really serious...
that way when they grant you the visa they wil have no regrets. i guess so.
Certainly the people who take money to fill in the forms, correctly or not, are not crying. They must feel well provided for.
some as much as GH¢10,000 and even more...and people find it to pay them.
i am not sure how they make you sooo dependent on them. maybe they withold your confirmation pages or use particulars (like their own email address) other than what you put on the form.
some of you who went through the agents should voice out your ordeals. when we make the country know of the activities of some of these agents, they will change and people will also begin to apply for themselves, if ever through an agent, they will know their rights and shine their eyes well well....
We are trying to avoid anything AP! and as i said, you will not break an arm carrying DV related docs to the embassy. Sorting is not an issue. Why keep document at home for you be asked later at the embassy? and obviously placed on AP just because you didn't have it at that moment? Anyway.

If only you have a missing document which you can provide and it is not an investigation they are doing on their part, it is not considered AP. you will be given a slip to reappear maybe in a few days, should it happen to anyone. dont panic. It doesn't hurt to carry the document as F-lan is suggesting. i said that because i have email responses to inquiries i made directly from the embassy about affidavits and bank statements and they were explicitly quoted as non-essentials.
Am not gonna alter anything in my documents. Some people have also been granted visa having issues like mine. If it happened to somebody why not me? The probability is less but that is where God glorifies himself. When there is no way, he will part the sea for you to walkthrough. That's how He is. He will let you see how great He is. What is impossible to man is possible to God. A big difference between God and man. Let's reckon on Him, ok?
I like your level of faith. I also understand what lil-kay is saying bro. in all just do what you think its right. I think what the CO will be interested in is the documents submitted.