• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

What should one do If, instead of sending Dsp 122 n ds 230 part 1&2( For each family member) with 2 passport photos(For each).
Theres a person I know She sent in the forms to KCC but did not put 2 passports for each, instead she sent the forms with only 1 passport pic for each member of her Familia attached.??
She in need of our opinions her CN is 2014AF00035***

Please follow all instructions as requested, it's very important
My interview today was a success

Got there at 0700hrs, had to wait in that cold till 0730hrs coz my interview was scheduled for 0800hrs.

First security check, then the second and left my few valuables there...
Got a number, waited... Called to window 4 for my documents. Went back and waited again... Called to window 8 for finger prints. (After this i decided to stay and wait inside coz i couldn't stay outside with that cold)

Called to window 10 for my interview...
Was asked to swear that the information i've given is true. I did. Then signed
Was asked what i did after form 4, i answered.
What i'm doing now, I answered.
My relationship with my host, I answered.
Then she announced that she'll give me the visa and gave me the DHL paper and USCIS papers.

And that was all my dear sisters and brothers! After a year and two months of waiting, everything was over in less than two minutes.

Wish all you who are yet to go for your interviews all the best. Declare that you'll get the visa, and you will!

Congratulations Eva. We give God all the Glory
When filling in the ds 230 occupation whatever u fill in that you are an Intern then probably your internship period comes to an end b4 your interview n thus at your interview you will currently be seeking n employment. Do you update KCC on the change or what...(20 mrks)

You can choose to update them by sending an email, however this is not such a big deal....when i sent my forms i was unemployed but by the time i did my interview i had a job, i never updated that to KCC...

The most important things are children, marriages, a change in hosts address......
I can see folks are still holding up here. Good stuff, this forum really helped me through my application and initial settling down in the states. Thanks to the 2011 lot. Our 2012 thread was rather dormant. Its now 1 year into the stateside and its been bitter sweet can't quite complain now that I'm all settled down after some moving up and down in three different states. Anyways good luck to those looking forward to their interviews, safe travel for those traveling soon. For those who are in IT, that's what I do it sells here checkout sites like dice, monster, career builder and indeed. Tweak your resumes, do a search online for proper formatting, what we use in Kenya won't work here. Once you get here, get your driving permits as soon as you can, some jobs require you to have reliable means of transport, make sure you secure your GC and SSN at least after a month and hit the ground running. Another key thing, once you start getting a paycheck start building your credit. Checkout capital one you can setup a secured credit card to build your credit. Good credit history is like gold here, some jobs require you to have good credit, renting apartments, buying cars/homes etc trust me it comes in handy. At the top of my head those are the key pointers.
I can see folks are still holding up here. Good stuff, this forum really helped me through my application and initial settling down in the states. Thanks to the 2011 lot. Our 2012 thread was rather dormant. Its now 1 year into the stateside and its been bitter sweet can't quite complain now that I'm all settled down after some moving up and down in three different states. Anyways good luck to those looking forward to their interviews, safe travel for those traveling soon. For those who are in IT, that's what I do it sells here checkout sites like dice, monster, career builder and indeed. Tweak your resumes, do a search online for proper formatting, what we use in Kenya won't work here. Once you get here, get your driving permits as soon as you can, some jobs require you to have reliable means of transport, make sure you secure your GC and SSN at least after a month and hit the ground running. Another key thing, once you start getting a paycheck start building your credit. Checkout capital one you can setup a secured credit card to build your credit. Good credit history is like gold here, some jobs require you to have good credit, renting apartments, buying cars/homes etc trust me it comes in handy. At the top of my head those are the key pointers.
Woh! I thought of you yesterday its good to hear from you thanks for that piece of information,be blessed.
So yesterday we were going to pick a state ID for my hubby and on our way my host decided that i drive, this was my forth day driving a car hehehehe so there i was trying my best and on the highway reaching at some turning point with so many cars and lights i struggled to bend the corner and get on ahead but what do i see a police car hahahaha so this police man sees how wreck-less i was and followed us right behind me he put the lights on like we see it in the movie. My hubby says stop instead of me breaking i accelerated ooops what have i done then i break and stop.

