• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2014 Kenyan Selectees Report here

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As the curtain comes down for this year's interviews, surely the glory belongs to Him for all the success stories and testimonies shared here. We thank Him that we never saw any DV 2014 casualty among us(forum family). Those on AP (Family2133 & Danny den) the Lord has not forgotten you guys, we are strong with you in prayer. I prayer you get your visas before christmas and begin the new year with a smile.

Lord let there be NO MORE AP's or casualty among The forumites as the fiscal year concludes in Sep 2014, we shall all overcome the CO with prayers at the center of everything we do. We have so many testimonies among us to prove that prayer works. All the best to Godia,4Turya,Feyisayo,Guy Ray,Nairoba,Ghanaman,Olelenku as you shop around for flights and as you close up shop in Africa. We look forward to hear your testimonies next year as you settle in. Those facing the CO in Jan Azmera,Beth02,Partitas,Jimko all the best in your preparations.

God bless us All
Thank you utamaduni, God has not forgotten us and we are still strong even after the final out come. Thanks for those words, such encouragement means a lot especially to us who are on A.P.
hahaha...u guys are crazy...am sure the pilot woul see us and be like..eehh..think there is a joker threat on board..be strong family..u really inspiring guys here
Haahaaahaa;), those two shouldn't take the same flight, just to be on the safe side of the coin.
Thank you

Thanks bro..your morning devotion and consistency has no measure here...the forum deserves a nobel..as much as its a virtual world here..the virtues potrayed here are very real...thanks a lot
mornin mates indeed this is a house of winner so many wonderful testimonies may God bless you folks and remember to always praise his mighty name name ,congrats olelenku if one can recal those early days that you were so nervous ,but God has blessed you mate ,for those still waiting for their day with CO i believe you will have a smooth ride ,we should also pray for our folks danny and family .remember God loves you be bless mates

Todays devotion

Proverbs 3;5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
don’t rely on your own intelligence.
Know him in all your paths,
and he will keep your ways straight.

Remember God loves you be blessed
Congs Ghanaman.
My Interview Experience
Dear members forgive me for late report of the real interview experience. I broke the news to you as soon as I came out from the embassy. I was typing the interview experience when my IPad's battery ran down, so there was nothing I could do again. We are now in Kumasi.
Today was the day that I and my family went for our interview. For us the journey started yesterday when we left Kumasi exactly 12: 25 pm with the VIP bus. We got to Accra exactly 6 pm and we lodged at an affordable Guest House near Osu, about 10 minutes drive to the Embassy.
What some of our forum members do not know is that, my wife is the principal applicant. I entered the lottery one for her and one for myself and she won. We are family of 6 (my wife, myself, our 2 daughters and 2 sons), it is very large family as you can see. Running from Kumasi to Accra for medicals has been very hectic.
This morning we woke up at 4 am, but we wanted the children to sleep well so we woke them up after 5 am. We had our morning devotion by singing this hymnal "Take the Name of Jesus With You" at 6:25 am. We got to the embassy by 7:00am. And 3 minutes later we were called to form a queue. We were number 2 on the Immigrant queue. All security protocols observed. It is the same as been told by the other forum members.
When we were called to submit all our original photocopies we got to know for the marriage certificates the photocopies should be two, one for the husband and one for the wife. It was new to me, so I had to run to do extra photocopy. Those of you who are married should make sure that for the marriage certificate you make two photocopies instead of one. After I came into the embassy again I saw I left the original copy at the place I made the copies. I ran again to the place to pick it. We were asked to add our family pictures to our documents.
I gave the money to my wife to pay. For the 6 of us we paid $1,980. I changed our Cedis into dollars last Thursday in Forex Bureau in Kumasi. I wanted to make sure it was fake-free dollars so I took it to Ecobank for authentication. They were all fine. Today when we paid , the cashier wanted to know it was exact amount. He lifted each bill up and checked. Thank God it was ok.
Later my wife's name was mentioned at window 6. The entire family walked to that window. We were the largest family. We met a nice white gentleman.
This is how it went:
Me & Wife: Good morning
CO: Good morning
CO: You (Wife's name withheld) are the principal applicant?
Wife: Yes
CO: sign here and sign these for the children (the forms we sent to KCC)
CO: Who is child A?
Child A: Me
CO: Child K?
Child K: Me
CO: Child L?
Child L: Me
CO: Child Y?
Our last child is too young so we responded by showing him to the CO
CO: You have to raise your right hand swear that you would tell the truth
Me & Wife: We do
CO: Put your left index finger on this machine
My wife did and he asked me do the same. I did and I knew it would show on his system.
CO: You have been here before? ( referring to me)
Me: Yes
CO: You have been to the US several times?
Me: Yes
CO: What is your profession?
Wife: Teaching
CO: What Subject do you teach?
Wife: Currently I am headmistress and I also teach Religious and Moral Education
CO: Where do you teach?
Wife: bla bla in the Ashanti Region
CO: Are you married?
Wife: Yes
CO: When did you marry?
Wife: Bla bla
CO: How many children do you have?
Wife: 4
CO: Just 4?
We started laughing when he said "just 4?" and he too was smiling.
Wife: Yes
CO: You have a lot of pictures.
We smiled and he returned all our pictures to us.
CO: I have looked through all of your documents and everything is correct.
CO: Your visas have been approved, come on Friday to pick.
Me & Wife: Thank you.
One of my children lifted his hand up out of excitement when the visas were approved.
CO: Any of you can come and pick your passport with visas on Friday
Me: I will come
CO: Do not make any travel plans, do not quit your job, do not let the children stop their schooling before you have your visas.
Wife: Nodded
He gave us the collection slip

