• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

@Obama, bro there's no special date to apply for this lottery cos it wasn't specified. Its just a mere speculations from the house which i believe will neva work. The Lottery doesn't work by speculation but by luck. Just submit urs and live the rest to God.

If u culd remember what happened last time concerning the 22,000 winners on May 1st. Speculations had it that the DOS will loose the case to Mr. White, and that the result for July 15th may be voided, but what happened afterwards, The case was struck out and the result was released.
I dont believe in speculations and be warned, the Instruction states that it is ADVISABLE TO SUBMIT UR APPLICATION EARLY TO AVOID RUSH.
Dont joke with AMERICANS

Very true. There is no special date to apply because if a person enters every day of the registration period, it doesn't guarantee that the computer will select their name. So this is what it involves (i.e. random selection by the computer regardless of the entry date).
New eligible countries: South Sudan and Poland

It will be interesting to see how many people from these two countries will apply for DV-2013.

South Sudan has a population of over 8 million and Poland over 38 million.
Very true. There is no special date to apply because if a person enters every day of the registration period, it doesn't guarantee that the computer will select their name. So this is what it involves (i.e. random selection by the computer regardless of the entry date).

Correct. DV-2013 will be conducted in the same way the second DV-2012 lottery was carried out, the difference being of course some countries (like Bangladesh) will no longer be eligible to enter, and some countries (like Poland & South Sudan), will be eligible.

U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Visa Services David T. Donahue made it clear that the DV-2013 selection process;

a) Collects everyone's entries on the electronic DV entry form
b) Deletes all duplicate/fraudulent/bad entries
c) Compiles a list of all correctly filled out/eligible entries
d) Randomizes the entries and selects the “winners.”
e) All legitimate applicants on May 1st must use their confirmation number that they received when they applied to check online whether they have been selected for further processing.
f) The lucky 100,000 will then have to follow up their case (mailing KCC/Attending Interview/Proving their claim at US Consulate etc) and try become the even luckier 50,000!

Good luck everyone!
@ Win DV

Bros how far nahh... Long time. Jor ma binu you don get preferred date you wan enter for the lottery??? make you share with me na........ I dey think towards the last 4 days.... How you see am????
@ Win DV

Bros how far nahh... Long time. Jor ma binu you don get preferred date you wan enter for the lottery??? make you share with me na........ I dey think towards the last 4 days.... How you see am????

@ololo12, bro, u cant get what u are asking from Windv. Its a matter of luck. He doesn't know the precise date and nobody in this house will tell u they know the date. My friend, just play this thing and 4get about the preferred date. Everybody in the house which to know the date and also be the first to apply, but they cant guarantee u anything. its not POOL,LOTTO or BABA IJEBU as u do call it, far from that. It's a lottery where every day counts as long as ur entries are perfect and u qualify for the draw. Pls play it now, u may end up picking the right date urself. one Love bro!
@ Win DV

Bros how far nahh... Long time. Jor ma binu you don get preferred date you wan enter for the lottery??? make you share with me na........ I dey think towards the last 4 days.... How you see am????

