• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

Oh don't worry Jess, I am very positive! So positive that I started a blog last night all prepared to chronicle my lottery journey! :)

I mean that if it is a NO I will be disappointed, but have planned on how to deal with that and move quickly on until it opens again next year. :)


Haha that's preparation! I have a blog still from before I left to Canada (did the same pre-departure/planning blogging, and while I was away etc), figured I'd just use that same one if I too got selected.

I haven't quite really planned for a no unfortunately :(
Note to all those who's intension is to distract the attention of this immigration thread to a religious thread to deceased from this thread cos this is a thread of immigration issues not a thread for religious issues please bewarn.@Irishguy you are on GC so why trying to distract peoples attention here cos i still remember quite well sometimes last yeart you had thesame religious issues with @ovicity so now you are on thesame topic.I know its a free world to express ones believe or disbelieve but at thesame time this is a forum for immigration issues and not for religious issues.Bewarn guys.

Thats the point, is that all the religious stuff is simply off-topic. I don't think trying to argue it is the right approach, I simply think discouraging it and pointing out that it is out of place is the right response.
Let's keep the harshness out of our forums so close to the end - we agree and know we are all different, so lets try to remain non-judgemental, we've done pretty well to keep this forum nice for months now, it serves no purpose to be deliberately antagonistic :)


Oh don't worry Jess, I am very positive! So positive that I started a blog last night all prepared to chronicle my lottery journey! :)

I mean that if it is a NO I will be disappointed, but have planned on how to deal with that and move quickly on until it opens again next year. :)


@Qewty are you living us?i know you have to concentrate more on you academic and studies but i need you to understand that you are one of the reason that this thread is still active up till now so if you live us now it could be sad especially to me cos the thread would be like a graveyard.We strongly need you at this crucial moment?
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Ah, I could never leave this forum so close to the decision! I will be reading and posting on this forum until I get my visa! And then I will return to share information :) I also want to see the journey of those I see on this forum too!

Thats the point, is that all the religious stuff is simply off-topic. I don't think trying to argue it is the right approach, I simply think discouraging it and pointing out that it is out of place is the right response.

@josh000 we all understand that the lottery is a game of random draw selection which is how it suppose to be.If you get selected goodluck but if you don't get selected then try to move on with you life.What we should be talking of here is to be of the issue (after May 1st what next).As for me i still have a plan B and C to get to the USA so i don't put all my hope on the lottery cos its a game of pure luck even if some people still get selected out of destiny.Guys my advise to you all please don't put all hopes on May 1st result try get a plan B or C if you are damn serious to go to the USA so that you don't have a heart broken on May 1st result.If you get selected or not still try to move on with your lives.Goodluck to all.
Ah, I could never leave this forum so close to the decision! I will be reading and posting on this forum until I get my visa! And then I will return to share information :) I also want to see the journey of those I see on this forum too!


@Qewty good to hear that from you cos you are simply one of my likens here that shares a vita comments here in this thread.I would say you and i mostly are the ones that have been keeping this thread active.Kudos to you for been here with us.May God bless you for taking your precious time to still post a comment and at thesame time concentrate on studies.Keep the good work going.God will see you through your academic and we will be part of those that would be selected for further processing, IJN,Amen.
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@josh000 we all understand that the lottery is a game of random draw selection which is how it suppose to be.If you get selected goodluck but if you don't get selected then try to move on with you life.What we should be talking of here is to be of the issue (after May 1st what next).As for me i still have a plan B and C to get to the USA so i don't put all my hope on the lottery cos its a game of pure luck even if some people still get selected out of destiny.Guys my advise to you all please don't put all hopes on May 1st result try get a plan B or C if you are damn serious to go to the USA so that you don't have a heart broken on May 1st result.If you get selected or not still try to move on with your lives.Goodluck to all.

With respect, you missed the point of what I said. Telling people god has their back, praying for people etc, it's all off topic. Just stop it. Please.

@Qewty good to hear that from you cos you are simply one of my likens here that shares a vita comments here in this thread.I would say you and i mostly are the ones that have been keeping this thread active.Kudos to you for been here with us.May God bless you for taking your precious time to still post a comment and at thesame time concentrate on studies.Keep the good work going.God will see you through your academic and we will be part of those that would be selected for further processing, IJN,Amen.

See, the bolded part is just unnecessarily and potentially very offensive. You have no place to make such assumptions nor are they necessarily welcome. They are certainly off-topic.
With respect, you missed the point of what I said. Telling people god has their back, praying for people etc, it's all off topic. Just stop it. Please.

See, the bolded part is just unnecessarily and potentially very offensive. You have no place to make such assumptions nor are they necessarily welcome. They are certainly off-topic.

@josh000,i can't dispute the fact that i wish for the success of someone is not an offensive word to say cos @Qewty has been one of the pro-active forumites here that's part of those keeping this thread going if not for her and some other forumites like i and others you wouldn't have been be here to be posting all this comments of yours cos wishing well for someone who deserve it still has nothing to do with being religious here so if you are looking for that room of religious issues,i would say sorry you got the wrong guy cos i don't have time for that.Let me tell you something that if you are here for ebullying my bro go look for street gang to do that cos here is a forum not for ebullying.End of this topic.
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Please let's all take a breath.

I have had many people in my life say 'may God bless you' or similar, either to me or others, and I certainly read people praying for something good to happen, whether its good grades, a happy marriage, even a safe journey on holidays! I do not find it offensive as it is their way and they have the very best intentions - I personally do not see someone praying as being a malicious intent; far from it. Do I profess my religion or beliefs online? No, because they are personal. But that is my choice. It's also my choice to scan through and get what I need from forums, and being a part of this forum for a long time I am used to the folks who post here and how they post. Each to his own; no one has been rude to me, I accept them how they are. The forum has evolved this way because of it's participants, and you take it for what it is and simply leave what does not interest you.

