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DV 2012 Lottery Entrant Status Check Problems

there are some people laughing & stuff, but what the KCC doesn't know is that it will be very hard for some peoples coming july 15 because losing, ok shit happen, but "winning", telling your friends, familly, starting making plan & stuff to have all that removed... it is way harder than just losing & all they will get will be a "sorry"... i know some are happy to get a second chance, but i'm sure some peoples who saw a great opportunity won't support it...

Just like you said to other losers when you were temporary selected: "Get over it".
oh well, trash me if that makes you feel good but keep in mind that you didn't win yet... & unlike many peoples, i can visit the usa anytime i want since i do not need a visa...
Just like you said to other losers when you were temporary selected: "Get over it".
there are some people laughing & stuff, but what the KCC doesn't know is that it will be very hard for some peoples coming july 15 because losing, ok shit happen, but "winning", telling your friends, familly, starting making plan & stuff to have all that removed... it is way harder than just losing & all they will get will be a "sorry"... i know some are happy to get a second chance, but i'm sure some peoples who saw a great opportunity won't support it...

people who saw a great opportunity but got revoke = 22,000
people (including derivatives) who saw a great opportunity (and fair too) = 19 million (plus the reluctance 22,000) :)

ps: I also understand how hard it is for the revoked winner who had told the other 19 million as sore/bad loser and turn out
they were wrong, and now they try as hard as they can not to become yet another bad loser hahaha :)
and still could not help it and posting/whining like a REAL BAD LOSER :) hahaha
oh well, trash me if that makes you feel good but keep in mind that you didn't win yet... & unlike many peoples, i can visit the usa anytime i want since i do not need a visa...

do you think that you are the only one who can visit US anytime you want ? :) hahaha

I don't want to TRASH you, even though you want to see me ban from this forum just few days ago...

all I want to say to you is just "TOLD YA !" :) hahaha
great, now tell me, are you more powerfull? did you gain more money? oh, you just wanted to be the smart guy in an internet forum.. I guess i will go on with plan B... marry my girlfriend who lives in queens NY... will take a litle longer but will do the trick
do you think that you are the only one who can visit US anytime you want ? :) hahaha

I don't want to TRASH you, even though you want to see me ban from this forum just few days ago...

all I want to say to you is just "TOLD YA !" :) hahaha
great, now tell me, are you more powerfull? did you gain more money? oh, you just wanted to be the smart guy in an internet forum.. I guess i will go on with plan B... marry my girlfriend who lives in queens NY... will take a litle longer but will do the trick

I am NOT more powerful, I am just ahem RIGHT :) and I gain FAIRNESS from the best Justice System in the world :)

ps: becareful, you don't want your girlfriend in Queens NY knew that you are marrying her because your DV Win got revoke shhhhhh :) ahahahaha
(that will surely ruin the trick) :) ahahhahahahah
oh boy..
I am NOT more powerful, I am just ahem RIGHT :) and I gain FAIRNESS from the best Justice System in the world :)

ps: becareful, you don't want your girlfriend in Queens NY knew that you are marrying her because your DV Win got revoke shhhhhh :) ahahahaha
(that will surely ruin the trick) :) ahahhahahahah
great, now tell me, are you more powerfull? did you gain more money? oh, you just wanted to be the smart guy in an internet forum.. I guess i will go on with plan B... marry my girlfriend who lives in queens NY... will take a litle longer but will do the trick

That is so cheap... A sham marriage. Are you THAT desperate to emigrate to the United Sates? You do know there are other greater cities in Canada right? If not study harder, my reputation just went down for you to 0 if you're doing a sham marriage just for US residency. No wonder the US is complaining about immigration problems because of people like you.
I lived in montreal for 7 month & didn't like it.. heck, I even got accepted in a university in montreal for september 2011... & it is not cheap, my girlfriends knows about the visa mariage...
That is so cheap... A sham marriage. Are you THAT desperate to emigrate to the United Sates? You do know there are other greater cities in Canada right? If not study harder, my reputation just went down for you to 0 if you're doing a sham marriage just for US residency. No wonder the US is complaining about immigration problems because of people like you.
People.. People, I don't know what's with all these childish fighting going on here but remember, you still have a chance regardless you won/ didn't win in the 1st week of May. And this time, it will be for real, 'FAIR'.

Secondly, why are you all behaving this way is beyond me. The more anger you throw at KCC about the entire thing, the closer you are going to frustrate them to close down this lottery system some day and all of us will be losers. Just be grateful they didn't cancel this year's DV Lottery even. They worked hard to put this together, sure there's a glitch and all but who never make mistakes?

I wish I could personally thank them for their hard work, regardless I win or lose. But if any of them are reading this, know that there are people out there that will behave maturely and can understand the situation.

