• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

In 2009, there were 47,879 green cards issued to diversity visa winners. Of those, 26,243 were principal applicants, 10,157 were spouses of principal applicants, and 11,479 were their children. From Kenya 2,365, Burundi 22, Uganda 170, got the visas

In 2010, there were 49,763 green cards given to diversity visa winners and their families. Just over half were male. Just under three-quarters (74%) were 21 years of age and older. From Kenya 2,420, Burundi 28, Uganda 211 got the visas

Applicants registered for the DV-2013 program were selected at random from 7,941,400 qualified entries (12,577,463 with derivatives) What are your chances in DV 2013 out of the 4,410 people selected from Kenya, 94 selected from Burundi, Uganda 513 that you will get a visa? Keep praying ..........................

Wow, some good information here. so in 2009, Kenya got 2,365 visas out of 4,307 selected =55%. In 2010 2,420/4619 = 52%. Uganda 2009 170/433 =39%, 2010 211/396=53%, Burundi 2009 22/86 =25% 2010 28/83 =33%. What do these statistics mean to you? Let's brainstorm.
Apologize on behalf of every member for Swahili posts and urge all members to make posts in ENGLISH

It's really kind of you to apologize seeing that it's a Kenya thread and am the visitor here. It's just that i understand a few words like pole, sana, jambo, karibu but wen you drop full sentences am lost kabisa.
Welcome back...been so long:)

Ok, i have always wanted to mention this but chickened about it....i don't get it when people post in kiswahili. I don't speak it, i don't click it. Like i got so excited when u mentioned the opportunities, then you just started speaking dutch...

Ok, i have always wanted to mention this but chickened about it
cluck cluck:p

i don't get it when people post in kiswahili. I don't speak it, i don't click it.
I do feel u but unfortunately some things r better expressed in the context they were thought of..it is akin to translating a joke..its gist would probably get lost.On the other hand,if it were proper kiswahili,u could Google translate(..but it isn't,it's urban slang..mix of English, Swahili & vernacular tongues)

Like i got so excited when u mentioned the opportunities, then you just started speaking dutch...
believe me,u didn't miss out on anything...except for his passionate expression of his experience in the US.

if u r interested in the translation,u know where am @:)

for the 50,000,agree with members then when i recall the probability mathematics,i come up with the following.....
asume every primary applicant will be accompanied by one beneficiary this means out of 50000 visas only 25,000 will be available to primary applicants.Also bear in mind that 100,000 primary applicants were radomly selected and short listed meaning the chance of any primry selected applicant is 25000/100000 =0.4 i.e 25% meaning any single visa out of the 25000 is competed for by 4 primary applicants.this is a case for entire lottery world wide but if we narrow the chances to kenyans the chance is 4600(kenyan selectees) /2 =2300 there fore out of 2300 the chance is one visa vide for by two primary applicant .implication:we pray hard and perform well in the interview.........otherwise you 4go your chance to the next interviewee..........

asume every primary applicant will be accompanied by one beneficiary this means out of 50000 visas only 25,000 will be available to primary applicants.
most of the selectees are single(over 50%) & many chicken out of marriage even if they have their significant does due to the probability of visa denial being upped by their union.

Also bear in mind that 100,000 primary applicants were randomly selected
actually it's 105,628 & an "additional" 10,000 were selected on Oct 22nd!!!My contention is this supports the theory that not all 105,628 selectees were informed/notified,only some with others(the 10,000) being notified in Oct 22nd.seems that the turn out was that poor that they needed to notify more selectees!!!

So far,the probability of visas running out has been a myth with a few exceptions thus we all hang tight & wait for our chance.:)
My 2 cents...

Wow, some good information here. so in 2009, Kenya got 2,365 visas out of 4,307 selected =55%. In 2010 2,420/4619 = 52%. Uganda 2009 170/433 =39%, 2010 211/396=53%, Burundi 2009 22/86 =25% 2010 28/83 =33%. What do these statistics mean to you? Let's brainstorm.