Policeman "Ma'am what's the matter?"
Me "I just took over from her coz she felt a sharp pain in her stomach on our way and i dont know how to drive so am taking her to see a doctor"
Policeman "Hold on let me call an ambulance"

so he call an ambulance for the sick person. In less than 5 minutes an ambulance was there followed by a fire vehicle with around 6 white men. The ambulance parked right ahead of us and the fire one behind us just incase something happens. The men from those two vehicles hurry up, remove there shoes and put on overalls and gloves. One heads toward our car and opens it sees everything is ok. I got out of the driving seat, another tells us that he is going to drive the car and park it right at the gas station and they check on our patient, so i say yes he drives there and all other vehicles drive there and park. Another gentleman asks if the 'supposed to be' patient can be able to walk to the ambulance she says yes. They took her in the ambulance and start a thorough check up on her. All this time the policeman parked behind the fire vehicle NOT interrupting them nor asking us questions.

They get everything done, they made sure she is ok and get her out of the ambulance. They tell us to rest abit before she drives or call someone who can be able to drive so as he drives us home then they left us.

Policeman "Next time dont drive if dont have a driving licence otherwise you'll be in jail"
Me "Yes Sir"
Policeman "Ma'am why didnt you allow them to take you to the hospital"
My Host "I dont want any bills, am ok"
Policeman "so you prefer paying for a wrecked car"
My host "No Sir"
Policeman "Ok goodbye and please take care"
Us "Byee, Thank you"

Yaani ni kama Nvindeo it was so sincere and very polite, caring of them to take care of us na tulikua tumedanganya. Americans really love their work and they value people's health. Tulishangaa sana. So am trying to get a learners driving permit ndio i go back to the road otherwise wametukatishia sana.

Makiki si umenichekesha!!gosh what an experience!!ni kama vindeo ni kama ndrama kweli...
Thanks alot Kenweed for your usefull info esp the bit on Credit History. Now a question. Do i need to renew my Kenyan Id ? And once i have paid my USCIS greencard processing fee. How long will i wait for Greencard and Social security number ?
My interview today was a success

Got there at 0700hrs, had to wait in that cold till 0730hrs coz my interview was scheduled for 0800hrs.

First security check, then the second and left my few valuables there...
Got a number, waited... Called to window 4 for my documents. Went back and waited again... Called to window 8 for finger prints. (After this i decided to stay and wait inside coz i couldn't stay outside with that cold)

Called to window 10 for my interview...
Was asked to swear that the information i've given is true. I did. Then signed
Was asked what i did after form 4, i answered.
What i'm doing now, I answered.
My relationship with my host, I answered.
Then she announced that she'll give me the visa and gave me the DHL paper and USCIS papers.

And that was all my dear sisters and brothers! After a year and two months of waiting, everything was over in less than two minutes.

Wish all you who are yet to go for your interviews all the best. Declare that you'll get the visa, and you will!

You are better off coming in briefly to activate your GC and then going back to complete your studies. Doing things like that might sound a bit expensive to you now, but it's your best option. Transferring and finishing in the US from a non-US school is not as easy it may sound, especially when you only have one year of study left - transferring will cost you more in terms of money and time. It's a different ball game if you're simply in your 1st year of study back at home.

Thanks so much,my host(bro) told me the same thing
REMINDER gal that not Kenya! hehehehe.......................
So yesterday we were going to pick a state ID for my hubby and on our way my host decided that i drive, this was my forth day driving a car hehehehe so there i was trying my best and on the highway reaching at some turning point with so many cars and lights i struggled to bend the corner and get on ahead but what do i see a police car hahahaha so this police man sees how wreck-less i was and followed us right behind me he put the lights on like we see it in the movie. My hubby says stop instead of me breaking i accelerated ooops what have i done then i break and stop.

