• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Program-Online Registration October 4 - NOV 2ND, 2011.

I should clarify: my comment was within the context of lotteries, pools and raffles. In other words, games. One could argue that life is a giant crapshoot on a philosophical level, but I was specifically elucidating my experiences within the boundary of random lottery and lottery-like games dictated by chance.

It is not about how much I “believe” in something. My desire, no matter how powerful, cannot overcome the basic fact that the result is determined by variables in a manner that is not within my control; just like a random lottery should be.

I understand what you are saying Slash-dot. Nonetheless, in the often drudgery of the "every-day", I like to think of the consequences of winning; it adds another possibility to my future plans (and there are many of them, some of them will happen because I have more control over them, some of them I have no control other than to be a participant). I still consider myself in with a shot nonetheless. To that end, my documents are prepared and discussions have already been had regarding move logistics etc. I've not said any prayers for this as that is not my way, and I don't have any mantras either, but I do think about the literal consequences of being selected and being organised for it. Not sure if that constitutes positive thinking, believing something into being etc - for me it's just a case of I put an entry in, I have a chance, no matter how small the probability.

I've not won more than an Easter egg lottery in primary school in my life - but I am certainly hoping to win this one. I'll be disappointed not to, but hey, October will come again and by then, I will have saved a little more, gone a little further in my degree, and the US economy might be just that little bit better.

And I will enter again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Oh, and I like your posts, you're exceptionally eloquent.
You should live in one of thoses place before saying that...
Canada has its good & cons just like usa... & it is the cities that are known, not the average joe who lives in it... & try to live in NYC, Boston ect... expensive as hell

@Jayo2k,i am not sitting on the fence here on the issue of CANADA and the USA cos it seems that you are getting me wrong here.Go throw my comments very well man before taking into rush to comment back.
wont moneys in lotteris ... but small amount & won games before... some peoples plays the lottery for more than 20 years before winning

Life is all about nothing given up but hopes and believing that is keeping everybody alive and going.As long as we live there is always a better days ahead to come.Some people might be smiling for today but don't worry tomorrow will be yours.Life is like a teacher,the more we live the more we learn.And in life times are different,everyone has his/her own time my bro.I always feel what are saying cos i am experiencing such things but then i am always looking ahead in life and stand firm its part of the challenges we face in life if i must say.
1.The lottery is just like gambling (either loose or win)
2.You don't put all hopes on the lotto cos its just a possiblity of low percentage/chances of winning
3.Anybody could gets selected from the lottery,it doesn't matter how long or years its takes,nothing like like being unlucky but luck and depending on when it comes/happen.
4.The lotto is just pure luck.
5.In all of these,don't seat down and say that its luck to be selected.Try get somthing doing other than sitting down and pray.
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@Jayo2k,i am not sitting on the fence here on the issue of CANADA and the USA cos it seems that you are getting me wrong here.Go throw my comments very well man before taking into rush to comment back.

I am sorry If i understood wrong, please don't get offended, we have a peacefull conversation, I like this board, peace
I saidd Canada because it is part of north America not to disgrace Canada...
I know canada has one of the world best school system, I studied in Canada in 2010 & as of september 2012 I will start a 4 year engineer courses in Canada

Canada does have a much better education system. I see you have come to realise the USA is not all that its cracked up to be Jayo2k which is good. I have also, I've got my greencard but don't really use it tbh. The US is nice for holiday but living there is really different.

I just don't believe people on this forum put climate preference first before economy and healthcare. Just because the USA has slightly better weather then other countries does not mean the economy or health care is better.
Canada does have a much better education system. I see you have come to realise the USA is not all that its cracked up to be Jayo2k which is good. I have also, I've got my greencard but don't really use it tbh. The US is nice for holiday but living there is really different.

I just don't believe people on this forum put climate preference first before economy and healthcare. Just because the USA has slightly better weather then other countries does not mean the economy or health care is better.

Well, not a crack on USA, I love this place (nothern part because the south is another world...)... I applied for the DV green card this year with my wife & also planingthe Canadian residence & we decided if we get both the green card & the canadian residence, we will settle in Canada (Toronto) & have our business in usa
Canada does have a much better education system. I see you have come to realise the USA is not all that its cracked up to be Jayo2k which is good. I have also, I've got my greencard but don't really use it tbh. The US is nice for holiday but living there is really different.

I just don't believe people on this forum put climate preference first before economy and healthcare. Just because the USA has slightly better weather then other countries does not mean the economy or health care is better.

