• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

Does anyone knows the disqualification/fraud rate per region? I mean the percentage of invalided entries
I think due to the May results goof up many July successful entrants have not returned their documentation because either many of them may not be aware of the July re-draw OR other reasons (lost conf #, etc) and thus may not even know that they are winners.

I say this because I saw this strange section in this Visa bulletin, which was never included in previous years bulletin. So my guess is that the all regions are current possibly due to the fact that many successful entrants have not returned their documentation and thus they are not left with many people to be processed.

Also remember that this was the first time, no letters were mailed, and all was contingent upon retaining your confirmation #. It is also likely that a big number of entrants have not recorded their confirmation nos, lost them or thrown away after May results. It is probably all a theory with no way to prove, but this section below from the visa bulletin seems to suggest that outcome.
I think those two things (notice to winners and the fact that June numbers are all current) have something to do with the court on May 11th.
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, but I've been reading for a few months now. Firstly I just want to say that you guys are great to each other. It's awesome to see the support stick around after the results come from people with both good and bad news.

Basically this is my first time entering. Living in America has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I only turned 21 last year and only found out about this in time to apply last year. I think the amount I want to win is selfish, because I know there are many people applying that are in far worse situations than I am (I live in Perth, Australia and have a reasonably well paying job) however I can never lose this feeling that I don't belong here and need something else. I'm willing to give up my job and the money I get to live in a shared over priced apartment somewhere in NYC on a significant lower wage - my family call me crazy, but I guess everybody else knows the feeling of wanting the "American Dream"

So enough about me :p..i actually have a legit question. My knowledge about the DV Lottery improved significantly since I started reading these forums however there is one thing i'm still confused about. When people talk about "current numbers"..for example, the numbers current in October are: ... . What does this actually mean? And the number that is issued, is that given as soon as you find out your successful, or is it once you have sent off the inital documents to KCC and then they give you the number so you know when your interview is?

I'm sure you guys are sick of answering these stupid questions over and over, but I appreciate it anyone could help.

Best of luck to everybody on May 1st. I hope a large number of us (of course me included :p) are successful.
Basically this is my first time entering. Living in America has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I only turned 21 last year and only found out about this in time to apply last year. I think the amount I want to win is selfish, because I know there are many people applying that are in far worse situations than I am (I live in Perth, Australia and have a reasonably well paying job) however I can never lose this feeling that I don't belong here and need something else. I'm willing to give up my job and the money I get to live in a shared over priced apartment somewhere in NYC on a significant lower wage - my family call me crazy, but I guess everybody else knows the feeling of wanting the "American Dream"

Same boat as you! I'm 20, also from Australia (Gold Coast). Everyone thinks I'm nuts for wanting to live there. I can't help it. I love it. My step dad is from Texas, I've been over there countless times. I love it more and more each time. This is my second year in the DV Lottery, third "try" I guess if you count May 1st & July 15th 2011 haha. Hoping for success come May 1st! :D Good luck!
Wellcome on board

Same boat as you! I'm 20, also from Australia (Gold Coast). Everyone thinks I'm nuts for wanting to live there. I can't help it. I love it. My step dad is from Texas, I've been over there countless times. I love it more and more each time. This is my second year in the DV Lottery, third "try" I guess if you count May 1st & July 15th 2011 haha. Hoping for success come May 1st! :D Good luck!

@Toleb nd JessJames, U guyz are highly wellcome to this happy and wonderfull family. We are most glad to av u in our midst. Pls do feel free to share your thoughts, observations, contributions and experiences here. The house is growing as the day approaches. Best wishes. One Love!
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, but I've been reading for a few months now. Firstly I just want to say that you guys are great to each other. It's awesome to see the support stick around after the results come from people with both good and bad news.

Basically this is my first time entering. Living in America has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I only turned 21 last year and only found out about this in time to apply last year. I think the amount I want to win is selfish, because I know there are many people applying that are in far worse situations than I am (I live in Perth, Australia and have a reasonably well paying job) however I can never lose this feeling that I don't belong here and need something else. I'm willing to give up my job and the money I get to live in a shared over priced apartment somewhere in NYC on a significant lower wage - my family call me crazy, but I guess everybody else knows the feeling of wanting the "American Dream"

So enough about me :p..i actually have a legit question. My knowledge about the DV Lottery improved significantly since I started reading these forums however there is one thing i'm still confused about. When people talk about "current numbers"..for example, the numbers current in October are: ... . What does this actually mean? And the number that is issued, is that given as soon as you find out your successful, or is it once you have sent off the inital documents to KCC and then they give you the number so you know when your interview is?