Hi ololo12, How are you? I wish I new the best days to apply...Just enter on any day with hopes of being picked by the computer. But for some reason, I did not want to apply on the 5th and 6th. I believe that thousands applied on the first 2 days. :)
Guys u keep talkin of early submissions of entries n dat u can submit at anytime n still gets selected?well u guys maybe right abt dat?but u guys nd 2 understand dat DOS re nt sincere wt there rules.
1.we saw a situation in DV2010 n DV2011,a situation wereby abt 15% to 20% gets SELECTED from d middle n last 3 or 2days n DOS wud keep tellin us dat it is good 2 apply early,well to me dats bullshit.No wonder so many applicants in d US av discovered there tricks n dis applicants always enetered their entries 2wards d end of d program or middle n they still gets SELECTED.
2.we saw a situation wereby DOS stated dat any applicants who checked he/her results 4rm there website n foundout dat he/she does not win cannot get a NL,only dose applicants SELECTED 4 FURTHER PROCESSIN can get a NL.But wat did we see?we saw a situation wereby some applicants who checked their reults online n foundout dat they did nt win n still later get a NL 4rm DOS n 4rm wat is on there website dat only winnin applicants can get a NL so nw wat does dis implies or portrait abt DOS?Guys dnt get me wrong?i am nt here 2 challenge DOS n also am nt sayin dat it is good 2 apply lately hell no?but wat i am sayin is dat DOS re also nt sincere wt their selves?only DV2006 program dat d last 1wk of entries were all cancelled?
@Arekee, DOS only suggest that its safer to apply early because many things can happen towards the end like their systems crashing etc and if that happens for example in the last week of the entry period then they can't extend it further for those that had not entered yet. It would be our bad luck so they suggest we enter early so we know we are on the safe side. And about the computer selecting entries on certain periods say from the middle or the last days or even the first week, nobody knows how the computer will select not even DOS because its random and random can mean the computer selecting as it wishes even if that means selecting from the middle week and first week with very few from the last week. Its a matter of luck and divine favour from God fellow forumites. Let's pray and leave everything in Gods hands.
@verdite wat do u truely understand by RANDOM SELECTION,either by DICTIONARY or by d way DOS calls it?u even talked dat d computer can even decides 2 selects entries 4rm even a particular days or dates or even 4rm middle n dat DOS or nobody can manipulate or interrups d computer 4rm selectin entries or dat DOS doesn't even knw hw d computer selects n u call dat a true RANDOM SELETION? but 4got 2 knw dat d software being used 4 d selections of entries was designed by somebody n dats KIRIT AMIN.see verdite a true RANDOM SELECTION shud nt select entries 4rm a particular days or dates or even middle,its suppose 2 b a thn of fairness n dat all entries re suppose 2 stand a chance of selectin even if nt all entries wud b selected but atleast every truely RANDOM SELCTIONS shud selects 4rm all angle.All i am sayin is dat DOS re nt 100% sincere 2 there rules as they preaches.
I don't know where did you get these statistics but it makes sense to me since the vast majority of entrants apply in the middle.
How many numbers does your confirmation number has? Actually, the confirmation number gets higher if you apply later. For example, when I applied it was like 20132B..... and when a friend of mine applied after a week, his conf. number was 20132F.....
Moreover, I don't know if having a lot of numbers does matter. What do you think? :)
@Iren,first of all,i wnt u 2 understand dat CN has nthn 2 do wt winnin?
Every CN/code is bn assigned 2 each entry in d program.So dnt get worried abt dis codes cos winnin is all dat matters?
@iren, the confirmation number always has 16 characters. I don't know if the numbers increase as the weeks pass but a friend of mine applied on the some minutes after the program had started and his confirmation number was 201328T.......H. The numeric numbers were 10 with 6 Letters. I must admit that was the first time I have seen a confirmation number having so many numbers because it usually has about 6 numbers or seven.
@verdite wat do u truely understand by RANDOM SELECTION,either by DICTIONARY or by d way DOS calls it?u even talked dat d computer can even decides 2 selects entries 4rm even a particular days or dates or even 4rm middle n dat DOS or nobody can manipulate or interrups d computer 4rm selectin entries or dat DOS doesn't even knw hw d computer selects n u call dat a true RANDOM SELETION? but 4got 2 knw dat d software being used 4 d selections of entries was designed by somebody n dats KIRIT AMIN.see verdite a true RANDOM SELECTION shud nt select entries 4rm a particular days or dates or even middle,its suppose 2 b a thn of fairness n dat all entries re suppose 2 stand a chance of selectin even if nt all entries wud b selected but atleast every truely RANDOM SELCTIONS shud selects 4rm all angle.All i am sayin is dat DOS re nt 100% sincere 2 there rules as they preaches.

Every computer generated randomizer has some sort of bias, but there is no proof that entering at the beginning, middle, or end makes any difference.

After the 5th November, the DoS will collate all the entries and examine them for fraud/duplicates.

Once the surface examination is done and all the bad entries are disqualified, then the selection begins in a randomized manner for an interview chance.

If the date is used to calculate the CN algorithmically, it doesn’t matter because the selectees are not pre-picked, it only seems like there is some sort of a preferred date because it’s being looked at in hindsight.
A person’s chances are not equal in the DV lottery anyway because those with chargeability in Asia have a lower chance of being picked than those which use Europe, which is lower than Africa, which in turn is lower than Oceania.

Not to mention, every year there are changes to the countries that can participate which alters the demographics, AND on top of that more and more people are applying. For example in 2007 9,070,227 people applied (including derivatives) in 2012 19,672,268 applied! 10 million more people than last time! You simply cannot calculate the statistically best date to enter because there isn’t one.

The most important thing is making sure that you enter in time, and everything is truthful.

After that, it’s just pure luck, I don't think there is any conspiracy or deception on the part of the DoS, because I'm not sure who would gain from that.
Pls forumite's what is the outcome of yesterday's
DV 2013 webchat with
Deputy Assistant Secretary
David Donahue?
@Slash_dot,in all of dis,wat re u directly isolatin?

I agree with you that it's not totally 100% random. But I disagree as to why that is. I don't think the DV-Lottery could be 100% random (apart from inherent bias). I think there are enough over variables that are involved in the DV lottery to negate that fact that it's not 100% random, from the regional zoning, to the fraudulent entries that could in theory push legitimate candidates out, to demographic changes due to country inclusion and exclusion.

I’m not sure what you mean when you said that;

DOS re nt 100% sincere 2 there rules as they preaches.

I think that there is an equal chance of being picked no matter when you enter the lottery provided the randomiser works properly. I don't know where you got the statistics that 15-20% of winners were those who entered towards the middle/end. I don't think it picks particular days, it seems far more likely the CN is a Hash/Checksum for all the data entered, and it's put into a pool with all the others that have not been disqualified and picked out at random. I think it seems that due to the inherent imbalances and shifts that I mentioned in my previous paragraph it may seem, perhaps, that certain days are favoured when in fact, they are not.

As far as I know the DoS does not release statistics for what days the winners applied for, and won the chance for a Diversity Visa.