My biggest problem is that I have 'had a taste' of it ! I blame my husband - he was the reason I went to California so much and fell in love with it.
Now that I know what it is like to live there, I miss many aspects of it. The biggest thing to come to terms with is this time it won't be a holiday - it's the BIG move.
Don't blame your husband,he did the right thing as a loving and caring husband.Many husband wouldn't have done that even if given the opportunity.
My biggest problem is that I have 'had a taste' of it ! I blame my husband - he was the reason I went to California so much and fell in love with it.
Now that I know what it is like to live there, I miss many aspects of it. The biggest thing to come to terms with is this time it won't be a holiday - it's the BIG move.
well, i hope i am selected
Ah, you have misinterpreted my text - it was said in jest. Here we often say 'I blame ___ for this" and laugh. It is not a serious statement, it is lighthearted. The truth is the opposite - it is he who gave the chance to live there.
Ok, gotcha! Thanks!DoS=U.S Department of State.
Ok, gotcha! Thanks!
So, What's happening this year in June that didn't happen before?
What a pathetic story.
Usually, some regions do not become current until the very end of the lottery year, say August, and some don't ever become current. This year, in June, months before the end of the interview period, almost all regions became 'current'.
Ok, and what does it mean being "current"?
Which ones are those regions?
@Qewty i really hope to meet you and your family in CA.You need to check the official government bulletin which comes out monthly
or you can have the bulletin emailed to you. You can see all the past bulletins, plus this months and a projection of the next.
Current means if you have a number, you will have an interview organised soon. At least I am pretty sure that's what it means - sometimes even I forget after so much forum reading lol
You need to check the official government bulletin which comes out monthly
or you can have the bulletin emailed to you. You can see all the past bulletins, plus this months and a projection of the next.
Current means if you have a number, you will have an interview organised soon. At least I am pretty sure that's what it means - sometimes even I forget after so much forum reading lol
Ok, got it.
Thanks again!
Ok, got it.
Thanks again!
Its being weeks now hearing from @Bahamaschick and others in this thread.I just hope they are fine.
I was trying to keep my mind busy so i wont think about May 1st.
@Schoolboy, We are all here with u. Just waiting for that D day. Just felt like keeping cool till a day or two to that day. Hope for the best and trust God. One Love!