I'm sure you guys are sick of answering these stupid questions over and over, but I appreciate it anyone could help.

Best of luck to everybody on May 1st. I hope a large number of us (of course me included :p) are successful.

Welcome to the 'forum family', and a special hi from a Melbourne Aussie :)

I am pretty sure that when you log in on May 1 (well, our May 2nd), and you are successful, THAT is also when you get your number. I am sure the house will say if this is the case :)

You can look at the visa bulletins of last year to work out when you might expect an interview from that number. So, lets say you log in and you get 900. Well, last years bulletin for March 2011 the current numbers were up to 900. So roughly speaking, you could expect your interview to be March 2013. That gives you a rough guide for getting your police check (needs to be 6 months before interview) and also medical. Normally for Australia, in about August of the next year, ALL numbers are current. This year however, that has happened for June, which is quite interesting.

I am pretty sure I have that correct but if not, someone in the 'house' will be sure to let us know :) After many months of reading these forums, its easy to still be confused! :)

I hope I haven't confused you more!


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Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, but I've been reading for a few months now. Firstly I just want to say that you guys are great to each other. It's awesome to see the support stick around after the results come from people with both good and bad news.

Basically this is my first time entering. Living in America has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I only turned 21 last year and only found out about this in time to apply last year. I think the amount I want to win is selfish, because I know there are many people applying that are in far worse situations than I am (I live in Perth, Australia and have a reasonably well paying job) however I can never lose this feeling that I don't belong here and need something else. I'm willing to give up my job and the money I get to live in a shared over priced apartment somewhere in NYC on a significant lower wage - my family call me crazy, but I guess everybody else knows the feeling of wanting the "American Dream"

So enough about me :p..i actually have a legit question. My knowledge about the DV Lottery improved significantly since I started reading these forums however there is one thing i'm still confused about. When people talk about "current numbers"..for example, the numbers current in October are: ... . What does this actually mean? And the number that is issued, is that given as soon as you find out your successful, or is it once you have sent off the inital documents to KCC and then they give you the number so you know when your interview is?

I'm sure you guys are sick of answering these stupid questions over and over, but I appreciate it anyone could help.

Best of luck to everybody on May 1st. I hope a large number of us (of course me included :p) are successful.

If A case Number is current its means that an interview date has been schedule for the person's with case numbers that falls under the category listed e.g 16500 mean that every person under 16500 in a particular region e.g Europe is likely to have an interview in the certain month mention e.g June. but in Africa, Nigeria, Egypt and one other country has there different current case numbers. e.g like if they say all region current in the month of October are Africa 20000 except Egypt 15000, Nigeria 12000 and the other country 18000 mean that all numbers in Africa that is up to 20000 has been schedule for an interview except those country that where listed separately, the people in that country e.g Nigeria that has been schedule for an interview is under 12000. your question number 2, the numbers are given when u find out that you are successful come may 1st, you will see it via the entrant status check page.
Welcome to the 'forum family', and a special hi from a Melbourne Aussie :)

I am pretty sure that when you log in on May 1 (well, our May 2nd), and you are successful, THAT is also when you get your number. I am sure the house will say if this is the case :)

You can look at the visa bulletins of last year to work out when you might expect an interview from that number. So, lets say you log in and you get 900. Well, last years bulletin for March 2011 the current numbers were up to 900. So roughly speaking, you could expect your interview to be March 2013. That gives you a rough guide for getting your police check (needs to be 6 months before interview) and also medical. Normally for Australia, in about August of the next year, ALL numbers are current. This year however, that has happened for June, which is quite interesting.

I am pretty sure I have that correct but if not, someone in the 'house' will be sure to let us know :) After many months of reading these forums, its easy to still be confused! :)

I hope I haven't confused you more!