I'll go first...if these figures are to be believed,how sure are we that the 4,307 selectees got notifications?Maybe only 2,700-3k were informed,the rest dropped out due to a host of other reasons(finances,disease,education etc) & of the ones who made it to the embassy,how many were denied?We r yet to see those stats.
Ok, i have always wanted to mention this but chickened about it....i don't get it when people post in kiswahili. I don't speak it, i don't click it. Like i got so excited when u mentioned the opportunities, then you just started speaking dutch...

Oooh Catchme, am sorry i also replied with lots of swahili hey but it really comes out so nice and real. From today am gonna refrain from swahili OMG! am so used to it now that i stay in the swahili region. We need to practice because where we are heading to NO swahili no mother tongue. Pardon us plis
This STEM bill business is starting to give me a headache, I believe we will overcome...just another obstacle but it's still worrying. With the rate that this thing has been going, it's worrying...like the final outcome will come before the fiscal year is over.
This STEM bill business is starting to give me a headache, I believe we will overcome...just another obstacle but it's still worrying. With the rate that this thing has been going, it's worrying...like the final outcome will come before the fiscal year is over.

This should not worry u at all. Those who have already been selected for DV2013 and those who applied for DV2014 are all good to go! this will not affect them at all. If this bill is finalized and approved soon, then we can make a guess and say maybe DV2014 will be the last beneficiaries of DV lottery program.
i really dont understand why STEM is giving you a headache. Law never works back so you are totally safe. So first of all there is still a long way until it's approved (IF it is) and second of all it will influence future lotteries (not the once which are already running).
Oooh Catchme, am sorry i also replied with lots of swahili hey but it really comes out so nice and real. From today am gonna refrain from swahili OMG! am so used to it now that i stay in the swahili region. We need to practice because where we are heading to NO swahili no mother tongue. Pardon us plis

We need to practice because where we are heading to NO swahili no mother tongue.
Hmmmm..not quite:if u land in a community where there r many Kenyans,surely Swahili will be common. I've even heard of church sermons being conducted in vernacular languages in the US.
Hmmmm..not quite:if u land in a community where there r many Kenyans,surely Swahili will be common. I've even heard of church sermons being conducted in vernacular languages in the US.

Not where am heading to, My host family are white and republicans for your information kikikikikiki! and the neighborhood is white rich guys. It is like Muthaiga in Nairobi atleast that is what they told me because they always come here for safaris. JK
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Not where am heading to, My host family are white and republicans for your information kikikikikiki! and the neighborhood is white rich guys. It is like Muthaiga in Nairobi atleast that is what they told me because they always come here for safaris. JK

LOL..no wonder u were rooting for Mitt:p:p:
I'll go first...if these figures are to be believed,how sure are we that the 4,307 selectees got notifications?Maybe only 2,700-3k were informed,the rest dropped out due to a host of other reasons(finances,disease,education etc) & of the ones who made it to the embassy,how many were denied?We r yet to see those stats.

You're right Obeez, i think my chances are bright, especially coming from a country where
1.awareness of the DV program is quite low.
2. The level at which people use the internet is still low. Some people even when availed with a computer may not know what to do,
3. The education qualification. Yes this does throw so many people off the track.
4. Finances....boy this thing is quite costly. Even that bit about traveling to Nairobi has always been a problem in my eyes. I think we have to travel twice.
5. Patience, determination, etc, little by little they all fall down and only those that meet all that's required may not have to fight too much for their visas.
hellllo friends,been away for a while atleast to have air.time is moving quite slowly n visa bulletin not favouring us at all.but the lord is great.had an accident on saturday night fractured leg but all the glory goes to the lord coz am alive.lets keep praying the devil is not happy with what is ahead.he is under our feet and he has no say.god bless.

What happens after one is granted the visa.Are they going to help one get enrolled in the university in the US?