• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

I wish there was a like button. I like this...people take the chance; if you get refused at least you'll know what you need to pass the next time. If you get banned forever; well at least you will forget the dream of USA and dream for something else. Life is everywhere...if you want it...you will get it if you work towards it.

We are all winners already because we strive to be better than we already are.

These are the kind of positive thoughts and thinking that we need to move forward and WIN this Visa battle. Thank you BurundiWinner for the good post.
Oh i pray that all of us could just PRESS ON and JUST DO IT. You can lose everything in a heartbeat through no fault of your own, so why allow that fear to stop you from reaching out for what you really want? This goes in the same basket as “I could die tomorrow.” Yes, true, we can lose, we can die. So what? Push forward.
Goodnight my friends and be happy!
Confidence and believe that you can. In my life i have never seen obstacles i see opportunities so this issue of grading/ marriage after winning/ affidavit of support are just stepping stones to success. Only that some people freak and quack like ducks or cluck like a barnyard chicken when they see the storm is coming. That is why you are here, to look for more and more information and see how you can step up and move. Helloooo!!! Believe you Can!!! Soar high like like an Eagle fly high and stop eating worms for christ sake go ahead and do it. Why would you expect a convincingly successful outcome when you haven’t convinced yourself that it’s possible?


Eagles, unlike chickens are raised to be risk-takers. So my friends don't think of the medical and visa fee just do it if you see a possibility opening for you. Zingine zote mwachie mwenyezi mungu. Ask God to remove all the limitations and obstacles that are bound to fail you.

“Far better it is to dare mighty things and win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor souls who neither enjoy much, nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat.”People who soar like eagles are risk takers. They are willing to “dare those mighty things” even when it means they may fail. They will not allow the fear of failure to rule their lives. They cling to the grace of God and this frees them to try new things. What if we put our whole heart and soul into a direction and it doesn’t work? Whenever we move forward with our dream, that is the risk we have to be willing to take in order to live as one who rises up on wings like an eagle.


10 likes:p:p:p

Please review this paper carefully

To qualify for the Diversity visa, you must have graduated from secondary school and passed the KCSE with a minimum of c plain or its equivalent.

Below are the guidelines for educational requirements in Kenya

Yaani huyu msee alinipa hiyo info hapo juu alikua anaipikia jikoni gani hii? Alaaaa

Work experience

Na hiyo hapo juu pia, sasa sisemi kitu kapsaaaaaaaaaaa

Diversity requirement for Kenyans
1. All school certificate
2. Birth certificate
3. A 6 month valid passport that means a new passport
4. A good conduct certificate from Criminal investigation department

Medical results (only from IOM) Located in 4th ngong avenue upperhill, they have their own panel physician. NAIROBI
Dr. Uma Nathwani City House, Moi Avenue opposite Catholic Church Mombasa Medical Practice

I got the above information from a very reliable source, those who were there can say they saw it before paying their fee.

Any contribution that is not contradicting to be posted we all want to HELP and not Demoralize.

Any contribution that is not contradicting to be posted we all want to HELP and not Demoralize ][/QUOTE]

I would like to believe that every one's objective in this forum is to learn and also give info to others from which ever source one has got it. So to limit members' contributions to NON CONTRADICTING issues is being less tolerant of others views. As long as the contradictions are all facts, I do not think that is a problem. For example we have a contradiction in the issue of C-. Others have been denied with the C- but some one was given the visa despite the C-. At the end of the day, this contradiction is helping all of us learn and also appreciate that each case is unique. If you feel convicted just go ahead with the interviews. I do not think any one is demoralizing any body.
We are only a 3 or 4 on the Ugandan list, and I think all of us are already participating on the Kenyan list already. So makes sense to consider us merged. Besides, we have to come to Nairobi for our interviews since the US embassy in Kampala doesn't handle immigrant visas. So it is very helpful for us to know what to expect when we come over. Maybe we should just make it an East African list, I think we have members from other EAC countries.

Good idea!
I would like to believe that every one's objective in this forum is to learn and also give info to others from which ever source one has got it. So to limit members' contributions to NON CONTRADICTING issues is being less tolerant of others views. As long as the contradictions are all facts, I do not think that is a problem. For example we have a contradiction in the issue of C-. Others have been denied with the C- but some one was given the visa despite the C-. At the end of the day, this contradiction is helping all of us learn and also appreciate that each case is unique. If you feel convicted just go ahead with the interviews. I do not think any one is demoralizing any body.

At the end of the day,we all have a decision to make irrespective of the opinions/facts/figures proffered on this thread/site...so folks,due diligence>>Jah guidance....all the best:):)
You know its the first case of its kind. I have read experiences of people with degrees and diplomas but without C plain in KCSE, they got served a denial. I now know what they want. C plain or you're out to the streets. I saw the post from a lady with a diploma in legal studies. Poor thing.

It's good to know what you are dealing with. As the saying goes, 'forewarned, forearmed'. Information is power. You go well knowing what they want but try your luck any way (with a C-). If it is your day, you get it, if it's not then you try again next time!
This is getting more interesting i just wonna say am loving this forum minute after minute, day after day, its very educative and very very supportive. So much information,
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At the end of the day,we all have a decision to make irrespective of the opinions/facts/figures proffered on this thread/site...so folks,due diligence>>Jah guidance....all the best:):)

Know what...God has our destiny in his hands.
All this debate on grading, whether you will get the visa or not is pure anxiety. Relax and believe that the good Lord who brought you this far will not leave us.
So far so good and then again if you believe that God has our best interest in heart you would not worry about whether or not you get the visa because all things work for good for those who believe in Christ Jesus.
Honestly i decided to just rest and let it be ...I do not even think much about it, apart from trying to save money here and there but nothing much on the outcome....all things are possible.
=Ash 2013;2592828]Any contribution that is not contradicting to be posted we all want to HELP and not Demoralize

I would like to believe that every one's objective in this forum is to learn and also give info to others from which ever source one has got it. So to limit members' contributions to NON CONTRADICTING issues is being less tolerant of others views. As long as the contradictions are all facts, I do not think that is a problem. For example we have a contradiction in the issue of C-. Others have been denied with the C- but some one was given the visa despite the C-. At the end of the day, this contradiction is helping all of us learn and also appreciate that each case is unique. If you feel convicted just go ahead with the interviews. I do not think any one is demoralizing any body.

