• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2015 Oceania winners

please be nice to new members. we come here because we want to support others and gain some information.

I'm sorry if you thought I wasn't being nice.
We often tell people here not to over think and over stress. Yes, even when they have won.
You may also want to consider the effect on members here if every entrant came and asked loads of questions that may never become relevant because they can't all win...it would certainly dilute the available energy on winners who may need more immediate help.

As you will see some people think I am blunt. Yes I am. I have also spent a lot of time trying to help people who need it. I've even answered some of your questions ...
I haven't been to Pueblo before but have been to Colorado Springs which was great. Also loved going to Pikes Peak near there. What a bonus to already have job lined up Deb7a and a place to stay until you get on your feet. That is huge!!

Oregon looks beautiful too :)
Yes Ive been very lucky indeed. I met my future boss on my first trip to the states and she wanted me to work for her then, but I was only on holidays at the time, so she has been waiting a very long time for me to join her clinic. Seems patience may have paid off for both of us.
I'm sorry if you thought I wasn't being nice.
We often tell people here not to over think and over stress. Yes, even when they have won.
You may also want to consider the effect on members here if every entrant came and asked loads of questions that may never become relevant because they can't all win...it would certainly dilute the available energy on winners who may need more immediate help.

As you will see some people think I am blunt. Yes I am. I have also spent a lot of time trying to help people who need it. I've even answered some of your questions ...
Yes......thankyou. I do recall a couple of your responses to my questions
Yes Ive been very lucky indeed. I met my future boss on my first trip to the states and she wanted me to work for her then, but I was only on holidays at the time, so she has been waiting a very long time for me to join her clinic. Seems patience may have paid off for both of us.

Deb7a then it was meant to be. I think everything happens for a reason and you were obviously meant for this journey.

Plus I am sure you are skilled and experienced in your profession/line of work as well (whatever that may be,I have vague recollection of maybe something to do with dentistry?! is that right?!) , so also not just lucky but a credit to you as well.
Deb7a then it was meant to be. I think everything happens for a reason and you were obviously meant for this journey.

Plus I am sure you are skilled and experienced in your profession/line of work as well (whatever that may be,I have vague recollection of maybe something to do with dentistry?! is that right?!) , so also not just lucky but a credit to you as well.
Wow you do take notice. Right on the money with that Eskimo and thank you for your praise. There must be a ton of lurkers out there just soaking in all the info and that's great, as I've said before, without this forum I would not have got this far so I am very thankful to have seen it. We do all have so many questions. This process is without a doubt the most stressful thing I have ever undertaken. It may be a smooth ride for some but for me not at all. To read everyone's experiences helps. Nothing like all being in the same boat. So take your notes and prepare well. If you are young just keep at it til you succeed. For me this was my one and only bite of the cherry and so I do think it was meant to be. I am very grateful for this chance. Good luck to you all in May. I'll be watching.
Yep @Deb7a I have been lurking not long after applying for DV OC 2016 and have just been trying to learn from the 2015 winners and past winners and absorb the information. Like @alwaysrose123 I am a busy mum and a planner so just keep getting more information to make it easier along the way if I get selected. Nothing like being prepared if it does happen :)

Also like you said if it doesn't happen for me this time, I will just keep trying.

I am just so excited for all of you that are getting thru!! And appreciate any advice or help given by you all!
And me!

For those that remember, I sought advice on how to 'charge myself' to my parents country of origin (NZ) as I happened to be born in UK while my parents were living there temporarily. I've since had a lawyer produce, sign and stamp affadavits and parents Visa/Passports etc - so fingers crossed this will be enough to get me through!
Congrats Reeko. Are you able to post when you get your interview email please. May interview seems unlikely for me considering my late DS260
Not to sound too blunt, but you are stressing an awful lot about a lottery you have yet to win, and will have plenty of time for all this if you do...

I'm sorry but I was just asking some questions that I thought was important.

please be nice to new members. we come here because we want to support others and gain some information.

I honestly don't see anything wrong with what Susie posted here. The entire DV process, once selected, could be quite stressful with all the waiting to get current and trying to dot the i's and cross the t's in between. Stressing out in general is not good for one's health, but stressing over a situation that hasn't even occurred? Oh well ......

@alwaysrose123, I understand your desire to be prepared ahead of time, but I don't think Susie is being mean when she suggested you stop stressing out for now. Nothing wrong with asking questions, we hang around here to answer people's questions and to help them successfully navigate the DV process when we have no reason to. However, dealing with hypothetical situations or trying to answer questions from everyone who is yet to be selected but wants to be prepared 'just in case' takes a lot out of the few who constantly respond to the posted questions.
I honestly don't see anything wrong with what Susie posted here. The entire DV process, once selected, could be quite stressful with all the waiting to get current and trying to dot the i's and cross the t's in between. Stressing out in general is not good for one's health, but stressing over a situation that hasn't even occurred? Oh well ......

It was a generalised broad comment I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone!!! Just that some of us are new here we could do with nice people for support ... I took on board what she said and pondered upon it... ... she has her point of view and I respect people with their views even if it doesn't matches mine- I have moved on. its a new day... start fresh :)
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The entire DV process, once selected, could be quite stressful with all the waiting to get current and trying to dot the i's and cross the t's in between. Stressing out in general is not good for one's health, but stressing over a situation that hasn't even occurred? Oh well ......

This what I don't get.... the term" going current" what does that mean?

I'm not stressing dear... I just said I wanted to be prepared. It hasn't started for us yet.... its a long wait for the dv 2016 people!

mom..Emily... suzie, britsman and others... we appreciate your knowledge on this subject. I don't know about dv visa... and I would gracefully accept any one of your views... meanwhile I've got my own little research going on...
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Or you might want her somewhere with strong local university science faculties. Here in the Bay Area we get Berkeley coming into the schools for math/science workshops (and making them fun) , offering summer schools for schoolchildren, etc. Considering the uni is usually ranked in the global top 10, it's a brilliant resource. I presume other top unis do the same in their cities. Just a thought.

Also there are a lot of Berkely and Stanford alumni still living locally and for obvious reasons pushing hard to make sure the schools excel in maths and science here. The 'culture' of science is very strong here.
Thanks suzie... I will look into that once we've been selected...
Sorry for asking so many questions. But I was wondering whether it was easy going thru the completion of 12 years of schooling or work experience n training ? Does it matter?