• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2012 Applicants and Lucky Winners

Your hope was alive 1st may 2011....your joy will have no end come 15th July in Jesus name..........AMEN!
Hi newday10!

I checked mine on both IE 7 (work computer) and Safari (my own Mac) and won on both accounts...same result! :) Safari worked the same as IE.

Your hope was alive 1st may 2011....your joy will have no end come 15th July in Jesus name..........AMEN!
I feel sorry for this guy:

"Dear sir,
I am one of the disappointed 22000 persons who was randomly selected and notified via the official Diversity Lottery website .i live in egypt. i am 27 years old. i was very very very happy when i won in the lottery this year for the first time from a long years !! and i went to the church to thank my god because he gave me a great grace !! . but after some days i found that the results is canceled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my life is destroyed because I left my job !! i sold all my things !! i sold my home and my car with a very small price because i prepared my self to the immigration !!. now i can't find a place to sleep or a money to eat or even to can rent a very small apartment !!!. now one of my friends host me in his home for some days but he can't host me forever !!. i will suicide if the DV-2012 results canceled !!!!!. please save my life . my future is destroyed !. i am in a very bad depression mood. now i see the life is black. i see everything is black. i didn't talk to anyone or even talk to my family. my father and my mother is crying all the time !! i will lose my mind soon !!!
i am crying all the time night. i can't know why i am live now !!! i didn't want to live anymore !!! i lost everything !!!!! my work, my future, my brain and my home !!! everything !!! i lost everything !!! just for computer error !!!!
i will kill myself . this is the small thing that i should do after my winner in the lottery voided.

i prefer to die because i can't imagine that my winner voided from DV-2012 results. we are not just a file to delete it for a program error. we are souls , feelings , happiness and sadness. i am sure that you can feel what is the feelings when you destroy the future of someone."
9ice 1 here. 9ija pals don dominate d thread. 9ija, always optimistic!! - e go better
@ obama: i go nowhere but Lag.
The forum is active like a bee hive windv is back!!! Victor fedel a big wassup!!! I salute all my naija bro's Guyz we r so anticipating man! This is the most controversial draw ever! i see new faces, Todays the day The Judge is going to make a ruling over the 22,000 pliz guyz update us on the hearing..........,.... If u don't hear from me after July 15th know i wasn't selected !
@muraya..don't disappear, (usitoroke)! just 30 mins away from the court decision...then we know whether will be waiting for friday 15th july or not! wau..the drama continues!
@ My 9Ja guys........ I hail all my 9ja guys for this forum.... Make God put smile for all our faces.. IJN
@win dv
I feel sorry for this guy:

"Dear sir,
I am one of ....
And where did this nonsense come from?
If it's a true story than no one should be sorry for this person - all USA embassy websites state clearly that giving up jobs and property prior to receiving an actual visa(s) is advised against of.

I saw this story and was AMAZED to say the least. I hope people take note so as not to make the same mistakes that this guy did. The DOS gives you 6 months after issuing a visa to tie up your loose ends and migrate and from all accounts they advise people NOT to make any life changing decisions until the visa is in your hands.........and why would he give up his job just because he was selected?

This is really good example of WHAT NOT TO DO if you get selected.
peoples like you give christians a bad reputation because you are cocky sir... why do you havve so special than others to be "the chosen one"... I am sorry as a christian myself, i hate that type of "christians" who think they are better than the rest... YOU ARE NO DIFFERENT THAN THE OTHERS believers & non believerts


Here is an update from the courts. The hearing is over. No decision yet but Amin( DOS IT head guy) declaration was proven innacurate. The ammended declaration is due tommorow morning. In other words Mr Amin has been told to present their side again tomorrow. @patem lazima tuende underground ku relieve the stress .....If u don't see me after July 15th know i wasn't selected!
@nkechima this is a lottery don't forget that! Chances of winning are 1 out of 19.6 million entries so even if am positive the chances r pretty slim........................If u dont see me after July 15 jus know i HAVE NOT been selected twice.
@nkechima this is a lottery don't forget that! Chances of winning are 1 out of 19.6 million entries so even if am positive the chances r pretty slim........................If u dont see me after July 15 jus know i HAVE NOT been selected twice.
@muraya...seen the update and the drama continues.. yeah naelewa, lazima watu watoe stress.
the latest..
MINUTE ORDER Plaintiffs’ counsel is directed to provide the Court with a copy of the May 10, 2011, letter to the Visa Office which is referenced in Ex. 4 to the Complaint and any response from the Department of State by July 13, 2011, at 12 p.m. Signed by Judge Amy Berman Jackson on 7/12/2011. (lcabj2, )
Hello everyone. I'm new but I've been lurking this forum for a while. I'm also anxiously waiting the lottery results, my family has been applying since I was a child in the US, over 10 years ago. The immigration system is in desperate need of a reform, but until then, good luck everyone. To the other longtimers, I hope this is your year!!
I hope today wee see the final results... if the injunction is granted... the first redraw would be reinstalled because DOS has to issue 50 000 visas so they won't have no choice... win or lose, at least we will know... now there were tension between Amin & CST & other DOS departement because basicaly, the judge implicitely told them that they messed up