• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

Hi :)

You can tell when your interview might be by the number, looking at last years bulletins. Generally if it is a really really high number, your chances are less, but that depends on what region you are from.
If you send off your forms quickest you will get processed before the slower ones :)
You do not have to send money at that stage.
Some people wait months before sending off their forms, but I would not wait - it is still a lottery at that point even though you have a number.
The police and education checks are done after the initial forms are sent back.

Good luck!


Thanks for your answer that clears things up. Much appreciated. Good luck!
Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.
Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.

Isn't Lady luck is just another "fictional character in the sky"? Picking you because of ..........what??

Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.

It is written: "With God ALL Things Are Possible" (Mathew 19:26) It is also written: "But My God Shall Supply ALL Your Need According To HIS Rich In Glory By Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). However, thanks for believing the Word Of God from today.

Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.[/QUOTE

Pls mind your speach. This is a free world and everybody has his or her right to speak or have their beliefs voiced out. The American dollars even has a logo on it and it says IN GOD WE TRUST
You may ignore their prayers and their faith and learn how to mind your business. You and some other fellows in this forum believe in luck, well, we dont. We believe in God and we know HE is the MASTER of the UNIVERSE. If we are selected, fine, and if we are not selected, fine. We are still gratefull to our GOD, cos HE has the best for us and HE will never forsake us.You dont have any right whatsoever in this forum to tell us what to do, what to say or what to post. Best wishes my friends. One Love!
Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.[/QUOTE

Pls mind your speach. This is a free world and everybody has his or her right to speak or have their beliefs voiced out. The American dollars even has a logo on it and it says IN GOD WE TRUST
You may ignore their prayers and their faith and learn how to mind your business. You and some other fellows in this forum believe in luck, well, we dont. We believe in God and we know HE is the MASTER of the UNIVERSE. If we are selected, fine, and if we are not selected, fine. We are still gratefull to our GOD, cos HE has the best for us and HE will never forsake us.You dont have any right whatsoever in this forum to tell us what to do, what to say or what to post. Best wishes my friends. One Love!

Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.

The religion is too much in this forum. You can't convince people that a belief might be irrational because it is a belief. Just try to ignore it.
The religion is too much in this forum. You can't convince people that a belief might be irrational because it is a belief. Just try to ignore it.

@josh000, whether we discuss religion or not in this forum is not anybody's business. This forum is not their father's property, so let people learn how to shut up when the need arises. The question now is, did u get what u came here for? if YES, then keep your findings to yourself if you dont feel like contributing, and if NO, keep searching and keep reading post that concerns you. And if at the end of it all, you still couldn't find what you want, why not for goodness sake look elsewhere. Why castigating about other people's post. Since their post didn't remove anything from their body, why bodering.
@josh000, whether we discuss religion or not in this forum is not anybody's business. This forum is not their father's property, so let people learn how to shut up when the need arises. The question now is, did u get what u came here for? if YES, then keep your findings to yourself if you dont feel like contributing, and if NO, keep searching and keep reading post that concerns you. And if at the end of it all, you still couldn't find what you want, why not for goodness sake look elsewhere. Why castigating about other people's post. Since their post didn't remove anything from their body, why bodering.

Ovicity, the point is people should be able to read this forum without seeing religious stuff everywhere.

I understand a lot of people are religious and since the green card will be such a huge thing in there lives, then I understand they may pray or appeal to their god as part of that.

But they don't need to do it on the forum. It is a personal thing, why make it public?

Those of us who are not religious and perhaps even offended by religious stuff should be able to read the forum on the DV visa and discuss related issues without having religion "shoved down their throats". A harsh metaphor, but when it is on every second post and people keep praying for others...then I don't feel it is too strong.

See above where ChosenOne quotes the bible to IrishGuy...that is just inappropriate. What is he trying to do, convert IrishGuy? Why do that?

Is it so hard to keep personal stuff out of the public forum where it isn't necessarily appropriate?
If people wanna post religious comments, then I should be allowed post comments like "No God", or "Satan rules".