We thank God for this successful interview and the approval of the visas. God's factor in this success is 100%. It was not our effort or who we are or where we have been. God has been so gracious to my family, and my forum family. I thank you dear forum members for your prayers, support, and encouragement. For our pace-setters who got their visas before us, you have been good to us, God bless you all.
To those who are about to go for your interviews, the God who helped us will stand for you. He cares. He will provide for you too. This approval of the visas is not my graduation from this forum, I will keep coming to take part on discussions, prayers and inspirations. God cares and knows all of us.

The greatest lesson: The questions we think we will be asked won't be asked. The slight errors we made on the E-DV forms or the one we sent to KCC won't be an issue.
My advice is "Do not worry". Do not let errors spoil your day.
Congs mate and wishing you the best in the next chapter of your life.
Hi Guys again...everyone on this forum:-it went down like this:-

0553hrs:Arrival at Embassy Gate.The cold seems to be a constant so was well prepped with coat plus a TIE for impression purposes..(a man gotta do....u know ?)

0600hrs:The security guard told me to us to line up according to gender...was No.2 on line and no.5 to arrive at the parking bay.He then confirmed our appointments i.e 2NL and passport..

0609hrs:The guard told me to drop my bag,keys,phone on a basket and to spread my legs as he checked for anything that may explode...I don't know how he missed my HEART!!!

0613hrs:After a further walk to security check No.2,a lady asked for my passport and 2NL and directed to sit.They allowed further screening in groups of fours and its here that you are checked again for dangerous goods...( I dont know how u could come up with one after the 1st check)..nway,I left my phone and proceeded now to the main building...the crowd had gathered and we were ushered in to pick our call numbers..

06??hrs(losing track of time here):picked a sheet(explains eligibility criteria..high school..etc for different countries) and a small paper that indicates the queue number..apparently,non-immigrants are being served first.I surveyed around and have noticed a family of four,a lady and me as DV people at that point...

07??hrs:Am called after the lady and am asked for some docs..(Birth cert,High Cert,PP) and given invoice to pay..$330 or KSH 29700..one of the 1K was trying to behave funny with machine..anxious moment here..but it sailed through eventually..

073?hrs:Back to bench and now have to break ice with the lady in small time conversation...realize its a small world..she know people that I know...

0849hrs(I guess)..checked after getting impatient...conversation going on very well...at some point asked which state she going to..but found out that she headed east coast and me mid -west...very nice lady...decent and healthy conversation..(apparently,she didn't go to KNEC to have confidential results sent..calmed her down,told her nothing to panic about since she has original cert)

09??hrs:Lady called in and the moment has arrived..wished her luck and God be with her...

09??hrs:As if she had forgotten something,the Lady comes back smiling with a Green sheet..VISA APPROVED(Hey,that was fast-I said to myself)

0942hrs:..Mr Olelenku!Mr.Olelenku!(allow me to use my cherished forum name-on Public address system)..proceed to counter 6..I proceed with my documents and I meet the C.O--Time here now has frozen but it goes like this:-

C.O- Morning Sir(Smiling)

O.L-Morning Madam( SMILLING)

C.O-Raise your hand and confirm this is the truth..bla bla


C.O-What did you do after high school?

O.L-Bla Bla Bla( I swear I thought I sounded like a house slave in cotton picking south talking to Massa)

C.O-Marrige and Kid question( not in this order exactly)

O.L-Bla Bla Bla

O.L-Say again(actually,this was in my head)

O.L-I smile and say thank you..almost hugging the bullet proof window..mind you guys are listening,am sure they were like..lucky bastard!!!