Those selected will get a CN number by region. Eg. AF00000xxxxx for Africa and OC0000xxxxx for Oceania. In total approximately 100,000 will be selected and 50,000 granted visas.
So for eg a CN like AF000032121 will be ranked somewhere in the second half of Africa total and receive an interview on the basis of the Visa bulletin release.

Interview starts Oct and send Sep . common practice once selected is to fill ou the instructed papers and send to KCC. Then get all your paper work ready!
5 -7 weeks before the actual interview you will be notified to check the ESC website again for you interview date. Once that happens you need to time your Medicals and finalize an missing papers.
Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum, but I've been reading for a few months now. Firstly I just want to say that you guys are great to each other. It's awesome to see the support stick around after the results come from people with both good and bad news.

Basically this is my first time entering. Living in America has been a dream of mine for as long as I can remember, but I only turned 21 last year and only found out about this in time to apply last year. I think the amount I want to win is selfish, because I know there are many people applying that are in far worse situations than I am (I live in Perth, Australia and have a reasonably well paying job) however I can never lose this feeling that I don't belong here and need something else. I'm willing to give up my job and the money I get to live in a shared over priced apartment somewhere in NYC on a significant lower wage - my family call me crazy, but I guess everybody else knows the feeling of wanting the "American Dream"

So enough about me :p..i actually have a legit question. My knowledge about the DV Lottery improved significantly since I started reading these forums however there is one thing i'm still confused about. When people talk about "current numbers"..for example, the numbers current in October are: ... . What does this actually mean? And the number that is issued, is that given as soon as you find out your successful, or is it once you have sent off the inital documents to KCC and then they give you the number so you know when your interview is?

I'm sure you guys are sick of answering these stupid questions over and over, but I appreciate it anyone could help.

Best of luck to everybody on May 1st. I hope a large number of us (of course me included :p) are successful.

Same boat as you! I'm 20, also from Australia (Gold Coast). Everyone thinks I'm nuts for wanting to live there. I can't help it. I love it. My step dad is from Texas, I've been over there countless times. I love it more and more each time. This is my second year in the DV Lottery, third "try" I guess if you count May 1st & July 15th 2011 haha. Hoping for success come May 1st! :D Good luck!

First of all - hi to our new members! I totally understand you wanting to live in the U.S. I'm 26 and without going much into detail I wanted to live there ever since I can remember.

Toleb, your question on the CN being current has been answered by fellow forumites above. So I'm just gonna say that I know very well the feeling of not belonging, although I'm from different country than you. Jessjames, I liked as you wrote you love it more and more each time. Same as me.

I wish the best of luck to you guys and everyone else in DV2013! It would be cool to meet some day in the U.S.
And counting! :) I don't know about you guys but the last few weeks have been fast!

It seems to be going VERY fast, I agree with you!

My son has a birthday at the end of this month, so I am thinking about that (he's a grown man but still my little son lol) plus busy with work at the end of April too, so I will be distracted. May 1 will be upon us quickly!

It seems to be going VERY fast, I agree with you!

My son has a birthday at the end of this month, so I am thinking about that (he's a grown man but still my little son lol) plus busy with work at the end of April too, so I will be distracted. May 1 will be upon us quickly!


I like to come back to this forum several times a day now. I might check it more frequently than Facebook, haha (which I'm going to dump soon probably).

How dificult was it for you guys to make a decision to move to the US? In terms of leaving family members behind... I mean for me personally, it was the most difficult thing to overcome. Nobody from my family has ever moved to a place so distant and they are used to being pretty close. But my desire for living my American Dream is stronger and I figured there might be no better time to do it. After all, I have just one try in this world so I want to make the most out of it and do what I really love to do. Which takes me back to the quote in your signature, Q. I like it a lot and agree with it fully.
Interview starts Oct and send Sep . common practice once selected is to fill ou the instructed papers and send to KCC. Then get all your paper work ready!
5 -7 weeks before the actual interview you will be notified to check the ESC website again for you interview date. Once that happens you need to time your Medicals and finalize an missing papers.

If interviews start Oct, how does that give people 6 months time beforehand to get their police check as Qewty mentioned? So, is it better to get a lower number, or a higher number? Like, a lower number could/would mean you get to leave much earlier? Or am I wrong?