• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

I remember it very well, i do believe in Law of Attraction i know some people really argue about this LOA but it works as Napoleon says "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" but it only works if you believe and have all the qualities concerned.

am encouraged
I remember it very well, i do believe in Law of Attraction i know some people really argue about this LOA but it works as Napoleon says "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve" but it only works if you believe and have all the qualities concerned.

Indeed affirmation is confirmation, i believe in the LOA.
If travel around July/Aug how much will be the cost pleeeeeeeeeeeeese advise:p
Since most Americans travel around this time i am very sure it will be slightly expensive unless you book right now coz if you do it right now you will get flights at around $987 to $1121.
When is the appropriate time to book for a flight??????low season starts from when?

Flights become cheap when booked 2 months early. The season is high as from July hehehehehe :p when you are planning to leave so book now if you have the moni ooooooooooooo my 2 cents so let someone else chip in on this
Hey,hurry up before the prices hyke up like no one's business.I jus got my ticket for MAY 19th at 73000kes ONLY..Dont forget thats BA..The other companies ziko juu!
Hey,hurry up before the prices hyke up like no one's business.I jus got my ticket for MAY 19th at 73000kes ONLY..Dont forget thats BA..The other companies ziko juu!

That is very cheap, here in my country we cannot have such price, flight ticket is this price x2
Hey,hurry up before the prices hyke up like no one's business.I jus got my ticket for MAY 19th at 73000kes ONLY..Dont forget thats BA..The other companies ziko juu!
Waat!Thats very cheap.U r so lucky.!have a safe journey n pray for us to join you later.Congratulations
Hey,hurry up before the prices hyke up like no one's business.I jus got my ticket for MAY 19th at 73000kes ONLY..Dont forget thats BA..The other companies ziko juu!
I thought you said till 18th or i have to do it as in today? Hebu ni show Kevo did you use your Visa card or how did it go coz my card has issues was told to wait till Tuesday? Is it the same way as paying for the USCIS fee just want to know coz of the Cards
That is very cheap, here in my country we cannot have such price, flight ticket is this price x2

OMG misses are you in Nigeria, Ghana or Zimbambwe? or where? You mean prices will go twice as they cost here coz that one is around $880 USD, so you mean your country it will cost 1700 USD??? Damn
KROSSMAINA, FAVORKB, CHEGE, MOHHAMED and a few of you who visit this site daily to gain or entertain yourselves from the post others post kindly say "HELLO" and dont be mean with your greetings and appreciation. I am sure you are DV WINNERs like us but the bad thing with you is that you are only here to take take and take in other words you like receiving receiving and receiving Ooooh today i have decided to mention afew of you that i see pop up read all we have written and then sign off. Hey what if we all behaved like you? We just signed into the forum and all we do is come see what has been written and sign off? There will not be 148 pages yet huh! Anyway i have to Congratulate you because atleast you took the time to sign in.

We have those who have never signed in but read daily through these posts shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D hey even you my friend you know yourself hahahaha please let others know that we are many and we are all walking the same direction and even if you dont want to answer any question asked Kindly Appreciate the Members otherwise am gonna assume all the gmails am getting from you because that is mean of you to only ask your question in the box and not on the wall. Let others also learn from your questions. We wont even know where you come from if you are afraid of people knowing your plans acha uchoyo

My 2 cents who has more to add or subtract? The floor is yours huh :cool:

There are currently 33 users browsing this thread. (2 members and 31 guests)
MaKiki, kyleXY

Guests guests guests could there be one waiting for the last 6 months for his/her question to be asked by someone???
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Makiki you have a week to go....how you be feelin'...
Oh No i postponed am NOT going untill September 30th :p. I just noticed after i wrote that "There are currently 33 users browsing this thread. (2 members and 31 guests) MaKiki, kyleXY"

The guest just disappeared immediately like they were caught stealing and now "There are currently 8 users browsing this thread. (2 members and 6 guests) MaKiki, kyleXY"

Come baby Come dont disappear now