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DV-2015 and Case Number


Bonjour à tous et merci de nous accueillir ici,
Voici quelques questions que nous nous posons et pour lesquelles nous avons besoin de vos lumières!
1) Nous avons été sélectionnés (via mon épouse) pour la DV 2015. Son Case Number est 2015EU00043XXX. Quand son rendez-vous à l'Ambassade US devrait-il être programmé?
2)Doit-on se dépêcher de remplir la DS-260 ou bien faut-il le faire uniquement avant l'interview? A savoir, le fait d'y répondre conditionne-t-il l'interview ou non?
3) Il faut indiquer une adresse aux Etats-Unis, alors que nous sommes en France. Faut-il obligatoirement indiquer quelqu'un de connaissance et à quoi s'engage-t-il? (C'est un peu délicat à demander à de simples connaissances qui ne sont pas de notre famille…)
4) Ma femme passe son DAEU (équivalent bac, donc High School) en juin de cette année, elle aura les résultats en juillet. Faut-il les attendre pour remplir la DS-260, et seront-ils pris en considération même si elle les a passés APRES la sélection de la loterie?
5) Par ailleurs, elle a travaillé 2 ans dans les 5 dernières années dans un job considéré comme suffisant aux US mais un peu particulier: écrivain. Donc pas salariée, droits d'auteurs, etc. Quel justificatifs doit-on produire?
6)Enfin, nous sommes passés par le site Green Card US Global pour la loterie. Interrogés, ils répondent qu' nous n'avons pas à remplir la DS260, uniquement attendre la convocation à l'Ambassade. Qu'en pensez-vous?
Merci d'avance pour vos éclaircissements!
This is an English speaking forum, please try to post in English to ensure you get accurate and timely response to your questions
So again in english
My wife has been selected for the DV-2015 with case number 2015EU 00043XXX. We are in France. Is it a big number or not, and what are their chances to have rapidly his interview?
At what delay must she fill in the DS-260, and this help or not to have a rapid answer?
She pass the equivalent of High School in june. Does she has to wait for the results to compete the DS260 form or not? She can also argue of 2 years as a writer in the last pasted 5 years.
What about the address in the States? A mailing box is enough or not?
Thank you very much for your help!
1. Congratulations on your wife's selection. Based on past VB, your interview is likely to anywhere from July to September 2015.

2. She can fill in the DS-260 form now. A timely submission of the form enables KCC to become aware of your plan to process the selection, it gives them a rough idea of how many people will be moving on with the selection. Submitting the form now will not cause your application to be scheduled for interview ahead of when your CN will become current though, but it might give you an edge when the time comes for the KCC to schedule your interview if the VB indicates all CNs as current as at when your CN should become current.

3. No she does not have to wait for the result to complete DS 260, the result of the exam does not even matter as long as she has a diploma equivalent to a US HS diploma, not to be confused with a vocational diploma though.

4. You need to check the O Net and confirm her work experience falls within the required range of job qualification. Simply having a 2 years experience in the past 5 years in any job does not qualify for one to use under the work experience qualification/category.

5. A U.S. mailbox will suffice for the purpose of the DS form.
Hey Sm1smom,

Are you sure a mailbox is all that's required? It does say "where you intend to live" and there's even a field for the name of person currently living there...

For the purpose of submitting the DS form, yes a P.O.Box will suffice, if the applicant doesn't have a known address for now, no one will get penalized for that. The information can always be updated at the time of the interview. As a matter of fact, the address can also be changed at the POE too, it's not written in stone and people do not get penalized for making changes
Thank you very much Sm1smom for your advices,
I'm not shure, being french an needing to practice a bit more my english, to understand what you mean in the sentence: it might give you an edge when the time comes for the KCC to schedule your interview if the VB indicates all CNs as current as at when your CN should become current." Could you reformulate it of me please?
According to the educational level, my spouse has nothing until now, that's why she pass her diploma of equivalent High School current june (results in july). As a matter of fact, I found on the o Net that "writer" with is "27-3043.05 Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers" with is Job Zone 4 range 7 to 8, that is well enough for the US standards. But a writer is not "employed", he has contracts with editors and receive author's rights, so how to justify this for the US authorities. In fact she has co-published with me (professional writer) 4 books in 2 years in the past 5 years.
So, according to the fact that she will not have her interview before 2015, maybe the best is to wait for the result of the HS level in july to complete the de-260 and be sure. What do you think? Except if the authorities judge that this diploma was passes AFTER the random selection of GC last november… We'll b pleased to have tour advice on this topic.
To wait so much time before the interview is a bit scary for us, cause we are afraid that by this time all the GC will be delivered! According to your experience, what percentage of chance does have my wife with her NC EU00043XXX?
Thank's again and best regards
Thank you very much Sm1smom for your advices,
I'm not shure, being french an needing to practice a bit more my english, to understand what you mean in the sentence: it might give you an edge when the time comes for the KCC to schedule your interview if the VB indicates all CNs as current as at when your CN should become current." Could you reformulate it of me please?
According to the educational level, my spouse has nothing until now, that's why she pass her diploma of equivalent High School current june (results in july). As a matter of fact, I found on the o Net that "writer" with is "27-3043.05 Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers" with is Job Zone 4 range 7 to 8, that is well enough for the US standards. But a writer is not "employed", he has contracts with editors and receive author's rights, so how to justify this for the US authorities. In fact she has co-published with me (professional writer) 4 books in 2 years in the past 5 years.
So, according to the fact that she will not have her interview before 2015, maybe the best is to wait for the result of the HS level in july to complete the de-260 and be sure. What do you think? Except if the authorities judge that this diploma was passes AFTER the random selection of GC last november… We'll b pleased to have tour advice on this topic.
To wait so much time before the interview is a bit scary for us, cause we are afraid that by this time all the GC will be delivered! According to your experience, what percentage of chance does have my wife with her NC EU00043XXX?
Thank's again and best regards

