• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2013 kenyan selectees report here!!!!


Embassy of the United States of America

United Nations Avenue

Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: 254-20-363-6622

Thank you for your email.

Please contact Kentucky Consular Center. The office which provides appointment letter for DV 2013 applicants are Kentucky Consular Center at this time.


Customer Service Representative 5

Immigrant Visa Unit

Consular Section

US Embassy Nairobi


My best bet would be to call KCC;an email reply could take upto 9 days
Will not go to the details everyone knows that is handing in your originals and copies and payment part etc.

Called to window 10:
co: How are you?
I: answered
co: You seem to be in a hurry (abit agitated cause my son is nagging)
I: no not at all
co: raise your hand and swear that what is written is the truth (in regards to the Ds 230 form) .................
I: followed instructions and i sign the Ds 230 form. He says hi to my son who ignores and goes back outside to play.
co: brings out my son's birth cert and asks who is this pointing at fathers name
I: answer
co: where is he
I: answer
co: you know he has his rights, you have to get consent from him
I: i nod acknowledging (knowing very well am covered in that area)
Co: you have to get a court order or bring him in person to give consent
I: i produce the court order and he goes like that's a first most people are not aware (i feel so relieved)
Co: so after high school what else did you do
I: answer
CO: pls hand me the certificates
I: i hand them
Co: hands them back after perusal and says ok then turns to his comp and types for like 30 secs. Then turns to the file and i see him write issued and he tells me handing a green piece of paper that your visa has been issued and it will be at the courier you selected in a weeks time.
I: say thank you and wish him a good day ofcourse with the biggest grin ever.:D

It took less than 3 minutes. And again all interviews are different. Be confident, organized etc. Am not sure but they didn't say what you should have attained. So poor in narration hope this helps. All the best guys it shall be well believe in God.:)

Thanks for the post & once again,congrats:D
Yes it is though wait till you have your visa and yellow envelope and they will book for you though it depends on time of the year you traveling in september it will cost around 900 dollars but during winter that is Late October to Maybe Jan thats when it will cost you 500. Yeah and they can just email you the ticket all you need to do is appear at the airport.:)

$500 to the US;that must be no frills;RyanAir/Easyjet perhaps:p
Bottom-line;r u able to defend ur selection of yyyyyyy instead of xxxxxxxx?

As someone said in this forum(cant remember whom)alot/if not all of ur interview queries will be centered on what u wrote on ur forms thus u should be prepared to defend it.

Obviously the wound is still raw,give him sometime time to recover;alternatively,u could buy him drinks & perhaps that could loosen things up:D

It s quite understandable that those who succumb to the interview would be unwilling to share(I would too:mad:)

Anyway its not that good, but for those waiting for interviews its good to go thru the Forms if yu happened to p.copy them.
My best bet would be to call KCC;an email reply could take upto 9 days

Nesh, lets hope everything gonna be nice, yu'll get yua letta; I also av a guy who is current on Oct but not yet received 2NL.
Even the letters were not released at one day, so yua day must come. Relax n' remember the Most High.
Hmmmm interesting.......

There has been talk about majority/many of DV selectees being people residing in the US(study,wok et al).Looking at the activity on the AOS threads,they are massively active;could this be a pointer or its just a coincidence?

Any thoughts?
Its not Easy Jet. Its British Airways. Remember it is a special arrangement available to
Immigrants only.

Ash,I was being sarcastic:rolleyes:

Someone must be cashing in @ IOM big time if at all they r being taken up!!!:rolleyes:
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There has been talk about majority/many of DV selectees being people residing in the US(study,wok et al).Looking at the activity on the AOS threads,they are massively active;could this be a pointer or its just a coincidence?

Any thoughts?

I think it has got to do with internet access. People in the US have more access than us in Africa. Every country is allocated not more than 7% of the available visas. So I do not think that living in the US has got any thing to do with the selection process. In any case, the selection is random.

Case in point, Uganda has over 500 winners in 2013 lottery. But it is only me, Catchme and Uganda1 on this forum. Where are the rest? Either they do not know about this forum or they have no access or they are not interested in the internet or they just view but do not want to participate. Cause it is the vigilant people who land on this forum. No one told me about it for example.
Hey guys i can see that tension is rising each and everyday..we just need to be calm and all will be well, confidence is the key issue..when you go for the interview..its alright one to change his career, i think that guy froze , you must be able to justify you change of career..wacha tungojee guinea pig wetu aende then atushow vile kumekua though i beleive most interview ni unique to an individual..lets pray for Wankin asi wankiwe...:):)

I think it has got to do with internet access. People in the US have more access than us in Africa. Every country is allocated not more than 7% of the available visas. So I do not think that living in the US has got any thing to do with the selection process. In any case, the selection is random.

