• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

Hey all,

I checked this monrning too, I woke up early to see the results and yeah... NOT SELECTED. This was my second try.

I've checked with I.E 8, Firefox and Chrome. Both IE 8 and Firefox say not selected while Chrome does not seem to work with the website.

I was a bit disappointed at the time I checked but now I am fine, I guess I'll try again next year. By the way if anyone wants me to help check with the different browsers, just message me.

Since getting a visa for the US. Is anyone also considering for Canada (especially Quebec for fellow French-speakers) ? (Ok this is not the topic sorry)

Congratulations to the lucky winners!!!
I have a 4 year US college degree that is now useless. So basically I do not have an education and have to go back to a country I can barely speak the language and know almost no one.

Thank you Mr. Obama and the US government. Thank you for this kindness.
I have a 4 year US college degree that is now useless. So basically I do not have an education and have to go back to a country I can barely speak the language and know almost no one.

Thank you Mr. Obama and the US government. Thank you for this kindness.

Sorry but, how did it even happen that you don't speak the language of your birth country ? And you should've come to Canada, that way you could've stayed on work visa after your studies. Either way, your degree can't be useless, I believe it's recognized in many places.
sorry Buffon... you are not alone; we're in the same boat :( try opt to extend your stay... i do volunteer work that counts towards my opt! there is always light at the end !!! Let's do our best and God will do the supernatural thing for those who needs His Blessing!
All things work together for good to them that love God; It is well my brothers and sisters to those that did not win and to those that won, A big Congratulations to you and make sure you process your applications quickly .;) Enjoy
this thing is getting funny...so if u had not checked for him and he did first he would think he lost...

This is crazy. Like last year, when some people checked and it said, "you have not been selected", but they already received a notification by mail that they had been selected.
Same here, I entered number 5 instead of S and visa versa. Ive even tried entering my name instead of last name and it got accepted...that's really weird. But then, the system will probably always say it's not selected, because those numbers are not in their database. So, mystery solved I guess. However, must of the winners applied during first days, which doesn't seem like a random selection to me..I think they screwed up this time.
It doesn't seem like a random selection to me either. It was first come, first serve. Yes, they screw up, smt....someone said jokingly that someone from The Department of State maybe a member of this forum, thus the reason why most of it's members did not win..only the ones who just joined after winning!!
So, after I lost the DV lottery for the third year in a row, I am planning to move to the UK to get my master's degree after graduating with a bachelor's degree in accounting in Texas. In the UK I won't need any visa, I will be able to sponsor my American partner with no hassle, and I may even have a better quality of life than in the US, with better medical care and actually having paid vacations whenever I will get a job. Plus I will be able to take advantage of all the low-cost air companies and have great times in Italy, Spain, and all the other European capitals for a 50euro round-trip flight every weekend!

By the way, if you still did not realize it, I am Italian, I am gay and I have a boyfriend in the US who can't wait for me to finish school in the US so we can both move to Europe, especially because there he will receive medical care where it is denied to him in his homeland (he needs it because he has a heart problem and he does not have insurance)

Proud to be an European. America is just a big illusion, Europe is more realistic and offers a much better life-style.

Here it is how it will work in the UK:
"Your spouse and your dependent children may stay in the EU country where you are studying with you if you:
- are enrolled in an approved educational establishment
- have sufficient income to support your whole family without needing income support
- have comprehensive health insurance for your whole family in that country.
National authorities may not require your income to be above the level that would qualify you for basic income support. The income may come from your family, partner or any other source.

Residence card
Your non-EU spouse and (grand)children must apply for a residence document with the authorities in the new country (often the town hall or local police station) within 3 months of arriving. They will then be issued with a residence card.
To get a residence card, they will need:
a valid passport
your registration certificate or any other proof of your residence in the country
proof of your family relationship, such as a marriage, partnership or birth certificate
for children, proof that they are dependent on you.
No other documents may be requested.
The residence card is often issued free of charge (or at the same charge as identity cards for nationals).
On the residence card it should be clearly stated that it is a residence card of an EU national family member.
The authorities should make their decision to issue the residence card or not within 6 months. If they do not do so, you can call on our assistance service.
The residence card should be valid for 5 years (or for your planned length of stay, if shorter), though you may need to report any change of address to the authorities. After 5 years your spouse can apply for permanent residency.
In many countries, your spouse or children will need to carry their residence card and passport at all times. If they leave them at home, they may be fined or temporarily detained but cannot be expelled just for this."
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So, after I lost the DV lottery for the third year in a row, I am planning to move to the UK to get my master's degree after graduating with a bachelor's degree in accounting in Texas. In the UK I won't need any visa, I will be able to sponsor my American partner with no hassle, and I may even have a better quality of life than in the US, with better medical care and actually having paid vacations whenever I will get a job. Plus I will be able to take advantage of all the low-cost air companies and have great times in Italy, Spain, and all the other European capitals for a 50euro round-trip flight every weekend!

By the way, if you still did not realize it, I am Italian, I am gay and I have a boyfriend in the US who can't wait for me to finish school in the US so we can both move to Europe, especially because there he will receive medical care where it is denied to him in his homeland (he needs it because he has a heart problem and he does not have insurance)

Proud to be an European. America is just a big illusion, Europe is more realistic and offers a much better life-style.

