• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2014 Lottery High number or not? Please help.

At this point I am not 100% sure about borderline for Asia. I am more or less certain only anout Europe and South America. I know only some estimates for other regions
I will know more about other regions in a couple of weeks

I am sorry to tel you unfortunatlly you are wasting your time about the numbers this not big issue and there are no rules the selction was random and the numbers are random you can see one from asia with number 300 and the other 45000 so there is no specific rules about the case numbers the only think you have to keep it in your mind that ALL numbers will have the chance to have interview
Only numbers until certain number will have interview and will get visas. That was the case until several years ago and this is the case now.
Only numbers until certain number will have interview and will get visas. That was the case until several years ago and this is the case now.

Sir if look at the link i put about the visa granted over the past 10 years you will see that they never ever grant the full amount of the visa which is 55000 and that mean not all the winners are qulified for the visa but if the VB say current this meann you will have appintment and interview and if ther still visa availble and most of the time yes then you will get GC
It is 50,000, not 55,000 for a number of years, since NACARA is taking 5K from those 55K. Sometimes quota is overfilled - 2010, 2011.
It is 50,000, not 55,000 for a number of years, since NACARA is taking 5K from those 55K. Sometimes quota is overfilled - 2010, 2011.

Sir what ever look at the statistics even 50000 not granted for all years and the statistics suppose to include all even the NACRA and you will see they never ever reach 55000
Raevsky I have to concur with EYW979 in that everyone has an equal chance. I think it would be rather silly for over 100,000 selectees to be chosen with the pretext of being dumped in advance.

Let everyone have their moment and go through the journey. There's no harm in dreaming or thinking ahead even if things turn out differently...it's not like we control the KCC's decisions and whatever we say on numbers of pure speculation and there's no proven fact about the numbers theory.
Lol!! Just go ahead with the process and wait for your chance. No one in here can tell you for certain what KCC and the US government will do. You can't win if you don't play the game, don't listen to fear mongering, some of the people haven't even won and claim they don't need DV. I don't know why they are trying to stop others who obviously believe they need DV.
Lol!! Just go ahead with the process and wait for your chance. No one in here can tell you for certain what KCC and the US government will do. You can't win if you don't play the game, don't listen to fear mongering, some of the people haven't even won and claim they don't need DV. I don't know why they are trying to stop others who obviously believe they need DV.

BurundiWinner - NICE ONE...I wish there was a "like" button here like Facebook, I would give you 10 likes loool
Hey Guys, I just joined the forum but have been applying for DV Lottery for years.
Anyways, all the high/low numbers you guys are talking about, None of my confirmations (present/past) have those.
Infact my cn is 20141-rest is all alphabets. When I applied I was in the US on vacation but I live in Malaysia (Asia).

Just wanted to check with you guys on that.
Hey Guys, I just joined the forum but have been applying for DV Lottery for years.
Anyways, all the high/low numbers you guys are talking about, None of my confirmations (present/past) have those.
Infact my cn is 20141-rest is all alphabets. When I applied I was in the US on vacation but I live in Malaysia (Asia).

Just wanted to check with you guys on that.

what you are talking about is Confirmation Number its differnant than the Case number< case numbers for winners Confimration numbers for all appicants
Raevsky I have to concur with EYW979 in that everyone has an equal chance. I think it would be rather silly for over 100,000 selectees to be chosen with the pretext of being dumped in advance.

Let everyone have their moment and go through the journey. There's no harm in dreaming or thinking ahead even if things turn out differently...it's not like we control the KCC's decisions and whatever we say on numbers of pure speculation and there's no proven fact about the numbers theory.

sending forms to kcc is not just dreaming, it is a very concrete acton that would bring one very concrete harm - ineligibility for certain nonimmigrant visas. with a high numer you have no chances for a dv visa anyway, why would you harm yourself on top of that?!
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Lol!! Just go ahead with the process and wait for your chance. No one in here can tell you for certain what KCC and the US government will do. You can't win if you don't play the game, don't listen to fear mongering, some of the people haven't even won and claim they don't need DV. I don't know why they are trying to stop others who obviously believe they need DV.
some people have financial interest in each fake application for visa. they earn money on your failure. that is why they do not care about you eligibility for nonimmigrant visa
It is ovbious someone who offers me an illegal service sending him my forms for a fee would benefit regardless of whether those forms would harm me or not. That is why some individuals fake their signature to show himself or herself as a lottery winner and that is why they are trying to persuade you that only lottery winners could do you any good.
In fact, immigration lawyers, who would give you competent advice, are not lottery winners themselves, and they do not play lottery themselves (the same as I do, though I am not a lawyer)
Everyone who bluntly advises you to submit your form to KCC regardless of your rank number, is trying to benefit from your failure.
Report this illegal activity immediately


How do I report internet fraud or unsolicited email?
If you wish to file a complaint about internet fraud, please see visit econsumer.gov, which is a joint effort of consumer protection agencies from 17 nations, hosted by the Federal Trade Commission. You can also visit the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) website. To file a complaint about unsolicited email, contact the Department of Justice.

What is the purpose of these fraudulent websites and emails?
Some of these fraudulent organizations may require payment for immigration and visa services. If payment is made to a non-governmental source, this payment is not received by the U.S. government and does not apply toward visa processing. Sometimes these costs are for information or forms that are otherwise available for free on official U.S. government websites. Additionally, these imposter websites and emails cannot provide the services they advertise and for which they require payment. For example, many fraudulent emails promise U.S. visas or “green cards” in return for a large fee. These non-governmental, unofficial organizations are not able to provide these services. These services can only be obtained from official U.S. government entities, such as the Department of State, a U.S. embassy or consulate, or the Department of Homeland Security. Finally, be wary of providing any personal information through these fraudulent websites and emails, since such action that could result in identity fraud or theft. Visa applicants are strongly advised to be cautious in all dealings with non-governmental companies that claim to offer any assistance in obtaining U.S. visas.
Raevsky, if you are not an immigration attorney, what makes you such a devoted user of this forum for so many years? Your ramarks and advice are always making a lot of sense, and sound very logical. It looks like you have a lot of experience on this various DV issues. You work for a US agency or what?
No I do not, I am not a government employee. However, DV lottery is one of my favorite hobby subjects.
I used this forum a lot for a number of years, and it has always been a place for open discussions to investigate, find out and exchange opinions.
However, this year a gang of scammers hijacked the forum, and it is obvious why - in order to pursute illegal activities.
I need to throw this gang from the forum, all of them, because they obstruct the forum forrm it's purpose - being a place for open discussuions. That group of scammers is trying to drive the forum away by littering here. They need to get off the forum.
For me the main purpose why they need to get off is because they obstruct the forum from openness. And the tool for me to oi that will be government tools to prevent their illegal activity on the forum
If they do not stop hijacking the forum, I will have to do that any way - in case they are in the US they will be arrested for illegal activity, and in case they are not in the US, government will apply force to those who allow them on the forum.
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Yep, it won't be the first time people are trying to take advantage of the credulity and despair of others. So, you are the White Knight of the Order of the Green Card... :D - Thanks for protecting us. And also thanks for the amount of useful info I got from your posts already.

I can only hope these scammers made also a lot of fake entries (a new Bangladesh effect?), inflating the CN numbers, and giving some chance to the high CN registered entries...
Actually, I participated in the forum much earlier than 2007 - in the 90's there were 2 newsgroups - misc.immigration.usa and alt.visa.us where I actively participated. So I would say it is definitely more than 15 years, maybe 18 years. So far it is the first attempt to hijack the forum.