C.O-You can dance(Nairobba..this lady has got a thing with dancing)

O.L-I do a two step move and smile

C.O-she hand s me a green sheet(and gives a small talk on procedures)

O.L-am about to leave and she hands me another sheet with my alien number

O.L-Gooday Madam

0944hrs...was my VISA APPROVAL time..Thank You Lord

Note:They never asked me for my IOM CD,Vaccination sheet...Nothing.
Within 2 Min...It was Over
Dear Family thank you so much for this information brother.

(a) Interviews already done
NameCountryInterview outcome
1.Danny DenBurundiAdministrative processing........
2.Family2133UgandaAdministrative processing........
3.GodiaKenyaVisa granted
4.4TuryaUgandaVisa Granted
5.FeyisayoNigeriaVisa Granted
6.Guy RayKenyaVisa Granted
7.NairobaKenyaVisa Granted
8.GhanamanGhanaVisa Granted
9.OlelenkuKenyaVisa Granted

(c)Remaining interview in December 2013
(c)Up coming interviews in January 2014
1.Azmera - Ethiopia
2.Beth02 - Kenya
3.Partitas - Kenya
Family it was great indeed being able to meet for the very first time and have a rich moment of fun. God willing we will meet one day sometime in the US
4Turya, JONGE and Mutu14, it was great to have a cup of coffee together in K'la, I hope we shall have the same one day in US.
4Turya , I wish you nice relocation preparations, for JONGE and Mutu14, wait patiently, you will soon be current and we shall read your success stories, no worries.
mornin mates indeed this is a house of winner so many wonderful testimonies may God bless you folks and remember to always praise his mighty name name ,congrats olelenku if one can recal those early days that you were so nervous ,but God has blessed you mate ,for those still waiting for their day with CO i believe you will have a smooth ride ,we should also pray for our folks danny and family .remember God loves you be bless mates

Todays devotion

Proverbs 3;5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
don’t rely on your own intelligence.
Know him in all your paths,
and he will keep your ways straight.

Remember God loves you be blessed

Amen...thanks. I remember Olelenku in the early days...God saw him through. Congratulations Olelenku once again.
Administrative Processing update, [Family2133]

At exactly 29 days into this A.P guy, I have received an update that my case is still undergoing admnistrative processing which is anticipated to last for 90 days or more. I have been assured that they are working on my case and once the qualifications are verified the visa wil be adjudicated right away.
Oh Lord God hear my cry, I know that with your Titanic/Astronomical/gigantic/stupendous/prodigious strength no obstacle can stand in your way to approve this visa, let your immense mercy prevail on my family and I . in Jesus' name I have prayed.
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At exactly 29 days into this A.P guy, I have received an update that my case is still undergoing admnistrative processing which is anticipated to last for 90 days or more. I have been assured that they are working on my case and once the qualifications are verified the visa wil be adjudicated right away.
Oh Lord God hear my cry, I know that with your Titanic/Astronomical/gigantic/stupendous/prodigious strength no obstacle can stand in your way to approve this visa, let your immense mercy prevail on my family and I . in Jesus' name I have prayed.
My brother, the update is a good signal that things will go well for you. We thank God. We thank God it was not a bad news. This is a good one. God is bigger than our problems. He has the whole world in His hands including those doing the verification. We will keep praying for you brother. At the end of this exercise you will smile and enjoy with your family. God cares. Waiting and uncertainty is hard, don't focus on the storm, just focus on God and His powers. We are behind you with prayers. God cares and loves you more.
God be with you and your family.
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The visas belongs to you soonest if not soon family 2133, again thats good news meaning there is light at the end of the tunnel we all owe yu in prayers and our God will soon rain the blessings upon yu and your family.
Hi Guys again...everyone on this forum:-it went down like this:-

0553hrs:Arrival at Embassy Gate.The cold seems to be a constant so was well prepped with coat plus a TIE for impression purposes..(a man gotta do....u know ?)

0600hrs:The security guard told me to us to line up according to gender...was No.2 on line and no.5 to arrive at the parking bay.He then confirmed our appointments i.e 2NL and passport..

0609hrs:The guard told me to drop my bag,keys,phone on a basket and to spread my legs as he checked for anything that may explode...I don't know how he missed my HEART!!!

0613hrs:After a further walk to security check No.2,a lady asked for my passport and 2NL and directed to sit.They allowed further screening in groups of fours and its here that you are checked again for dangerous goods...( I dont know how u could come up with one after the 1st check)..nway,I left my phone and proceeded now to the main building...the crowd had gathered and we were ushered in to pick our call numbers..

