• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2013 Under Administrative Processing

Congrats our dear Gold medalist, you truly deserve the gold medal, hats off to your patience buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May you have you a wonderful and safe journey to US. Please remember us in your prayers as well. By the way bro, my medicals are also six and half months old now. By the time I get my visa God willing, it could be 7 months old. Do you think they would accept a 7 month old medical certificate. I asked this question from the medical center from where I did my medicals. She said that their certificate is valid from 6 months to 1 year. But, she also said that it depends upon the embassy how much time they give you. So, do you think the Embassy would accept my 7 month old medicals?? Congrats once again BUDDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have certainly made our day by sharing this good news with us, God bless you!!!!!

Thanx a lot my dear Gabam; I hope you hear the good news soon "Inshaallah",
regarding the medicals actually I think it differs from country to country but when I did it in the first time I was told by the doctor that it is valid for 1 year and 10 months have passed since that time so I think they asked me to repeat it to make the visa valid for further 6 months before travelling to the states .. so don't worry bro I am pretty sure that they will make you know whether to repeat it or not ...
Good luck my friend !!!
Thanx a lot my dear Gabam; I hope you hear the good news soon "Inshaallah",
regarding the medicals actually I think it differs from country to country but when I did it in the first time I was told by the doctor that it is valid for 1 year and 10 months have passed since that time so I think they asked me to repeat it to make the visa valid for further 6 months before travelling to the states .. so don't worry bro I am pretty sure that they will make you know whether to repeat it or not ...
Good luck my friend !!!
Bro, it is time to make some changes to your signature. Please change that "Administrative Processing" to some thing more pleasant to the eyes!!!!
Bro, it is time to make some changes to your signature. Please change that "Administrative Processing" to some thing more pleasant to the eyes!!!!

Salam 3likum Gabam and all dearests ...

GM ... Today is labor day in united states so there is no any embassy or consulate will open today ...hence remaining 27 working days and subtract 4 Sunday u will find remaining only 23 working day also in many countries Saturday is not business working day so subtract 4 Saturday u will find 19 days remaining ...how much remaining from ur patience ???hhhhhhhhhhhh


CN : 2013AF000078***
Entry Date : 1th Oct, 2011
1st NL Checked : 2th May, 2012
Sent Forms to KCC : 15th May, 2012
DHL Delivery Confirmation : 18th May, 2012
KCC Confirmation : 28 May, 2012
2nd NL : 14th June, 2013
Medicals : 16th July, 2013
PCC : 30th July, 2013
Interview : 1th August, 2013 ( 19 days )
ok Guys..looks like we have lost the recent 3 pages around 100 post due to

"NOTE: Due to a security breach, we had to restore the forums to September 1, 2013. We apologize for the loss of data from last few days and the inconvenience caused. Regards Administrator"

lets share our new updates....

A little bit of news for you guys. Today, the Embassy called me to send them my passport. I am wondering what would they do with my passport, I am really confused, any ideas???
Gabam...why would embassy asked for ur passport.
Definetly for staming Right...
cheer up bro......
grt news

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Gabam...why would embassy asked for yr passport.
Definetly for staming Right...
cheer it up bro......
grt news
Yes bro, it must be the case. Otherwise what would they do with the passport. I hope I can give you guys the "BIG NEWS" in some days by God's grace.
A little bit of news for you guys. Today, the Embassy called me to send them my passport. I am wondering what would they do with my passport, I am really confused, any ideas???

Bad news :( Your application was refused and they want your passport to burn it to make sure you never apply again. They just hate you this much!!

HA HA! Congratulations my friend. They will stick a little piece of paper in it acknowledging that you are welcomed in your new home, the USA. I told you over and over it was going to happen. Enjoy the moment and let us know all the happy details.

Anyone else who feels happy for Gabam say "HORRAY"!
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Bad news :( Your application was refused and they want your passport to burn it to make sure you never apply again. They just hate you this much!!

HA HA! Congratulations my friend. They will stick a little piece of paper in it acknowledging that you are welcomed in your new home, the USA. I told you over and over it was going to happen. Enjoy the moment and let us know all the happy details.

Anyone else who feels happy for Gabam say "HORRAY"!