Policeman "Ma'am what's the matter?"
Me "I just took over from her coz she felt a sharp pain in her stomach on our way and i dont know how to drive so am taking her to see a doctor"
Policeman "Hold on let me call an ambulance"

so he call an ambulance for the sick person. In less than 5 minutes an ambulance was there followed by a fire vehicle with around 6 white men. The ambulance parked right ahead of us and the fire one behind us just incase something happens. The men from those two vehicles hurry up, remove there shoes and put on overalls and gloves. One heads toward our car and opens it sees everything is ok. I got out of the driving seat, another tells us that he is going to drive the car and park it right at the gas station and they check on our patient, so i say yes he drives there and all other vehicles drive there and park. Another gentleman asks if the 'supposed to be' patient can be able to walk to the ambulance she says yes. They took her in the ambulance and start a thorough check up on her. All this time the policeman parked behind the fire vehicle NOT interrupting them nor asking us questions.

They get everything done, they made sure she is ok and get her out of the ambulance. They tell us to rest abit before she drives or call someone who can be able to drive so as he drives us home then they left us.

Policeman "Next time dont drive if dont have a driving licence otherwise you'll be in jail"
Me "Yes Sir"
Policeman "Ma'am why didnt you allow them to take you to the hospital"
My Host "I dont want any bills, am ok"
Policeman "so you prefer paying for a wrecked car"
My host "No Sir"
Policeman "Ok goodbye and please take care"
Us "Byee, Thank you"

Yaani ni kama Nvindeo it was so sincere and very polite, caring of them to take care of us na tulikua tumedanganya. Americans really love their work and they value people's health. Tulishangaa sana. So am trying to get a learners driving permit ndio i go back to the road otherwise wametukatishia sana.
My interview today was a success

Got there at 0700hrs, had to wait in that cold till 0730hrs coz my interview was scheduled for 0800hrs.

First security check, then the second and left my few valuables there...
Got a number, waited... Called to window 4 for my documents. Went back and waited again... Called to window 8 for finger prints. (After this i decided to stay and wait inside coz i couldn't stay outside with that cold)

Called to window 10 for my interview...
Was asked to swear that the information i've given is true. I did. Then signed
Was asked what i did after form 4, i answered.
What i'm doing now, I answered.
My relationship with my host, I answered.
Then she announced that she'll give me the visa and gave me the DHL paper and USCIS papers.

And that was all my dear sisters and brothers! After a year and two months of waiting, everything was over in less than two minutes.

Wish all you who are yet to go for your interviews all the best. Declare that you'll get the visa, and you will!

Congratulations God is faithful.
hey guys im a 2014 winner in kenya. luckily have had experience since i got my degree in. the USA and had transfer of grades from AUssie n SWitzerland universities. what i experienced is that i lost alot of class credits by moving from university to another n even moving from college to another while in USA. i would tend to imagine you will loose more credits. by wanting to transfer credits to a college in usa from kenya coz they wont recognize alot n u wuld be forced to go backwards or test out of some classes to prove u can move forward. if it were me out of experience i would complete the degree. then apply for re-entry as one suggested then once done do the GMAT a required by them n continue with masters as a permanent resident. or sacrifice n go back two years after loosing credits n get degree from a usa college which is marketable atleast you wont be paying international student fees which is expe coz ull be a resident.... but u decide or u can ask for advice once u get ur greencard while u there n weigh how much ull gain or loose...my very 2 cents advice though