Vous pouvez retarder la soumission du ds260 I'll n'y a aucun mal a faire ca !
Histoire d'inclure le diplome de votre epouse.
Le diplome doit etre l'equivalent de 12 annees scolaires c'est a dire le niveau bac.
Votre interview sera surement pour le mois d'out ou septembre 2015.
Vous pouver toujours soumettre votre application maintenant biensure comme som1smom a suggere, mais I'll va falloir faire une update par la suite...
Guys - vladek I realise you are trying to help but if you are posting in French can you also provide translations please. Remember these forums are used as a resource by everyone so please if we have posts in a different language can we have translations too. Ok I am not a mod so I can't authoritatively say this but this is usual practice on forums. Thanks
Merci Vladek!
Selon vous, les chances d'obtenir la GC en passant assez tard, à savoir aout ou septembre 2015 sont elles moins bonnes, et risque-t-on de nous retrouver sans GC car elles auront toutes été attribuées? Cela nous soucie un peu… Sers chances sont-elles (si toutes les conditions sont par ailleurs requises évidemment de 100%, 90% ou… 50%?
Concernant le diplôme, ma femme a 34 ans et passe en juin le DAEU, Diplôme d'Aptitude aux Etudes Supérieures équivalent au Bac, donc niveau High School américain. Je pense qu'il est en effet préférable de l'indiquer une fois obtenu en plus des deux années d'écrivain, toujours sujettes à caution. (Ce n'est pas un "vrai" travail au regard de la plupart des gens, même si le niveau sur le O net est répertorié en Zone 4 range 7 ou 8).
Merci en tout cas à tous les aimables animateurs de ce forum!
You're right SusieQQQ. I'll post in english further more. I have to improve my english as well, and it's a good exercise!
J have another question too. It's about the moving of our personal things and furnitures. I think that is pretty expansive to move on to the States (especially LA where we intend to go) from France! With the risks of loosing things during the journey, or have things broken.
In fact I'm a writer end need to work with lot of books (they aren't all in ebooks, especially the ancient books). So it's pretty a problem for me!
Thanks for your advices!
Merci Vladek!
Selon vous, les chances d'obtenir la GC en passant assez tard, à savoir aout ou septembre 2015 sont elles moins bonnes, et risque-t-on de nous retrouver sans GC car elles auront toutes été attribuées? Cela nous soucie un peu… Sers chances sont-elles (si toutes les conditions sont par ailleurs requises évidemment de 100%, 90% ou… 50%?
Concernant le diplôme, ma femme a 34 ans et passe en juin le DAEU, Diplôme d'Aptitude aux Etudes Supérieures équivalent au Bac, donc niveau High School américain. Je pense qu'il est en effet préférable de l'indiquer une fois obtenu en plus des deux années d'écrivain, toujours sujettes à caution. (Ce n'est pas un "vrai" travail au regard de la plupart des gens, même si le niveau sur le O net est répertorié en Zone 4 range 7 ou 8).
Merci en tout cas à tous les aimables animateurs de ce forum!
To qualify on work experience its a very tricky option ! And most of us chose to qualify on education because its stright forward .
So like I said already won't do you any harm to submit later your ds260, since you CN is high your interview is only for late 2015 fiscal year.
Concerrning the percentage of chances for an interview, as you know its a lottery!
They selected 125000 for only 50000 visas available, now since lots of people do not pursue their applicatuions. So you will have to be very patient ... No one can tell you exacty how many chances you have with a high cn....
Guys - vladek I realise you are trying to help but if you are posting in French can you also provide translations please. Remember these forums are used as a resource by everyone so please if we have posts in a different language can we have translations too. Ok I am not a mod so I can't authoritatively say this but this is usual practice on forums. Thanks
Sorry susie, edouard seemed to be confused a bit !
MMM… I understand, Vladek. It's a lottery, of course… But most people said to us that when you were selected, and if all the conditions were respected, your chances would be around 97% of chance to get it finally. By the way, what is considered as a high CN? If 43XXX is high, 125XXX is in this case super high? According to the fact that there is 125000 selections for only 50000 GC. 43000 is less than 50000, so it would be enough, but in the 50000 you have also the families and the couples… So in fact the selection isn't on 125000 but at least on 250000 (if couples concerned). Isn't it?
In fact I would like to know what is the highest CN wich had get finally the GC… And approximatively how much of the selected people who went unto the end of the process (because a lot of them let it go in the between) HAD'NT the GC finally.
In order to be lucid but also to have a hope…
Thank you in advance!
Case numbers are allocated for each region
Like 2015EU01 up to 2015EU47000,
2015AF01 up to 2015AF100000
And that's the same for AS (asia), SA(south-america).....
The number of 125000 selectees includes family members...
I understand, Vladek
I reported all the figures of the selected entrants for the DV 2015 for Europe, summarizing all the nations I'v got the number of 37 573 for Europe. That is part of the selected people who went until the end of the process with success AND their family, right? My spouse having the NC 43473, she has a handicap of 6000 people (and not 12000 if couples cause you say that the selected include the family members) who has to abandon or fail in their process if she want to have a chance, is that so? It correspond of 15% of failures or desertions (6000/37573). Is my calculation right? Statistically, how much failures or desertions are recorded? Do we know that? If it's more than 15%, say 40%, my spouse has all chances to get it. If it's less than 15%, say 10%, it would be difficult.
Sorry for all those odd calculations but one thing is to know you have all your chances to get it in 16 months and to prepare yourself to emigrate and one another not to be shire at all to get it finally, and have spend all those months in preparing the big journey for nothing!
Thanks again for your patience...