@LoveAmerica,why do say that you don't believe people on this forum or do you think you too being in the usa is given legit info?Anyway its a personal issue.
1.Canada has a sound healthcare system and affordable comparing to the usa that 's expensive
2.Canada has a good economic index
3.Canada has a peaceful life style society
4.Canada has a good grade A educational system and its affordable comparing to the usa that 's expensive
5.Canada weather climate is terrible i.e such as a strong cold climate weather in province of Edmonton
For the USA
1.The usa has a solid educational system but more expensive comparing to canada
2.The usa has a good economic index
3.The usa society is more of crimes comparing to canada with less crimes
4.The usa has a nice weather climate but the area of Alaska weather is terrible (strong cold weather there)
In all of these there's no perfect country in this world.All countries have there good side and bad side.
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I agree with you Schoolboy, there are pros and cons to every country. I mean, I'm in Australia, yet have entered the DV lottery, although I'm sure a lot of people would like to live in Australia. My husband on the other hand is Canadian, yet he would rather not return to Canada (his income is better in the US for his profession, and we don't like the cold - it matters to us! lol). There are things about all three countries that we love, and we certainly would like to have the option of choice. As I said in another post, it all depends on your timeline in life I guess; starting out in your early 20's, having young children to educate, finding the best salary at a point in your career, over 50's, or nearing retirement.

And as you say, the bottom line is personal choice.

Well, my "How Long Until' website says 39 days now - not long!!!!


Yeah it is getting closer.
In the beginning after entering DV-2013 I did not think much about May 1. and checking if I am selected, but now with the date just around the corner I cannot wait for it.

Best of luck,
32 days left... as times goes by, I'm not sure to want to leave the state for canada anymore especialy since the economy is improving... If *i do win the lottery, i guess we will be 50/50 wether staying or going to canada
32 days left... as times goes by, I'm not sure to want to leave the state for canada anymore especialy since the economy is improving... If *i do win the lottery, i guess we will be 50/50 wether staying or going to canada

@Jayo2k,the choice is always yours to choose beside both countries economic is good.
I understand what you are saying Slash-dot. Nonetheless, in the often drudgery of the "every-day", I like to think of the consequences of winning; it adds another possibility to my future plans (and there are many of them, some of them will happen because I have more control over them, some of them I have no control other than to be a participant). I still consider myself in with a shot nonetheless.

I feel somewhat the same. It’s a nice thought should it occur, it’s just that the statistical likelihood of it actually occurring is rather sobering and a different thing entirely. In this forum a member has in their signature that they’ve entered consecutively and unsuccessfully since ’99 every DV Lottery to date. Not only do I figure the excitement somewhat wears off after a decade or so, I also feel that this individual is far more representative of the actual DV applicant. The plethora of selectees that join the forum looking for advice/help after the fact creates a false impression of the success rate; an unsuccessful applicant is hardly going to join, and those that do join without being selected are the hopeful to-be selectees.

To that end, my documents are prepared and discussions have already been had regarding move logistics etc. I've not said any prayers for this as that is not my way, and I don't have any mantras either, but I do think about the literal consequences of being selected and being organised for it. Not sure if that constitutes positive thinking, believing something into being etc - for me it's just a case of I put an entry in, I have a chance, no matter how small the probability.

If thinking of the consequences of winning counts as positive thinking then I’m in the same boat! I generally have all my documents organised as a rule. I’ve not made any special preparations above and beyond the existing organisation of my papers. I don’t think I’ve told anyone that I entered. I’d be surprised if any of my friends in the UK have heard of the Diversity Lottery. I know for certain none are eligible to enter, as such only selection would be newsworthy really.

I've not won more than an Easter egg lottery in primary school in my life - but I am certainly hoping to win this one. I'll be disappointed not to, but hey, October will come again and by then, I will have saved a little more, gone a little further in my degree, and the US economy might be just that little bit better.

I’m hoping to win too, despite my unluckiness when it comes to these things. I guess everyone that has thrown their hat into the ring is. Some applicants won’t follow their selection up; a lot can change in the six/seven months in their circumstances since they entered. Some selectees will be ineligible in the first place but entered anyway because they did not read the instructions. Some will have acquired criminal records/communicable diseases in the mean time. I won’t be disappointed. Beyond entering, there wasn’t anything else I could do, and I’ll be in good company along with millions of other people who too will find out one way or another they were unsuccessful.

And I will enter again. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.


Oh, and I like your posts, you're exceptionally eloquent.

You got to be in it, to win it.

Thanks. Your posts are entertaining and enjoyable to read too.