Thank you for the good information. Much love
Know what...God has our destiny in his hands.
All this debate on grading, whether you will get the visa or not is pure anxiety. Relax and believe that the good Lord who brought you this far will not leave us.
So far so good and then again if you believe that God has our best interest in heart you would not worry about whether or not you get the visa because all things work for good for those who believe in Christ Jesus.
Honestly i decided to just rest and let it be ...I do not even think much about it, apart from trying to save money here and there but nothing much on the outcome....all things are possible.

What a nice message you have here, thank you. I have also decided to just rest and let it be... Think i will be coming back after i get that Visa which i will for sure.
What a nice message you have here, thank you. I have also decided to just rest and let it be... Think i will be coming back after i get that Visa which i will for sure.
Please dont go lost on us Makiki, its good to come and read posts, encourage the current individuals and give heart to the ones who might be down trodden. Then again, you will need a shoulder to hug or cry on and the guys in this forum are just the best....
No disappearing on us...I FORBID....lol
Please dont go lost on us Makiki, its good to come and read posts, encourage the current individuals and give heart to the ones who might be down trodden. Then again, you will need a shoulder to hug or cry on and the guys in this forum are just the best....
No disappearing on us...I FORBID....lol

guys in this forum are just the best.
What about the ladies???:p:p:pLOLest

No disappearing on us...I FORBID....lol
talk about the pot calling the kettle black:p:p,who between the 2 of u is guilty of the most disappearing stunts:confused::p

give heart to the ones who might be down trodden.
What about the ladies???:p:p:pLOLest

talk about the pot calling the kettle black:p:p,who between the 2 of u is guilty of the most disappearing stunts:confused::p
Obeez,....really? Honestly??Makiki is threatening to disappear ati only to come back after visa....clearly. On me, I swear i don potea deliberately. Its my daytime job, so involving and busy but I try to be on the site as often as possible and be as busy as possible..you can't blame a girl for trying :))
what about the ladies???:p:p:p

talk about the pot calling the kettle black:p:p,who between the 2 of u is guilty of the most disappearing stunts:confused::p

obeez,....really? Honestly??makiki is threatening to disappear ati only to come back after visa....clearly. On me, i swear i don potea deliberately. Its my daytime job, so involving and busy but i try to be on the site as often as possible and be as busy as possible..you can't blame a girl for trying :))

obeez,....really? Honestly??makiki is threatening to disappear ati only to come back after visa....clearly.
She is venting,she will come back,I'm betting my visa on it:cool::cool:

On me, i swear i don potea deliberately. Its my daytime job, so involving and busy but i try to be on the site as often as possible and be as busy as possible..you can't blame a girl for trying :
Hmmm..what can I say?
Passport anyone??

I should be going for my passport renewal soon...the process can be boring without company, anyone game like next month twende nyayo house...^_^
Posted on the 2nd March 2012 on capital FM's website, Please refer to this http://www.capitalfm.co.ke/eblog/2012/03/02/green-card-lottery-interview-fees-drop/ This will clearly put all the doubts behind us. Enjoy the reading.

Green Card Lottery interview fees drop

Posted by Opinion Leaders on March 2, 2012

Question: I’ve heard the price of the Green Card Lottery interview has gone down. Is this true?

Answer: I am happy to report the price is greatly reduced. In fact, this is one of several recent modifications to the Green Card lottery, officially known as the Diversity Visa (DV) program.

The fees, education requirements, and scheduling for the program have all changed this year. This is of great importance to Kenyans, who have one of the highest rates of participation in the world.

Fee Changes
The US government has cut the fee for the DV program nearly in half. Applicants previously paid $819 per person, which could really add up with a large family. After a careful review of the program, the US has lowered the price to $440.

This amount is calibrated to cover the cost of processing, security checks, interviews and printing. The US collects no profit from program fees. One thing to keep in mind is that the money you pay is for the interview, not the visa, and so we provide no refunds to those who are denied.

Education Requirements
According to US visa law, applicants for the DV must have a high school education. While we previously accepted a D plain KCSE average, a C plain average is actually commensurate with an American high school diploma. From now on, an applicant must have a C plain average to be issued a green card through the DV program.

This not only matches US visa law, but is also best for Kenyan emigrants. Currently, 37 percent of those with less than a high school education are unemployed in the United States. We want Kenyan-Americans to thrive in their new country, and education is the key to success.

Scheduling Changes
Last year, we did 28 percent of all DV interviews during the month of September. In order to accomplish this, we put most of our other interviews on hold. This meant long wait times for tourists, students, and other travelers needing interviews. In fairness to them, we will no longer be scheduling mass numbers of DV appointments in August and September.

DV applicants often book and then cancel appointments as many as five times, certain that they can always reschedule. Please note that this will no longer be possible. Once you have booked a DV appointment, please be sure to attend it as there is no guarantee of a second chance.

As always, the US Consular Section stands ready to serve the Kenyan public. We look forward to assisting you the next time you travel to America.

“Ask the Consul” is a monthly column. Do you have a question for the Consul? Use this email address to submit your questions for next month’s “Ask the Consul:” AskConsulNairobi@state.gov