• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2012

Don't say that! A degree is pretty much an accomplishment! Don't think the USA is the only country in the whole world where you can make a happy living. There are many other countries to, try looking into the commonwealth countries.

Countries such as Canada the UK or Australia go on a points system which gives you points on what type education your age work etc you have, you have a degree so that will racket a ton of points and your young I assume so more points.

The problem with the USA though is that it's a country of it's own with it's awful immigration system. The HB-1 visa is ridiculous I admit, you have to wait many years for a green card to be processed with that type of visa, this can take up to 8 years while in other countries if you did the same it would only take 2-5 years.

Canada is a great country of its own with a stable economy at the moment and instead of kicking out international students in Canada who travel all the way to spend money on a decent college education they let them stay after for a work permit under the Canadian experience class which you can get a Canadian GC after 2 years. All hope is not lost, you just need to look in the right places. Or if your heart is really set on the USA there is always next year, good luck!

Just as an FYI, when speaking in regards to the UK you are referring to the HSMP or Tier 1 General (Points Based System) visa's, both these routes have been closed. Generally speaking anyone now coming from outside the EEA either needs to be rich, famous or have a job offer to get a visa; they have also overhauled the student visa programs also i believe.


Oh ok, I do not know much about student visas for non-EU members, but I have found the website that should tell you everything you need to apply for one. It just makes me feel sorry that student visas are simply stupid. Anyway, I think it should be a matter of finding a job after graduation and the UK should grant you permant residency after between 2 and 5 years that you have constantly worked there.

ukvisas dot gov dot uk
this thing is getting funny...so if u had not checked for him and he did first he would think he lost...
@rozy, that's very true, it means if I hadn't checked for him he would be so sure that he has lost. And the worst part is that he has even tried now to change the explorer, but it still says not selected, and when I check for him, or his cousin checks (she is in USA) he has been selected...... strange indeed!
@rozy, that's very true, it means if I hadn't checked for him he would be so sure that he has lost. And the worst part is that he has even tried now to change the explorer, but it still says not selected, and when I check for him, or his cousin checks (she is in USA) he has been selected...... strange indeed!

Still strange to me. I suggest everyone who has lost to double check everything i.e. numbers, letters and browser because the online entry status check will not indicate what is wrong and that is why it says to re-check the information entered.
Oh ok, I do not know much about student visas for non-EU members, but I have found the website that should tell you everything you need to apply for one. It just makes me feel sorry that student visas are simply stupid. Anyway, I think it should be a matter of finding a job after graduation and the UK should grant you permant residency after between 2 and 5 years that you have constantly worked there.

ukvisas dot gov dot uk

Australia should be given more consideration than UK (Just my opinion)
UK at the moment is the hardest to get a work visa for a non-EU, since the new rule is that for any job advertised, a british has first priority over an EU, who has priority over the non-EU, and this is proving to be very hard for other guys (for whom I know)
According to Cameron (the prime minister)..and I quote... "I wants to reduce the number of immigrants from hundredths of thousands to just tens of thousands...."
They have change the whole student visa route, and there is a cap on work permits! The fees for the home students has tripled, so you expect the overseas student fees to do the same with time.
For those coming to do anything less than a higher degree, your spouse is not allowed to come as dependant, and after finishing, they have scrapped the post study work visa (which gave guys 2 years to look for work, and if possible switch to work permit) has been scrapped and the new rule is that unless someone finishes his/her education and gets a job that gives a work permit, then you have to go back to your home country.
Hope this will give a vague idea to the situation for any non-EU who is looking at moving to UK.
Fore more of the changes, check out .....
@rozy, that's very true, it means if I hadn't checked for him he would be so sure that he has lost. And the worst part is that he has even tried now to change the explorer, but it still says not selected, and when I check for him, or his cousin checks (she is in USA) he has been selected...... strange indeed!

wow, this is very strange indeed, :confused: Patem i think you should inform KCC of this discrepancy .As we all know they are NOT sending post by regular mail this year unlike previous years that even if the online status says u are not selected, you have the other option of getting your notification in your mail box. But for this year .The only way anyone can find out if they won is online, no other option is available..so please do try to send an email to KCC and explain the discrepancy....anything can happen. Thanks
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Still strange to me. I suggest everyone who has lost to double check everything i.e. numbers, letters and browser because the online entry status check will not indicate what is wrong and that is why it says to re-check the information entered.

since the website says it support IE6 and 7 does it mean all others will give you a wrong outcome..
LOL, i just tried again with my confirmation number, my neighbors first name and a different birthday to see what happens and the system let me through. It should have appeared that there was an error since the data did not match with my confirmation number. This is really strange.
LOL, i just tried again with my confirmation number, my neighbors first name and a different birthday to see what happens and the system let me through. It should have appeared that there was an error since the data did not match with my confirmation number. This is really strange.

seriously is very anoying....it does not help matters knowing that any info ll go thru ...
Ghanaian student in US who was selected forthe VISA lottery

Like my title says. I am a Ghanaian presently studying in the US. I heard about the lottery last year and applied while I was in collge ( I am in my 2nd year in College in the US). I checked today and found that I am a selectee ( number is 00021xxx). I really thank GOD. Despite my imperfection he continues to shower HIS GRACE on me. I didn't realize how lucky I was till I checked the number of ppl that applied.

I started reading the gov website, and am really confused. I however know that I have a process which is slightly different from the normal ( Change of status ). I am confused about what I have to do next. Would anyone be kind enough to walk me through the next steps to help me better understand what I am reading on the website. Also, I had an internship in Europe for the summer, and I am worried that I may be called for an interview while I am away. I get back in August.

Thank You
Ghanaian student in US who was selected forthe VISA lottery

Like my title says. I am a Ghanaian presently studying in the US. I heard about the lottery last year and applied while I was in collge ( I am in my 2nd year in College in the US). I checked today and found that I am a selectee ( number is 00021xxx). I really thank GOD. Despite my imperfection he continues to shower HIS GRACE on me. I didn't realize how lucky I was till I checked the number of ppl that applied.

I started reading the gov website, and am really confused. I however know that I have a process which is slightly different from the normal ( Change of status ). I am confused about what I have to do next. Would anyone be kind enough to walk me through the next steps to help me better understand what I am reading on the website. Also, I had an internship in Europe for the summer, and I am worried that I may be called for an interview while I am away. I get back in August.

Thank You

http://www.travel.state.gov/visa/visa_4762.html Hope this helps.
Is it just me that noticed this, or does it seem like there are only people from Africa who got selected? Not only this, but it also seems like only people who submitted their application on the 5th and 6th of October got selected.

Could it be possible they are going to select the winners in batches based on the date of submission and the continentof birth?
Is it just me that noticed this, or does it seem like there are only people from Africa who got selected? Not only this, but it also seems like only people who submitted their application on the 5th and 6th of October got selected.

Could it be possible they are going to select the winners in batches based on the date of submission and the continentof birth?

i hope so, i really hope so
ok i have a question, on page 2 of this forum, there is a photo check link, did anyone who checked their photo on that link and found it to be correct win?