06??hrs(losing track of time here):picked a sheet(explains eligibility criteria..high school..etc for different countries) and a small paper that indicates the queue number..apparently,non-immigrants are being served first.I surveyed around and have noticed a family of four,a lady and me as DV people at that point...

07??hrs:Am called after the lady and am asked for some docs..(Birth cert,High Cert,PP) and given invoice to pay..$330 or KSH 29700..one of the 1K was trying to behave funny with machine..anxious moment here..but it sailed through eventually..

073?hrs:Back to bench and now have to break ice with the lady in small time conversation...realize its a small world..she know people that I know...

0849hrs(I guess)..checked after getting impatient...conversation going on very well...at some point asked which state she going to..but found out that she headed east coast and me mid -west...very nice lady...decent and healthy conversation..(apparently,she didn't go to KNEC to have confidential results sent..calmed her down,told her nothing to panic about since she has original cert)

09??hrs:Lady called in and the moment has arrived..wished her luck and God be with her...

09??hrs:As if she had forgotten something,the Lady comes back smiling with a Green sheet..VISA APPROVED(Hey,that was fast-I said to myself)

0942hrs:..Mr Olelenku!Mr.Olelenku!(allow me to use my cherished forum name-on Public address system)..proceed to counter 6..I proceed with my documents and I meet the C.O--Time here now has frozen but it goes like this:-

C.O- Morning Sir(Smiling)

O.L-Morning Madam( SMILLING)

C.O-Raise your hand and confirm this is the truth..bla bla


C.O-What did you do after high school?

O.L-Bla Bla Bla( I swear I thought I sounded like a house slave in cotton picking south talking to Massa)

C.O-Marrige and Kid question( not in this order exactly)

O.L-Bla Bla Bla

O.L-Say again(actually,this was in my head)

O.L-I smile and say thank you..almost hugging the bullet proof window..mind you guys are listening,am sure they were like..lucky bastard!!!

C.O-You can dance(Nairobba..this lady has got a thing with dancing)

O.L-I do a two step move and smile

C.O-she hand s me a green sheet(and gives a small talk on procedures)

O.L-am about to leave and she hands me another sheet with my alien number

O.L-Gooday Madam

0944hrs...was my VISA APPROVAL time..Thank You Lord

Note:They never asked me for my IOM CD,Vaccination sheet...Nothing.
Within 2 Min...It was Over

congrat Bros,i pray this goes round everybody
Visa picked!!!

Hi Good people,

I am glad to report to the forum that I picked my Visa plus my Wife's and Child's yesterday. Try to look for airticket to Georgia...eh eh eh!! I appreciate all ya'

(a) Interviews already done
1.Dannyden-Burundi, the out come was Administrative Processing..........
2.Family2133-Uganda, the out come was Administrative Processing..........
3.Godia-Kenya, the outcome was, Visa granted
4.4turya-Uganda, the outcome was, Visa granted
5.Feyisayo-Nigeria, the outcome was, Visa granted
6.Guy-Ray-Kenya, the outcome was, Visa granted
7.Nairobba-Kenya, the outcome was, Visa granted
8.Ghanaman-Ghana, the outcome was, Visa granted

(c)Remaining interview in December 2013
1.Olelenku - Kenya
(c)Up coming interviews in January 2014
1.Azmera - Ethiopia
2.Beth02 - Kenya
3.Partitas - Kenya

hello family 2133,You are doing a great job here,just want to let you know that since december is winding up, i think its high time you included winners that are current in febuary VB on your updated list here.
At exactly 29 days into this A.P guy, I have received an update that my case is still undergoing admnistrative processing which is anticipated to last for 90 days or more. I have been assured that they are working on my case and once the qualifications are verified the visa wil be adjudicated right away.
Oh Lord God hear my cry, I know that with your Titanic/Astronomical/gigantic/stupendous/prodigious strength no obstacle can stand in your way to approve this visa, let your immense mercy prevail on my family and I . in Jesus' name I have prayed.
At exactly 29 days into this A.P guy, I have received an update that my case is still undergoing admnistrative processing which is anticipated to last for 90 days or more. I have been assured that they are working on my case and once the qualifications are verified the visa wil be adjudicated right away.
Oh Lord God hear my cry, I know that with your Titanic/Astronomical/gigantic/stupendous/prodigious strength no obstacle can stand in your way to approve this visa, let your immense mercy prevail on my family and I . in Jesus' name I have prayed.

That's a good update,that shows God is currently working on your case.With God all things is possible.
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