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DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

hi guys , i really feel sorry for all of you , i dont know how you lose your time , days and months thinking about DV results , you dont have any ideas how many people submitted their entry to participate and only 100000 winners will win mean less than 0,01% of the total participants will win , do you think it worth to wait , and sleepless night and i dont know ....people beleive me i submitted my entry in 2009 and i lost and i will never ever do it again because i wast all my time waitting for the results and i lost so no more wasting time it a shut loosing of time ...my advice think about something else ...time is very preciouse dont lost it in hopless things
something else USA is not a better place , you will remmber my words one day and you will appreciate them .
good luck
hi guys , i really feel sorry for all of you , i dont know how you lose your time , days and months thinking about DV results , you dont have any ideas how many people submitted their entry to participate and only 100000 winners will win mean less than 0,01% of the total participants will win , do you think it worth to wait , and sleepless night and i dont know ....people beleive me i submitted my entry in 2009 and i lost and i will never ever do it again because i wast all my time waitting for the results and i lost so no more wasting time it a shut loosing of time ...my advice think about something else ...time is very preciouse dont lost it in hopless things
something else USA is not a better place , you will remmber my words one day and you will appreciate them .
good luck

Yet another pessimist talk.

How can you tell usa is not a better place? Comparing to what? The definition of a better place varies from person to person. Duh. You're just mad you didn't win.. Nobody's wasting time, but it's hard to completely ignore it. You said it yourself, you waited too.

I sleep well btw.
hi guys , i really feel sorry for all of you , i dont know how you lose your time , days and months thinking about DV results , you dont have any ideas how many people submitted their entry to participate and only 100000 winners will win mean less than 0,01% of the total participants will win , do you think it worth to wait , and sleepless night and i dont know ....people beleive me i submitted my entry in 2009 and i lost and i will never ever do it again because i wast all my time waitting for the results and i lost so no more wasting time it a shut loosing of time ...my advice think about something else ...time is very preciouse dont lost it in hopless things
something else USA is not a better place , you will remmber my words one day and you will appreciate them .
good luck

LMAO, you don't like wasting your time, but you take the time to sign up on this forum to tell us this...
hi guys , i really feel sorry for all of you , i dont know how you lose your time , days and months thinking about DV results , you dont have any ideas how many people submitted their entry to participate and only 100000 winners will win mean less than 0,01% of the total participants will win , do you think it worth to wait , and sleepless night and i dont know ....people beleive me i submitted my entry in 2009 and i lost and i will never ever do it again because i wast all my time waitting for the results and i lost so no more wasting time it a shut loosing of time ...my advice think about something else ...time is very preciouse dont lost it in hopless things
something else USA is not a better place , you will remmber my words one day and you will appreciate them .
good luck

You need not feel sorry for any of us. We are well aware of the chances of winning and losing. How could you say that the U.S is not a better place when you haven't lived there?
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Hi everybody , thank you for the replies , i would like to confirm that USA is longer a better place , Canada and Finland and Norway are much better , the economic situation in USA is very bad many people lost there jobs , i say that because i have realtives who currently live in USA , do you think you will have the oppourtunity to live among the Stars people like Tom Cruise and so and so ....or the opportunity to enter night clubs with other stars or to have an excellent job ...NOWAY...you need to have much money to start you life in the USA , THE USA IS NOT ANYMORE LIKE BEFORE , i know it was good before but not ANYMORE .
as i said before its up to you , if you feel bord and you dont have anything to do so that fine start counting the days untill the result comes out , AND THEN YOU WILL BE DEPRESED because you feel that you lost all this time thinking about the results and you did not win , i say that because the chances are so so limited , i myself dont prefer to take a chance , do you like to take a risk in anything and you are sure that your chances are 0.5% to win ? sure not unless your chances are 20% to win in any thing .
try to use this preciouse time for something more benfitial dont lost it , some people are ready to pay millions to have more time .
think well , and someday not now you will remmber my words , i hope it wont be too late .
good luck
I agree. I won the DV-2004 lottery and looked forward to going to the USA. Personally I don't think it's that great. It's glory years are behind it and my native New Zealand is a better place to live. I guess if all you want to do is try and make a lot of money then the USA is for you, but many countries have a better overall standard of living in my opinion.