I am sorry you are offended by the posts in here Josh; note that the intent by the people in here is not to intentionally offend or upset, it is just that there is a large majority of posters who have been regular members (some for years) who consider the inclusion of their prayers in their posts as uplifting as Jess and I getting excited over Craigslist browsing. Everyone chooses their method of dealing with this thing.

I suppose in such a multi-cultural forum such as this, dealing with such an emotive issue as the dv lottery, differences become very apparent. It's a matter of seeing people for who they are and where they are coming from.

This particular thread on this forum is used very heavily by demonstrative religious folk, and has for some time. I understand your point of view, it's just that this forum is a product of those who participate :) Is it off topic? Sometimes yes. But this thread has been going for a very long time too, so it's bound to sway. It has gone from a thread just about dv to more of a "waiting lounge", as people kill time and chat.

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Well said qwerty.

It boggles my mind that the folk continually quoting the bible and dishing out prayers and such can't seem to understand you can wish people well without flooding the forum with religion, but so be it.

You are right things are offtopic for a while but the problem is not just in this one thread, but every thread. Still, I do understand how big an issue it is and I understand why they may turn to their gods. I just dont think the forum is the place to spread The Word.

Also don't get me wrong, I'm not offended...I am somewhat that people simply assume everyone shares their belief but not really. More annoyed at having to wade through so much godbothering just to read relevant information.

I'll stop debating the topic though, as there is no point in discussing it. Those who godbother don't understand that they are doing anything inappropriate...soo....yeah. Nevermind.

In other news, Praise Lucifer, the almighty Morning Star for he will guide us all to our paths in life. :p
nobody has the right to tell another not to call on the name of their God;IN GOD WE TRUST, as we wait for May 1...now lets move on!

Thanks men. My heart is now pounding very fast as the day goes by. I really cried my eyes out last year when i lost. This year, i hope i laugh. Its not easy you know. I dont know why we have to wait this long for them to release this result. They want to give people highpertension. I hope so many of us in this forum will be selected. It will really gladdened my heart to see my friends selected even if i wasn't. Aleast, they should be able to keep me posted on the recent event going on in America. All the best my friends and hope for the best. One Love!
Thanks men. My heart is now pounding very fast as the day goes by. I really cried my eyes out last year when i lost. This year, i hope i laugh. Its not easy you know. I dont know why we have to wait this long for them to release this result. They want to give people highpertension. I hope so many of us in this forum will be selected. It will really gladdened my heart to see my friends selected even if i wasn't. Aleast, they should be able to keep me posted on the recent event going on in America. All the best my friends and hope for the best. One Love!

Ovicity, one thing that is often forgotten on the internet is that communities exist just as they do in our physical lives, and the group in here has solidarity in their support of each other whether through friendly posts, providing information or just giving optimism. I have come to learn little snippets of peoples lives and hopes through this forum over the last half year, and like you, I will be so excited to see a post on May 1 on this thread saying someone we now know has been selected.

Ovicity, one thing that is often forgotten on the internet is that communities exist just as they do in our physical lives, and the group in here has solidarity in their support of each other whether through friendly posts, providing information or just giving optimism. I have come to learn little snippets of peoples lives and hopes through this forum over the last half year, and like you, I will be so excited to see a post on May 1 on this thread saying someone we now know has been selected.


@Qewty, Your post is very touching,emotional and uplifting. I really appreciate ur comments and truelly speaking, you act like a mother to us with ur words of wisdom. Thanks a million. One Love!
RE: Warning to those with offensive posts.

This is not a religious forum. However, every one is free to post as long as it doesn't insult or create an issue with others.
Please act accordingly,
@Qewty, Your post is very touching,emotional and uplifting. I really appreciate ur comments and truelly speaking, you act like a mother to us with ur words of wisdom. Thanks a million. One Love!

@ovicity thank God that those non believers did not succeed in turning this thread to a ground of religious war cos this is a forum for immigration issues not for a battle ground of religious war over each other.God bless us all and for all those that believe, goodluck to everyone here.
I guess the issue of religious topic should be over by now cos anyone who tries to create another room for this (religious) topic should be IGNORED as far as this thread is concern and this meesage should be passed to other threads also.Bewarn to all those whose intention is to divert the attention of this thread to a religious war thread/forum.Peace to everyone.
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Really, as I do recall you were one to comment on a previous post I made about the devil. http://forums.immigration.com/showt...-October-4-NOV-2ND-2011&p=2560051#post2560051 You also acted very aggressively in further posts, making it clear you will not tolerate other peoples opinions you do not agree with on this forum. Your basically saying it's ok for you to post religious stuff, but other people cannot post their comments if it doesn't agree with you. If you read your further posts, you will see how heated you get!! Even saying things like IM "truly" jobless. Hehe not sure why you say that. I am a software engineer for the past 6 years.

My bro i would advise you to drop this issue of religious topic for once cos you could be banned for creating another heat of room for a religious topic.Let by gone be by gone no more room for that topic.Advise to you.
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Hi All
Question please, Will it be one shoot on May 1st ?
I mean, all entries may figure out on that day or some might be know on the other day until June 30 ?
I guess we may keep trying to check the result until June 30
How do you think

Quoted FAQ - DV 2013 Instruction # 2 :
Keep your confirmation page from the online registration entry submission until at least June 2013.
Arrrghh, Less than 1 week!

In terms of having the confirmation page, I don't believe the entire page is necessary right- just the confirmation number and your name is enough to check the status? Am i right?