• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!

Cant check my entras status check

Nesh422, have you checked the Entrant Status Check Web Site?

the response i get after checking is this
An unexpected error has occurred. Unable to load DLL 'OraOps10.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
Thanks Ash for the info, I gathered that only immigrants go to the ngong road office for medicals. Visitors, conference attendees, tourist don do tests at IOM. You can imagine the shock. British Airways would be perfect for me. We shall contact them when time comes. A day at a time.

That is true Karendi. We'll cross the bridge when we get there.
Oct selectees

With less than a month fingers crossed. All the best to all of you who were selected and remember us in your prayers as we remember you.:D
Welcome to the Forums, najua umezunguka sana kabla u-get to this Forum but don' mind just feel at home. Curious to see yua signature. Welcome in advance. ;)
With less than a month fingers crossed. All the best to all of you who were selected and remember us in your prayers as we remember you.:D

Is it Ninazangu ama Ninazunguka? Anyway welcome, put yua signature, let us know each other thru ideas & advices. Thankyou.

Maybe what you need to do for now is send the correction to KCC, and start working on an affidavit for the purposes of the interview (just in case).

All the best.

Good to see kenweed your still active. The 2013 guys look more active and seems like they are doing a lot of research on the info coming out day by day. The case of education qualification looks like its going to cut a lot guys out but only the ignorant ones will assume what obeezy has just posted down there. Wish all of you the best and and Gods guidance.
Good to see kenweed your still active. The 2013 guys look more active and seems like they are doing a lot of research on the info coming out day by day. The case of education qualification looks like its going to cut a lot guys out but only the ignorant ones will assume what obeezy has just posted down there. Wish all of you the best and and Gods guidance.

Hi Dubai-b,
Thanks for such a word of support.
Its ninazangu(as in Visas):p lol not ninazunguka.Was not selected so still waiting for Oct if not then 2014 is another year. Will update my signature when in a position to.Will reffer back to see how it is done
the response i get after checking is this
An unexpected error has occurred. Unable to load DLL 'OraOps10.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)

You must be having another problem. I checked just now and it's ok.
Dont worry

Hi guys,i hope you are all well,i am getting worried every new day as i have not yet received my 2nl despite the fact that in the visa bulletin they are saying that they are processing between numbers 1 to 8,000 yet mine is among the last za 4,000.i called the KCC and they said they are processing the papers,i wonder if anybody else above 5,000 in case number has received the same,
Guys i ask for your prayers i hope all turns out well,see?im supposed to be current in October so i fail to understand how it can stay for so long?
At times i ask myself if it couls be because of the mistake i made in date of birth(Someone applied for me n wrote the wrong yr though i wrote to them to correct the mistake)
Meen,its tough!!!

I do not think this should worry you so much. I am sure before the end of the month you will get the appointment. My prayers are with you.
reply frm kcc

I do not think this should worry you so much. I am sure before the end of the month you will get the appointment. My prayers are with you.

Thank you for your inquiry.

Your forms have been received and are acceptable for the continuation of your visa processing. KCC is currently scheduling visa numbers for your region for the month of October. Please refer to the visa bulletin at www.travel.state.gov to locate the current numbers being processed. This bulletin is updated after the 15th day of each month.
Good to see kenweed your still active. The 2013 guys look more active and seems like they are doing a lot of research on the info coming out day by day. The case of education qualification looks like its going to cut a lot guys out but only the ignorant ones will assume what obeezy has just posted down there. Wish all of you the best and and Gods guidance.

Hi good peole, I hope y'all doing good, @Nesh422 that response is actually a system bug. Usually under normal circumstances you should be able to get your 2nd NL 2 months before your interview. I got mine early November while my interview was late January.

Dubai-b I still check in once in a while when I have the opportunity and yeah DV 2013 members are very active which is for the good of everyone you know. I hope your plans are falling into place as expected.

So far so good, been here for 3 months now, eventually got my learners permit today which is a bit limited (Waiting for my drivers test in Dec to get the full drivers license) and got my first job in my profession though I'll have to relocate from Maryland to ATL. Getting an ID/DL has taken me longer than expected reason why I want to give you the skinny of things. Once you get here, if you'll be sticking with your host for a while make sure you open a bank account and get your statements to your hosts address or get your host to include you on their utility bills electricity, gas, cable TV etc. That will come in handy when applying for your ID/DL (trust me you'll thank me later) #read proof of address.
And if you have a Kenyan (or any other country's) drivers license make a point of carrying it, it will save you from a lot of hustle.

That's it for now, keep at it good people.
All the best.
Dv2013 cases

Hey guys,
Has anyone from Kenya & Uganda with a lower CN below 8000, current on OCtober and has received 2NL? Do we have anyone who have emailed the Nairobi Embassy concerning anything about his or her case? Anyway we are on the same boat and I think we're sharing the same as we prepare for the forthcoming interview. I think we should also share that "SAME".
For me I have been emailing the Embassy since 20th August, 2012 and till now they're saying that they have not yet received DV2013 files as well as they don't have my case. On their previous reply, they asked me to contact the KCC but when I contacted KCC, they insisted that I must forward all my inquiries to the Nairobi Embassy since they sent my case to Nairobi. Now that I emailed the Embassy yesterday they have told me to contact KCCINQUIRY@state.gov.
Is this normal?
Obeezy, answer this pliz>>>>Always looks more tuned..

Can DV2013 files still be on transit?
Can KCC lie that; they have sent the files?
Is it that the Embassy don want to disclose their interview related inquiries? I remember, the Embassy also told me to go with 1NL & 2NL when my interview date kams though they have not received my case. What if my interview date comes while they still not yet have my case?
I have a lot of questions related to the interview concerning my case but now who should I inquire?
Hey guys,
Has anyone from Kenya & Uganda with a lower CN below 8000, current on OCtober and has received 2NL? Do we have anyone who have emailed the Nairobi Embassy concerning anything about his or her case? Anyway we are on the same boat and I think we're sharing the same as we prepare for the forthcoming interview. I think we should also share that "SAME".
For me I have been emailing the Embassy since 20th August, 2012 and till now they're saying that they have not yet received DV2013 files as well as they don't have my case. On their previous reply, they asked me to contact the KCC but when I contacted KCC, they insisted that I must forward all my inquiries to the Nairobi Embassy since they sent my case to Nairobi. Now that I emailed the Embassy yesterday they have told me to contact KCCINQUIRY@state.gov.
Is this normal?

Yes it seems normal. I understand yo frustration though. I would like to imagine that the files are still with KCC. Try again next week and see. Probably there is no one to be interviewed in the first two weeks of October from Nairobi that is why they are taking their time. But again, remember they have thousands of applications to handle. Since you are in the first batch, they are overwhelmed and that explains the delay.

I believe those for November onwards will not experience this.
Yes it seems normal. I understand yo frustration though. I would like to imagine that the files are still with KCC. Try again next week and see. Probably there is no one to be interviewed in the first two weeks of October from Nairobi that is why they are taking their time. But again, remember they have thousands of applications to handle. Since you are in the first batch, they are overwhelmed and that explains the delay.

I believe those for November onwards will not experience this.

I believe it has alot to do with the the closure of 2012, remember it happens this month and since someone else said they also dont have their 2NL maybe just hang in there.