Here it is how it will work in the UK:
"Your spouse and your dependent children may stay in the EU country where you are studying with you if you:
- are enrolled in an approved educational establishment
- have sufficient income to support your whole family without needing income support
- have comprehensive health insurance for your whole family in that country.
National authorities may not require your income to be above the level that would qualify you for basic income support. The income may come from your family, partner or any other source.

Residence card
Your non-EU spouse and (grand)children must apply for a residence document with the authorities in the new country (often the town hall or local police station) within 3 months of arriving. They will then be issued with a residence card.
To get a residence card, they will need:
a valid passport
your registration certificate or any other proof of your residence in the country
proof of your family relationship, such as a marriage, partnership or birth certificate
for children, proof that they are dependent on you.
No other documents may be requested.
The residence card is often issued free of charge (or at the same charge as identity cards for nationals).
On the residence card it should be clearly stated that it is a residence card of an EU national family member.
The authorities should make their decision to issue the residence card or not within 6 months. If they do not do so, you can call on our assistance service.
The residence card should be valid for 5 years (or for your planned length of stay, if shorter), though you may need to report any change of address to the authorities. After 5 years your spouce can apply for permanent residency.
In many countries, your spouse or children will need to carry their residence card and passport at all times. If they leave them at home, they may be fined or temporarily detained but cannot be expelled just for this."
please advice me i need a standard school in europe where i can relocates with my family and probably get a job and school i need it this year and how much can i budget
It doesn't seem like a random selection to me either. It was first come, first serve. Yes, they screw up, smt....someone said jokingly that someone from The Department of State maybe a member of this forum, thus the reason why most of it's members did not win..only the ones who just joined after winning!!

How does someone form the DOS joining this forum equate to most of the members not winning??!!?
I have a 4 year US college degree that is now useless. So basically I do not have an education and have to go back to a country I can barely speak the language and know almost no one.

Thank you Mr. Obama and the US government. Thank you for this kindness.

Don't say that! A degree is pretty much an accomplishment! Don't think the USA is the only country in the whole world where you can make a happy living. There are many other countries to, try looking into the commonwealth countries.

Countries such as Canada the UK or Australia go on a points system which gives you points on what type education your age work etc you have, you have a degree so that will racket a ton of points and your young I assume so more points.

The problem with the USA though is that it's a country of it's own with it's awful immigration system. The HB-1 visa is ridiculous I admit, you have to wait many years for a green card to be processed with that type of visa, this can take up to 8 years while in other countries if you did the same it would only take 2-5 years.

Canada is a great country of its own with a stable economy at the moment and instead of kicking out international students in Canada who travel all the way to spend money on a decent college education they let them stay after for a work permit under the Canadian experience class which you can get a Canadian GC after 2 years. All hope is not lost, you just need to look in the right places. Or if your heart is really set on the USA there is always next year, good luck!
Don't say that! A degree is pretty much an accomplishment! Don't think the USA is the only country in the whole world where you can make a happy living. There are many other countries to, try looking into the commonwealth countries.

Countries such as Canada the UK or Australia go on a points system which gives you points on what type education your age work etc you have, you have a degree so that will racket a ton of points and your young I assume so more points.

The problem with the USA though is that it's a country of it's own with it's awful immigration system. The HB-1 visa is ridiculous I admit, you have to wait many years for a green card to be processed with that type of visa, this can take up to 8 years while in other countries if you did the same it would only take 2-5 years.

Canada is a great country of its own with a stable economy at the moment and instead of kicking out international students in Canada who travel all the way to spend money on a decent college education they let them stay after for a work permit under the Canadian experience class which you can get a Canadian GC after 2 years. All hope is not lost, you just need to look in the right places. Or if your heart is really set on the USA there is always next year, good luck!

Excellent advice and encouragement!!!
please advice me i need a standard school in europe where i can relocates with my family and probably get a job and school i need it this year and how much can i budget

In my case I am European, and I will sponsor an American to live in Europe. I will be studying in the Uk and I will have to show I am meeting all the school expenses. In my personal case, I am going to apply to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and my Master's accounting program will cost around 20,000 pounds and it will last 9 months. However, there are many other schools that cost much less than that, though they are not as prestigious.
But before moving to London, I plan to marry my boyfriend in Massachussets or another country that allows gay marriages, plus I will also make sure we will have a civil union contract in the United Kingdom. Thanks to these documents, my boyfriend will be permitted to live with me in the UK while I will be studying. He will also be able to find a job if he wants to.

But I remind you, I am talking about me being already an European and sponsoring a non-European spouse. It would make it easier for me to give you an advice if I knew what country both you and your spouse are from.
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Is there any winer who applied after the first few days? Or the "first come, first serve" theory is true ...
In my case I am European, and I will sponson an American to live in Europe. I will be studying in the Uk and I will have to show I am meeting all the school expenses. In my personal case, I am going to apply to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and my Master's accounting program will cost around 20,000 pounds and it will last 9 months. However, there are many other schools that cost much less than that, though they are not as prestigious.
But before moving to London, I plan to marry my boyfriend in Massachussets or another country that allows gay marriages, plus I will also make sure we will have a civil union contract in the United Kingdom. Thanks to these documents, my boyfriend will be permitted to live with me in the UK while I will be studying. He will also be able to find a job if he wants to.

But I remind you, I am talking about me being already an European and sponsoring a non-European spouse. It would make it easier for me to give you an advice if I knew what country both you and your spouse are from.
