• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2013 Australian Entrants Post Here :)

We're on that same page again! I'm sitting here at lunch browing the net, and this is the first page I open up lol

followed by Craigs list :D


Me too! Sad but true, my merry dance all day is Forum, Facebook, Email, Craigslist. Gotta stop it! Wasting our days away with hopes that will be dashed on May 1
The problems start when they know you are visiting your significant other. On my second VWP I was warned in no uncertain terms not to return on a VWP, and that I had better get another visa (which I did, I got a B2). Unfortunately, if they're really cross they will flag you.\

The lesson here is use the VWP sparingly and with big breaks in-between visits!.

They won't flag you. They may be suspicious and may not like you visiting so much, but they won't give you anything more than a verbal warning. Which is not recorded, so you are not flagged.

If they let you in, they let you in. The VWP is not such an advanced program that they flag you...you are either denied or refused.

What the customs agents tell you is not always correct either. But yes, getting a B2 makes sense if you have regular travel to the US. It was my plan before I amazingly won the lottery.
Me too! Sad but true, my merry dance all day is Forum, Facebook, Email, Craigslist. Gotta stop it! Wasting our days away with hopes that will be dashed on May 1

We probably all have similar 'dances' - although I'm sure mine has gotten a bit quicker as May 1 approaches! :eek:

Before work = morning coffee at my desk reading forum, news, uni page and emails
At work = I have the forum open (hiding under work on my second monitor :p ) then another glance at lunch and Craigslist
Finally at night inbetween study I squeeze in more forum reading, some youtube bits and pieces on California and if I'm really in a "US state of mind", I will look at other expat forums regarding moving costs etc etc.

Optimistic much? I swear I drive my husband nuts. He's of the mind of 'we'll look at it if it happens'.

Oh and I do entertain a reasonably normal life inbetween all this with work, study, and the regular 'day to day'.

Such is my life since entering the lottery lol.

They won't flag you. They may be suspicious and may not like you visiting so much, but they won't give you anything more than a verbal warning. Which is not recorded, so you are not flagged.

If they let you in, they let you in. The VWP is not such an advanced program that they flag you...you are either denied or refused.

What the customs agents tell you is not always correct either. But yes, getting a B2 makes sense if you have regular travel to the US. It was my plan before I amazingly won the lottery.

Every time I visited the States after being yelled at during one border crossing I was sent for at least an hour long secondary interview. I believe I was flagged, which is why I applied for DHS redress :)

Every time I visited the States after being yelled at during one border crossing I was sent for at least an hour long secondary interview. I believe I was flagged, which is why I applied for DHS redress :)


Huh. I've had some questionable entrances....flying around for a while without a visa or return ticket can be tricky.....but they never seemed to as about previous trips to the US unless they looke through my passport first. I was interviewed for 4 hours once....still, nothing ever seem to come up electronically. Plus, I think it would list it somewhere if there was the possibility of being flagged on the VWP in some capacity.

Qwerty, I am curious though, why do you like Cali so much? Aside from maybe SF, I avoided most of it because for the most part it seemed so similar to Australia. There is a difference in some parts with more Mexican influence, or the higher usage of weed....but for the most part I thought it was very similar to Australia. Which is probably much of the same reason I was drawn to NYC, because it is so contrastingly different.
Qwerty, I am curious though, why do you like Cali so much? Aside from maybe SF, I avoided most of it because for the most part it seemed so similar to Australia. There is a difference in some parts with more Mexican influence, or the higher usage of weed....but for the most part I thought it was very similar to Australia. Which is probably much of the same reason I was drawn to NYC, because it is so contrastingly different.

It's where I lived while I was there and as my husband works for a firm in Silicon Valley, it is what we became used to. We lived in a heavily Mexican area which we also loved, and the trip to SF was less than an hour, so another plus. To be honest, I only know the West Coast :) My field is in higher education and will eventually transfer to social work/psychology if we move over there, so the choices are pretty good in the South Bay re universities and colleges.

And the mild weather is a bonus !

Hi everyone :)

Has anyone worked out what time the results are available our time? :)

Hi everyone :)

Has anyone worked out what time the results are available our time? :)


Midnight at the Department of State in Washington DC, is 2pm on Wednesday in Sydney. Unless any changes to Daylight saving happens in the next few days? and assuming the results are out at midnight?
Midnight at the Department of State in Washington DC, is 2pm on Wednesday in Sydney. Unless any changes to Daylight saving happens in the next few days? and assuming the results are out at midnight?

Hi Abbie

Thank you for that, and yes I believe it opens at midnight.

Well, it may make my afternoon tea break an interesting one down here in Melbourne :)

Warm wishes

Regarding the results, Midnight in East coast on May 1st should be 2PM in Sydney same day (tuesday), unless I get something wrong. I live in Auckland and pretty much live by the NY time due to the nature of my work. So if the results are available at midnight on May 1st, then why would it be available on Wednesday here :confused:. I was expecting those to be available at 4PM NZ time on May 1st. Just curious?

Regarding the results, Midnight in East coast on May 1st should be 2PM in Sydney same day (tuesday), unless I get something wrong. I live in Auckland and pretty much live by the NY time due to the nature of my work. So if the results are available at midnight on May 1st, then why would it be available on Wednesday here :confused:. I was expecting those to be available at 4PM NZ time on May 1st. Just curious?


Because the night of May 1st in the US is May 2nd here?
Time Zones!


No, it's not May 2nd at 00:00. It's May 1st 00:00 Eastern Daylight Time in the US. 2 p.m. May 1st for the East Coast of Australia, 4 p.m. May 1st for NZ.

You Anzacs (Happy Anzac Day, by the way) at least have the ability to already be AWAKE for the results. I'm not waiting up until midnight (we're in New York) to see ours - we'll look at 6 a.m. when we wake up!
Yes - 2pm Tuesday

Yes, sorry, you are all right. 2pm on Tuesday. I've never calculated a midnight conversion, so my primative equation "7 hours back - next day" (from the west coast) confused me! - Never good at Maths!

So it will be 9pm for me - i'll wait up!
Ok, 2pm Tuesday - I'm so glad you worked that out Sukie, I was getting a headache just thinking about it! I have CA time on my computer here in Melbourne (I promised I'm not obsessed, its for our friends over there lol), but I wasn't sure what part of the States the DV offices were.

So the question is, do I check on my computer at work or wait 4 hours until I get home????