Case in point, Uganda has over 500 winners in 2013 lottery. But it is only me, Catchme and Uganda1 on this forum. Where are the rest? Either they do not know about this forum or they have no access or they are not interested in the internet or they just view but do not want to participate. Cause it is the vigilant people who land on this forum. No one told me about it for example.

I think it has got to do with internet access. People in the US have more access than us in Africa.
My point exactly!!!Given their internet penetration,the diaspora, given that they are more enlightened than our bros/sis' back here in Africa apply big time!!!This perhaps applies to the diaspora also in Europe & Asia.

Every country is allocated not more than 7% of the available visas
Touché.......I do not follow??? Shed more light pls???

In any case, the selection is random.
That is what we're led to believe_remember DV2012 fiasco!!!I would really like to know how their selection algorithm works.

Case in point, Uganda has over 500 winners in 2013 lottery. But it is only me, Catchme and Uganda1 on this forum. Where are the rest? Either they do not know about this forum or they have no access or they are not interested in the internet or they just view but do not want to participate
Perhaps they r on the AOS thread!!!:rolleyes:

Cause it is the vigilant people who land on this forum. No one told me about it for example
Me neither;actually I was surprised that there's such a site given I've been applying for sometime & have never come across it.I guess being a selectee pushes one out of their comfort zone to go & seek out assistance out there hence we all land here.

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Hey guys i can see that tension is rising each and everyday..we just need to be calm and all will be well, confidence is the key issue..when you go for the interview..its alright one to change his career, i think that guy froze , you must be able to justify you change of career..wacha tungojee guinea pig wetu aende then atushow vile kumekua though i beleive most interview ni unique to an individual..lets pray for Wankin asi wankiwe...:):)

lets pray for Wankin asi wankiwe

Now that's a classic;)

Hey guys i can see that tension is rising each and everyday

Tension???I'm already dead & buried till sometime next year(May,June,July) whereby I'll resurrect & emerge victorious @ the consulate:cool:

we just need to be calm and all will be well, confidence is the key issue
well said
Hey guys i can see that tension is rising each and everyday..we just need to be calm and all will be well, confidence is the key issue..when you go for the interview..its alright one to change his career, i think that guy froze , you must be able to justify you change of career..wacha tungojee guinea pig wetu aende then atushow vile kumekua though i beleive most interview ni unique to an individual..lets pray for Wankin asi wankiwe...:):)

PAPASAN,there was a TZ guy u met @ Nairaland with a CN @ 75k,is he still around?
Hey guys i can see that tension is rising each and everyday..we just need to be calm and all will be well, confidence is the key issue..when you go for the interview..its alright one to change his career, i think that guy froze , you must be able to justify you change of career..wacha tungojee guinea pig wetu aende then atushow vile kumekua though i beleive most interview ni unique to an individual..lets pray for Wankin asi wankiwe...:):)

Hi guys, been away almost all day. Its month end and as an accountant things get hectic at work. Its been an active day at the forum too from what i see. Anyways, i want to comment on the career thing. Please note that your eligibility for the DV is either thru education or work experience. This therefore is very key information which should not be taken lightly. A qualifying job is one which requires 2 or more years of training. Why would you fill something today and change to another at the interview? This would appear very suspicious. You either lied on the first or the second or anything. There are so many people waiting for the visa, don't try and mess up your one shot.
My point exactly!!!Given their internet penetration,the diaspora, given that they are more enlightened than our bros/sis' back here in Africa apply big time!!!This perhaps applies to the diaspora also in Europe & Asia.

Touché.......I do not follow??? Shed more light pls???

That is what we're led to believe_remember DV2012 fiasco!!!I would really like to know how their selection algorithm works.

Perhaps they r on the AOS thread!!!:rolleyes:

Me neither;actually I was surprised that there's such a site given I've been applying for sometime & have never come across it.I guess being a selectee pushes one out of their comfort zone to go & seek out assistance out there hence we all land here.


I like your insight. I have never read through the AOS thread. Somehow I do not bother with it since I know it does not apply to us. May be I should begin reading it.