Just relax and live life for now until the next result comes out. : )
well, some just want a "revenge" so they act like kids... remember that this is a forum & like any forum, childish adults will merge... me personaly, i'm pissed but i won't call the kcc because they won't give me any info, if some want to brag, let them be but at the end of the day, they are happy not because they won but because other peoples are like them...
People.. People, I don't know what's with all these childish fighting going on here but remember, you still have a chance regardless you won/ didn't win in the 1st week of May. And this time, it will be for real, 'FAIR'.

Secondly, why are you all behaving this way is beyond me. The more anger you throw at KCC about the entire thing, the closer you are going to frustrate them to close down this lottery system some day and all of us will be losers. Just be grateful they didn't cancel this year's DV Lottery even. They worked hard to put this together, sure there's a glitch and all but who never make mistakes?

I wish I could personally thank them for their hard work, regardless I win or lose. But if any of them are reading this, know that there are people out there that will behave maturely and can understand the situation.

Just relax and live life for now until the next result comes out. : )
I guess i will go on with plan B... marry my girlfriend who lives in queens NY... will take a litle longer but will do the trick

Please take your frog leg french butt to France and stay there, I am so sick of people doing sham marriages for green cards. You marry for a lifetime commitment of love and trust, not a backup plan for RESIDENCY...

So beat it, we don't need people like you in this country...
I don't think it's revenge... They didn't do anything to prevent you from winning at all, at the end it's the KCC's decision to redraw it. I think they just didn't like your behavior and are now glad you are back at square 1, like everybody else, in a fair position to be drawn again.

I have to admit, I wasn't too fond of your posts here before but refrained from saying much. But bear in mind, you have a chance to win still so long you entered, you never know!

Also, I was skeptical about the entire possibility of redrawing, and didn't think it would happen. And what do I know?? It happened! The other posters was right, I'm actually more glad this happened. I had no idea I won or lost because I didn't get to check on the 1st week, so I am more in a neutral position here to speak.
well, now a big concern, many many many peoles won't know the drawing will take place again & many other when found out they lost/won threw away their confirmation number... that mean a potential of many winner (if this time winner remain winners...) won't even be able to proced so i won't be surprised if this time less than 50 000 visa get distributed
& my behavior... Dude, you get messages from peoples saying that it was unfair... once.. twice.. then they flood the forum, so what do that make them? & i said "some" not "all", well, now all back to the same place, hopefully, i win for real next time
I don't think it's revenge... They didn't do anything to prevent you from winning at all, at the end it's the KCC's decision to redraw it. I think they just didn't like your behavior and are now glad you are back at square 1, like everybody else, in a fair position to be drawn again.

I have to admit, I wasn't too fond of your posts here before but refrained from saying much. But bear in mind, you have a chance to win still so long you entered, you never know!

Also, I was skeptical about the entire possibility of redrawing, and didn't think it would happen. And what do I know?? It happened! The other posters was right, I'm actually more glad this happened. I had no idea I won or lost because I didn't get to check on the 1st week, so I am more in a neutral position here to speak.
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well, now a big concern, many many many peoles won't know the drawing will take place again & many other when found out they lost/won threw away their confirmation number... that mean a potential of many winner (if this time winner remain winners...) won't even be able to proced so i won't be surprised if this time less than 50 000 visa get distributed
& my behavior... Dude, you get messages from peoples saying that it was unfair... once.. twice.. then they flood the forum, so what do that make them? & i said "some" not "all", well, now all back to the same place, hopefully, i win for real next time

Well that's reality then. If they didn't keep their confirmation number securely just for a little while longer or at least keep it somewhere permanent (i.e email?), and didn't pay close attention to the entire DV lottery thing, that's too bad for them. I don't think there's many people that would be that careless.

As for behavior, well they were the losers, and they do have a legit point that it was unfair and it's understandable they are frustrated. But also, what can we all do if KCC decides not to redraw too? Not much! Just be grateful that this system exist to begin with. :) I think some of the other poster's posts are a bit extreme, but you don't have to taunt them, you know.

And yes, you might win for real in July, you never know. Same as everyone else! And by then no one can complain about the unfairness anymore.

Good luck everyone until the next result comes out! :)
Do you think that KCC will re-send all confirmation numbers considering the fact that persons may have deleted them because of the error?
I am sooo disappointed and already asked my emplyoer to stop my EB Green Card processing (I am in the US with H1B visa). My friend has a high blood pressure at this moment and couldn't go to the work today (not everyone can take such a disappointment easily!).
I have a question to the lawyers, Can we start a lawsuit against Department of State for such a thing?
I am sure there will be much more people who would like to do the same! So it will be the collective law suit.