Thanks for the nice words my friend. I can't wait to give you guys the good news.
A little bit of news for you guys. Today, the Embassy called me to send them my passport. I am wondering what would they do with my passport, I am really confused, any ideas???

first and formest I would like to thanks Allah Subhaeh wa Tala ..secondly I would like to give our dearest Gabam million congradulations ..ohhh my God ...ohhh my God ya karem .... Iam unable to express about my happyness to hear like this sweetest news ... if Gabam knows Arabic I will write in Arabic because I think English words is not enough to congradulate ....
I regret to all friends who sent to me private message to reply on their messages because my hand still under treatment and I will reply shortly on their messages ...again congradulation Gabam ..
with my kindest regards
A little bit of news for you guys. Today, the Embassy called me to send them my passport. I am wondering what would they do with my passport, I am really confused, any ideas???

FANTASTIC!!!!! I am SURE it is good news! It would really have been too cruel and sad if anything had gone wrong with your case so at last we know that Uncle Sam is going to play fair. I am really pleased for you - CONGRATULATIONS!
A little bit of news for you guys. Today, the Embassy called me to send them my passport. I am wondering what would they do with my passport, I am really confused, any ideas???

Now after they call you to send your passport you are saying what they want to do with your passport??? :) you must be kidding!! Congratulations, the only reason they will ask for your passport is that they want to stamp your Visa on it, you might still find your case at the CEAC website "under Administrative Processing", but this is not day by day updated. That's what they informed me. So normally you can call the Departement of State and ask the Visa Specialist about your case, they should have updates about your case.
I hope something good happens with me, I am not feeling comfortable and I almost lost hope about getting the Visa.
Congratulations again and keep us updated.
I am not feeling comfortable and I almost lost hope about getting the Visa.
Congratulations again and keep us updated.

Stop that! You will get yours as well. No need to worry my friend, and soon everyone will be congratulating you too :)
first and formest I would like to thanks Allah Subhaeh wa Tala ..secondly I would like to give our dearest Gabam million congradulations ..ohhh my God ...ohhh my God ya karem .... Iam unable to express about my happyness to hear like this sweetest news ... if Gabam knows Arabic I will write in Arabic because I think English words is not enough to congradulate ....
I regret to all friends who sent to me private message to reply on their messages because my hand still under treatment and I will reply shortly on their messages ...again congradulation Gabam ..
with my kindest regards
Thanks my dear brother, your words mean a lot to me!!!
Now after they call you to send your passport you are saying what they want to do with your passport??? :) you must be kidding!! Congratulations, the only reason they will ask for your passport is that they want to stamp your Visa on it, you might still find your case at the CEAC website "under Administrative Processing", but this is not day by day updated. That's what they informed me. So normally you can call the Departement of State and ask the Visa Specialist about your case, they should have updates about your case.
I hope something good happens with me, I am not feeling comfortable and I almost lost hope about getting the Visa.
Congratulations again and keep us updated.
Thanks my friend. And don't worry, I am 16 days older than you. So, you will have your good news a week after me by the Grace of God. So, no worries at all!!!
FANTASTIC!!!!! I am SURE it is good news! It would really have been too cruel and sad if anything had gone wrong with your case so at last we know that Uncle Sam is going to play fair. I am really pleased for you - CONGRATULATIONS!
Thanks for dear friend!!!!
Thanks God

Thanks God, finally our visa is issued for me and my family.

Immigrant Visa Case Number: 2013AF2****
Case Creation Date: 05-Oct-2011
Status Updated Date: 11-Sep-2013

Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

Case Number Status
2013AF2**** Issued
2013AF2**** Issued
2013AF2**** Issued

I thank you guys, you given be a lot of hopes.
I wish you all the best guys. special thanks to gabam and muhannad.
I am sure you will get it also soon.

case numer 2013AF2****
Interview 02 April 2013 Administrative processing
Visa pick up 12 sep 2013 Issued
Thanks God, finally our visa is issued for me and my family.

Immigrant Visa Case Number: 2013AF2****
Case Creation Date: 05-Oct-2011
Status Updated Date: 11-Sep-2013

Your visa has been printed. Depending on local procedures at the location where you were interviewed, your visa will be mailed or available for pickup soon. If there are further questions, or if we need updated contact information, you will be contacted.

Case Number Status
2013AF2**** Issued
2013AF2**** Issued
2013AF2**** Issued

I thank you guys, you given be a lot of hopes.
I wish you all the best guys. special thanks to gabam and muhannad.
I am sure you will get it also soon.

case numer 2013AF2****
Interview 02 April 2013 Administrative processing
Visa pick up 12 sep 2013 Issued

Congrats my dear!!!!!!!!!!!