As for the 7%. It is stated in the visa bulletins that no country receives more than 7% of available diversity visas in a given year. Meaning each country's limit is 3,500. That is 7% x 50,000 available visas = 3,500 visas. I saw that Kenya has over 4,000 winners in 2013 (if I remembner correctly). Meaning they will issue only 3500 and the 500 extra people will be denied. That is on assumption that all the 4,000 winners send their forms back to KCC. But we all know that not every one sends back the forms to KCC for various reasons. Uganda has about 518 winners. So I wonder where the balance of the 3,000 visas will go. I haven't added up all the eligible countries to know whether it adds up to 50,000 or not. I believe they use this formular so that the 50,000 visas are fairly distributed to atleast every country with a winner. And also remember they selected 100,000 people and there are only 50,000 visas. So they need to eliminate 50,000 people using all available means including visa denials for the slightest mistake.
Hi guys, been away almost all day. Its month end and as an accountant things get hectic at work. Its been an active day at the forum too from what i see. Anyways, i want to comment on the career thing. Please note that your eligibility for the DV is either thru education or work experience. This therefore is very key information which should not be taken lightly. A qualifying job is one which requires 2 or more years of training. Why would you fill something today and change to another at the interview? This would appear very suspicious. You either lied on the first or the second or anything. There are so many people waiting for the visa, don't try and mess up your one shot.

Well put catchme. Meanwhile welcome back. Unfortunately, you found me checking out. Catch you guys some other time.
I like your insight. I have never read through the AOS thread. Somehow I do not bother with it since I know it does not apply to us. May be I should begin reading it.

As for the 7%. It is stated in the visa bulletins that no country receives more than 7% of available diversity visas in a given year. Meaning each country's limit is 3,500. That is 7% x 50,000 available visas = 3,500 visas. I saw that Kenya has over 4,000 winners in 2013 (if I remembner correctly). Meaning they will issue only 3500 and the 500 extra people will be denied. That is on assumption that all the 4,000 winners send their forms back to KCC. But we all know that not every one sends back the forms to KCC for various reasons. Uganda has about 518 winners. So I wonder where the balance of the 3,000 visas will go. I haven't added up all the eligible countries to know whether it adds up to 50,000 or not. I believe they use this formular so that the 50,000 visas are fairly distributed to atleast every country with a winner. And also remember they selected 100,000 people and there are only 50,000 visas. So they need to eliminate 50,000 people using all available means including visa denials for the slightest mistake.

I have never read through the AOS thread. Somehow I do not bother with it since I know it does not apply to us. May be I should begin reading it.
Initially,I never used to bother since I guess it doesn't affect me;but one could end up in the US sooner for a variety of reasons & thus would reqiure AOS processing(Unless u hv chums to fly back for CP & the back again to the US).

As for the 7%. It is stated in the visa bulletins that no country receives more than 7% of available diversity visas in a given year. Meaning each country's limit is 3,500. That is 7% x 50,000 available visas = 3,500 visas.
Not to burst ur bubble,this I'm aware of but the figure,3500, isn't cast in stone.Ethiopia has blown through it 6x(03,04,06,08,09 & 2010),how about that!!!!Infact,there stats(visa issuances) are better than Naija's!!!
Immigrant Number Use for Visa Issuances and Adjustments of Status in the Diversity Immigrant Category_Ethiopia
Fiscal year2001200220032004200520062007200820092010
Grand total3,4643,2223,7843,6593,4923,5023,2483,5493,6903,774

Immigrant Number Use for Visa Issuances and Adjustments of Status in the Diversity Immigrant Category_Kenya
Fiscal year2001200220032004200520062007200820092010
Grand total1,0141,4872,2721,9931,7861,8071,3332,1872,3652,420

Immigrant Number Use for Visa Issuances and Adjustments of Status in the Diversity Immigrant Category_Uganda
Fiscal year2001200220032004200520062007200820092010
Grand total66100100739896122152170158

Immigrant Number Use for Visa Issuances and Adjustments of Status in the Diversity Immigrant Category_Nigeria
Fiscal year2001200220032004200520062007200820092010
Grand total2,8542,6943,3863,3352,5283,2713,1833,4253,2752,834
I saw that Kenya has over 4,000 winners in 2013 (if I remembner correctly)
actually its 4410.

Meaning they will issue only 3500 and the 500 extra people will be denied.
I beg to differ...I f I were to have 10 kids within the next 1 year & succeed @ the interview,the visa numbers reduce by 10!!!(according to what I've gathered soo far).Do bear in mind that ur derivatives will be eating into the 50k visa pool thus the 50k isn't specifically for thee principal applicants.(I stand to be corrected).

So I wonder where the balance of the 3,000 visas will go.
redistributed perhaps..take Ethiopia's case!!

I haven't added up all the eligible countries to know whether it adds up to 50,000 or not.
We have 105,628 selectees(excluding derivatives) chasing 50k visas; rat race indeed.

I believe they use this formular so that the 50,000 visas are fairly distributed to atleast every country with a winner
We have states with zero winners;eg Lesotho,Sao tome & Principe et al.

And also remember they selected 100,000 people and there are only 50,000 visas. So they need to eliminate 50,000 people using all available means including visa denials for the slightest mistake.
well said.
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