• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!


CONGRATULATIONS to u once again!!!!

The Lord has already perfected what he started and he wiil perfect all that concerns us ALL.Amen.

Wishing ALL of US awaiting our second letter interview Success cos he has already decree POSSIBILITY in all that we lay our hands upon.AMEN.

Joquel,Ohis and ALL other awaiting candidates for interviews;I WISH ALL a successful interview and we shall ALL come HERE AND TESTIFY FOR THE GOOD THING THAT THE LORD WILL DO,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello ALL,

Below is Donsino's experience;

Hi all,

My interview yersterday was a success. i apologized for the late response. I was the first to arrive at the embassy coz I couldn't just sleep.
After a long wait and the normal process from the line to the payment and to the main hall. I was called around 10 am to window 12 (guess what the popular American-chinese lady called me up)

CO: raise your hand and swear to tell the truth today
ME: I swear
CO: name, date of birth and place of birth
ME: answered
CO: what's ur highest level of education
ME: O level
CO: I can see u sat for both waec and neco
ME: yes
CO: why didn't u bring ur neco along
ME: My neco doesn't meet the 5 credits requirement so I decided to come along with my waec
CO: ok
CO: what kind of question were u asked in maths, physics and english
ME: I started talking only about what I know if she ask a question on I can back it up (as soon as I mention Idioms she picked that up)
CO: What is Idioms and give example of Idiomatic expression
ME: answered because I know very much about it thats why I mentioned it.
CO: In maths what's a construction
ME: I told her that I'm not good with construction. In my the essay of my waec we were given 10 questions to answer 5 so I didn't do construction I did but linear equations and trigonometry
CO: Ok...did u solve for x in linear equations
ME: yes...linear equations its all about x
CO: why do u want to travel to the US
ME: I intend to further my education and settle down after my studies
CO: Excuse me for a minute
ME: ok
CO: you have been found eligible to receive an immigrant visa...Welcome to america....come on thursday for ur visa
ME: Thank you

This people her very social and ready to give out visas. Infact they were giving out visas as if they are doing x mas just like johny said.
Everyone who was interviewed before my very self were successful only for a guy they asked to go bring his transript from a secondary school.
I doubted why they asked him to do that coz he answered everything they asked him correctly. This people are very friendly.
If u asked to talk about something always mention what u can asnwer if another question comes up...ofcourse i am sure they don't really know about
everything but they just want to see the confidence in u. Talk like u are 100% sure of what u are saying. I mean ur visa is there waiting...all u need its just to go claim it.

I will give some observations later. Thanks to everyone in this forum I apprecaite all ur efforts. Without u guys I don't if I would have made it
Infact the whole thing looked easier for me especially when I taught about u guys while waiting for my turn in the main hall.
I wish everyone going for their interview success. Joequi and ddoon u guys are next go there and possess ur possession. The lord its good.
Case Number: 2010AF00018***
Entered lottery: 24 october 08
NL received: 5 august 09
Sent NL to KCC: 10 august 09
2nd NL received: 02 June 10
Police report: Completed
Medicals: Completed
Interview Date: 29 July 10
Interview Successful: 29 July 10
Visa pickup: Waiting
POE (Washington DC): Waiting
Interview Successful: Waiting for the D'day to go collect my thing.....for it has been DECREED by HIM

The Lord God knows it all.......
I just updated my profile signature to reflect the sent documents to KCC.
Could you please tell whether there's a minimal time to wait to contact KCC to confirm the reception?
And could you as well provide me with more info on the fact that you have to renounce citizenship to become American if already someone has more than one?

HI Montreal2011DV,

I think you should wait at least 2 weeks to give them some time to put your file in the system, they received my documents 2 weeks ago today so I will email them on Monday to find out...
I know that the US and Canada allow dual citizenship and France multiple. Apparently in the US they won't really check or say anything even if you have more than 2 so I guess it is ok,
anyway you should start thinking about this 5 years after you get the actual green card :)
Thank you for your answers.
Best of luck with your journey back to Atlanta.

I don't know much which city I'll chose, but I'll highly consider the weather aspect (pissed of -25° c during Dec through Mar and stormy summers) and the IT jobs available. So Oakland-Fremont-Hayward, CA Metropolitan Division could be a nice spot.

HI Montreal2011DV,

I think you should wait at least 2 weeks to give them some time to put your file in the system, they received my documents 2 weeks ago today so I will email them on Monday to find out...
I know that the US and Canada allow dual citizenship and France multiple. Apparently in the US they won't really check or say anything even if you have more than 2 so I guess it is ok,
anyway you should start thinking about this 5 years after you get the actual green card :)
ddoonn,ohis,and ALL,

i wish everybody a successful interview ahead and best wishes.

Most especially to those having their interviews tomorrow;ddoonn and ALL,you will ALL come here and share your testimonies with US,AMEN.

It is well with ALL of US here on this forum.

Because it is written,EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!!!.ddoonn,go get ur VISA tomorrow,it is well with your body,soul and spirit.
Hey sista_mai,

Yes I am going to do my interview in France. But for me I will be probably current around January, but i hope it's going to be for December.
Me too I have to get my criminal record but from the US and France.
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Shall we All rise and thank God for a successful interview ddoonn is going to have today.

P-R-A-I-S-E GOD-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------h-a-l-l-e-l-u-y-a-h.

ddoonn,success is yours today,AMEN
Dear All,

As u can see,am a DV 2011 winner.I have one question to ask that needs your prompt answer.

When we filled our Dv lottery form online October,2009,we filled Married (Even,we have done our Introduction since December,2008) cos we knew that we would get married that same year.

By Gods grace,we got married that same year November,2009.Also,in the form we sent back to KCC,we filled married too.

My question now is,getting married by NOVEMBER,2009 after the DV lottery (OCTOBER,2009) is still within.

Once again,success to ddoonn and ALL that will be interviwed in this month of AUGUST in Jesus name cos is a month of A NEW THING.Amen.
Helo freinds,

Im from ethiopia,

as Im getting too confused with some family issues..........., pls pls help me, when do u think is most probably my interview date? now im living outside my country. this is my case number-2011AF00017***.
Txs a lot in advance for ur respons.

Do not beworried cos your case has already being settled so says the Lord of host.

Ur interview might propbly be next year say,may,june or july.Just stay on this forum and get involved,you will be getting supports ALL the time.

It is well with u cos OUR GOD never FAILS and he is the LORD 4ever.

You are blessed and ALL OUR heart desires are fulfilled already,AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there I got some question. I and my wife live in a different country. We have sent the filled in forms back to KCC. We have indicated in the form that we live in different countries. Currently, we are waiting for the second NL.

I am wondering how and where to arrange the interview. Is it possible that we arrange the interview in our convenient embassies? Or it is mandatory that the interview is only conducted together in the presence of the principal winner?

Thanks in advance!

Hi inalotoab,
both of you have to be together for the interview. it will be conducted in the prsence of the pricipal winner. all the best