I guess if you're from a 3rd would country that's a different story, but don't pin all your hopes on a country. It's your actions that will make you successful in life - where you live is less important.
It's your actions that will make you successful in life - where you live is less important.
Wise words even though sometimes the place you live can help you make things you want to and gives you more opportunities.
Actually I think that, before you move to USA you have to compare it with the country you already live. ;)
@ iren Well said!! I guess most of us already did the comparison and concluded that the USA is where we want to go. While I agree that the USA along with other countries are feeling the pinch of the bad economy. On the other hand, i truly believe that life is what you make it. You either sink or swim wherever you go. Personally speaking, I believe that if I can live where I am now, I definitely can live in the U.S. The prices are soooo high on everything so it's just like were paying 'taxes' even though we don't literally pay taxes, crime rate is so high notwithstanding how small this country is, customs duty rates are high (e.g. 60% on the purchase price and shipping for vehicles-RIDICULOUS!!!!) So for these reasons, the opportunities for starting a business is futile and we have friends over there who are just like 'blood' famliy (more so than my actual blood relatives over here).
I agree. I won the DV-2004 lottery and looked forward to going to the USA. Personally I don't think it's that great. It's glory years are behind it and my native New Zealand is a better place to live. I guess if all you want to do is try and make a lot of money then the USA is for you, but many countries have a better overall standard of living in my opinion.

I guess if you're from a 3rd would country that's a different story, but don't pin all your hopes on a country. It's your actions that will make you successful in life - where you live is less important.

I have been living in the USA for 6 years, and have created a nice life for myself that's why I want to stay, but I am also applying for Australia and New Zealand as my backup plan. I also think OZ and NZ is better than the states, but I have already invested a lot of money and time in the US. Most people on this forum are from Africa and there are lots of other countries that are better, but the lottery is the easiest way into a different country. I can guarantee you if Canada/NZ/OZ had a green card lottery that all these people will play it. I know I would.
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DV Lottery website now says entrants can check their status on July 1, 2011 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The below is an excerpt from the official website:.

DV Program for 2012: Entrants who completed online DV-2012 entries through the official website can check the status of their entries by returning to the website at http://www.dvlottery.state.gov on or after May 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.
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Hi everybody , thank you for the replies , i would like to confirm that USA is longer a better place , Canada and Finland and Norway are much better ,

Confirm all you want, you know those countries don't have the DV lottery. Finland and Norway are not the countries that were founded on immigration, which means - someone would feel really out of place or maybe even unwelcome there, being the only immigrant among the majority. While americans are more or less friendlier? Provided you speak english and willing to assimilate. BTw, I dont see myself speaking norwegian or finnish... no way.. Nevermind those 3 are very cold places.. However, if Canada had the same lottery, I would definitely try it.
And finally stop comparing to 1st world countries yeah? You realize most people here are from worse places, for whom USA IS A BETTER PLACE or, at least, could become one.

I agree. I won the DV-2004 lottery and looked forward to going to the USA. Personally I don't think it's that great. It's glory years are behind it and my native New Zealand is a better place to live. I guess if all you want to do is try and make a lot of money then the USA is for you, but many countries have a better overall standard of living in my opinion.

I guess if you're from a 3rd would country that's a different story, but don't pin all your hopes on a country. It's your actions that will make you successful in life - where you live is less important.

You see thats the thing, since you're from NZ, it's not that great for you. But for someone let's say from - Kazakhstan, it could be heaven (provided that person is ready to start over and work hard)

Btw, not only 3rd world, 2nd world also. And it'seasy for you to say - "where you live is less important", because (I assume) you've never lived in those less developed countries. It's the same as if Bill Gates said - money's not important... well, maybe not the best comparison, but still..

I can guarantee you if Canada/NZ/OZ had a green card lottery that all these people will play it. I know I would.

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