Good advice there. My personal thots are that it will be way much better to just get your papers evaluated as they are now and then as much as you will lose some credits and do an extra year or two (this will depend on your specific course and your performance), you will graduate with an american degree which will make your life much much easier. If you decide to finish your undergraduate here in Kenya, you will still have to go through some evaluation to join a Postgraduate program not forgetting the hustle of travelling back and forth, and after all that, the Kenyan Degree wont help you as you dont intend to work and live in Kenya. It's a rigorous process of having to go through the evaluation but if you follow it through, it will be the best option i think. Why not do it now than wait to do it later? Will quote Breakthrough here.... my centi mbili.
Makiki i have laughed to tears u have made my day.that is the difference b2in kenya n the states,i know when u heard let me call an ambulance you were shaking inside,there no sleeping on the job.take care
So yesterday we were going to pick a state ID for my hubby and on our way my host decided that i drive, this was my forth day driving a car hehehehe so there i was trying my best and on the highway reaching at some turning point with so many cars and lights i struggled to bend the corner and get on ahead but what do i see a police car hahahaha so this police man sees how wreck-less i was and followed us right behind me he put the lights on like we see it in the movie. My hubby says stop instead of me breaking i accelerated ooops what have i done then i break and stop.

Policeman "Ma'am what's the matter?"
Me "I just took over from her coz she felt a sharp pain in her stomach on our way and i dont know how to drive so am taking her to see a doctor"
Policeman "Hold on let me call an ambulance"

so he call an ambulance for the sick person. In less than 5 minutes an ambulance was there followed by a fire vehicle with around 6 white men. The ambulance parked right ahead of us and the fire one behind us just incase something happens. The men from those two vehicles hurry up, remove there shoes and put on overalls and gloves. One heads toward our car and opens it sees everything is ok. I got out of the driving seat, another tells us that he is going to drive the car and park it right at the gas station and they check on our patient, so i say yes he drives there and all other vehicles drive there and park. Another gentleman asks if the 'supposed to be' patient can be able to walk to the ambulance she says yes. They took her in the ambulance and start a thorough check up on her. All this time the policeman parked behind the fire vehicle NOT interrupting them nor asking us questions.

They get everything done, they made sure she is ok and get her out of the ambulance. They tell us to rest abit before she drives or call someone who can be able to drive so as he drives us home then they left us.

Policeman "Next time dont drive if dont have a driving licence otherwise you'll be in jail"
Me "Yes Sir"
Policeman "Ma'am why didnt you allow them to take you to the hospital"
My Host "I dont want any bills, am ok"
Policeman "so you prefer paying for a wrecked car"
My host "No Sir"
Policeman "Ok goodbye and please take care"
Us "Byee, Thank you"

Yaani ni kama Nvindeo it was so sincere and very polite, caring of them to take care of us na tulikua tumedanganya. Americans really love their work and they value people's health. Tulishangaa sana. So am trying to get a learners driving permit ndio i go back to the road otherwise wametukatishia sana.

Movie made from kenya:p
@ dUbai, thanks, i take your advice... but then it means we wont get the result ( we wont know if we get the visa or not the same day without medicals)

Henrica,your interview is in June???the cutoff for June was 56,000....lucky you:) all the best in upcoming interview
Henrica,your interview is in June???the cutoff for June was 56,000....lucky you:) all the best in upcoming interview

@ Essieta, initially our interview from the mail i got from KCC was 2nd July but then got email from US embassy here that they have reschedule our interview to 26th June but then i email them today that i want to reschedule our interview since our medicals are not ready, i got the email back that, the only available dates are end of july but they havent indicated when will be the interview then. Here midsummer holiday have started til monday, so i will get to know by monday our interview date. Thanks
Thanks alot Kenweed for your usefull info esp the bit on Credit History. Now a question. Do i need to renew my Kenyan Id ? And once i have paid my USCIS greencard processing fee. How long will i wait for Greencard and Social security number ?

The GC gets activated as soon as you hit a POE. Within one month it should be in your mail box. But even without it you still have a 1 year valid DV visa. SSN despite the fact that I'd checked the SSN option on my application forms I still did a manual application upon arrival. I did it out of choice. In a month I had both SSN and GC.