That's fair isn't it?
So anyways, how bout them visas? In a week from now we'll be counting down the hours until we can check our status....
would be very nice t check n see ur selected n disappointing if its the opposite...whichever way it wil go for me iv psyched maself not to be too dependent on it so i don get too disappointed...so iv been makin plans for wen it goes the other way but i hope n pray i get t smile that day;)
It is written: "With God ALL Things Are Possible" (Mathew 19:26) It is also written: "But My God Shall Supply ALL Your Need According To HIS Rich In Glory By Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). However, thanks for believing the Word Of God from today.

If it were Afghanistan DV will you quote all these and still wanna go there? Haha. We talk of God but don't follow His commands.
Thoes of you posting religious prayers, it's a game of luck. Not some fictional character in the sky picking you based on your religious faith.[/QUOTE

Pls mind your speach. This is a free world and everybody has his or her right to speak or have their beliefs voiced out. The American dollars even has a logo on it and it says IN GOD WE TRUST
You may ignore their prayers and their faith and learn how to mind your business. You and some other fellows in this forum believe in luck, well, we dont. We believe in God and we know HE is the MASTER of the UNIVERSE. If we are selected, fine, and if we are not selected, fine. We are still gratefull to our GOD, cos HE has the best for us and HE will never forsake us.You dont have any right whatsoever in this forum to tell us what to do, what to say or what to post. Best wishes my friends. One Love!

Guys why the topic of religious issues in the thread.This is suppose to be a forum and not to be a religious thread.Religious/religion is a personal choice to choose from,you either choose to believe in God almighty or you choose to believe in the Devil.But one thing i know for sure is that there's absolutely favor and success from God almighty just like favor and success from the Devil also.So for me i choose to believe in God almighty.@irishguy you are on GC so why trying to distract other peoples attention here to a religious issues or been disbelieve of faith?Anyway i can agree with you on a point that the lottery is a game of random draw luckily selections but mind you, not all selectees selected are luckily selected cos some are selected on destiny to be while some are selected base on pure luck, after all computer don't randomize draw selections by itself it is humans that programs the computer for random selections.Take it or live it.Like i said its a personal choice of individuals to choose from on which way to follow, either to follow the ways of God or of the Devil.Peace and goodluck to everybody here.Do not dispute much about religious issues cos it could lead to sin against God,Advise to all.
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So anyways, how bout them visas? In a week from now we'll be counting down the hours until we can check our status....

I agree, counting days now, but counting hours will hit us soon.

I remember when I entered last year, 6 months seemed like such a LONG time to wait. Where did that time go????

I am prepared to be disappointed, and that's ok, because I will be better prepared next time. I look at it this way, I will have another year to save and spend more time with my family etc. The quicker I move on to other things after May 1 the better not to dwell on it.

But you will see me back in 5 months time!


Let's keep the harshness out of our forums so close to the end - we agree and know we are all different, so lets try to remain non-judgemental, we've done pretty well to keep this forum nice for months now, it serves no purpose to be deliberately antagonistic :)

I agree, counting days now, but counting hours will hit us soon.

I remember when I entered last year, 6 months seemed like such a LONG time to wait. Where did that time go????

I am prepared to be disappointed, and that's ok, because I will be better prepared next time. I look at it this way, I will have another year to save and spend more time with my family etc. The quicker I move on to other things after May 1 the better not to dwell on it.

But you will see me back in 5 months time!


You still have just as much chance as I do at getting the visa! So be positive! I can't afford to think negative. I get very excited and nervous just thinking about what the results may be. I don't know how I'll react to either. I'll react better to a YES rather than a NO though. :)
Note to all those who's intension is to distract the attention of this immigration thread to a religious thread to deceased from this thread cos this is a thread of immigration issues not a thread for religious issues please bewarn.@Irishguy you are on GC so why trying to distract peoples attention here cos i still remember quite well sometimes last yeart you had thesame religious issues with @ovicity so now you are on thesame topic.I know its a free world to express ones believe or disbelieve but at thesame time this is a forum for immigration issues and not for religious issues.Bewarn guys.
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You still have just as much chance as I do at getting the visa! So be positive! I can't afford to think negative. I get very excited and nervous just thinking about what the results may be. I don't know how I'll react to either. I'll react better to a YES rather than a NO though. :)

Oh don't worry Jess, I am very positive! So positive that I started a blog last night all prepared to chronicle my lottery journey! :)

I mean that if it is a NO I will be disappointed, but have planned on how to deal with that and move quickly on until it opens again next year. :)
