• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 winners from SRILANKA Report here

The Highest CN from asia : 48000

Total winners from asia 15000

total allocated visa for asia 7000

Formula : 48000/15000 = 3.2

until February : 14850/3.2 : 4640 winners

2nd Formula : 48000/7000 : 6.85

until February : 14850/6.85 : 2167 visas

average : 2167/4640 (issuing visas) =0.467

MY Case No : 33310/3.2 = 10409th winner

3rd formula : 0.467X 10409 = 4861th visa to me ......

may be chances .........
The Highest CN from asia : 48000

Total winners from asia 15000

total allocated visa for asia 7000

Formula : 48000/15000 = 3.2

until February : 14850/3.2 : 4640 winners

2nd Formula : 48000/7000 : 6.85

until February : 14850/6.85 : 2167 visas

average : 2167/4640 (issuing visas) =0.467

MY Case No : 33310/3.2 = 10409th winner

3rd formula : 0.467X 10409 = 4861th visa to me ......

may be chances .........

What a logical thinking.
Forget the green card, you will definitely be a mathematician at the end of Fiscal year of 2011
I got this message from BBSNETTING.... regarding my DV case
Last year they officially processed up to case number 28,700
But in Turkey went up to 30,000
So wait and see in July - August 2011

DV Lottery information http://blog.bbsnetting.com
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Definitely this is the most important new year for you in your life.
Hopes, expectations, dreams, plans and all
Wish you all a wonderful new year with all your dreams come true.
Hi Lasantha,

Sorry if I didn’t answer your question earlier. I’m expecting to get an interview date in Feb/Mar 2011 as my CN 12XXX and current in Jan 2011. I was told by KCC they have completed processing my application and waiting to schedule an interview. I have returned from US since then and will be doing my interview in Colombo. I am hoping to get the 2nd notification letter from KCC and my interview date as soon as possible. Can’t wait :)

Has anyone already done the medical test prior to receiving 2nd notification letter from KCC or an interview date? I’m not sure if you need a 2nd notification letter or an interview date to set up an appointment with the Embassy approved doctor.

Thanks and best wishes for the New Year to everyone!!
Hi Lasantha,

Sorry if I didn’t answer your question earlier. I’m expecting to get an interview date in Feb/Mar 2011 as my CN 12XXX and current in Jan 2011. I was told by KCC they have completed processing my application and waiting to schedule an interview. I have returned from US since then and will be doing my interview in Colombo. I am hoping to get the 2nd notification letter from KCC and my interview date as soon as possible. Can’t wait :)

Has anyone already done the medical test prior to receiving 2nd notification letter from KCC or an interview date? I’m not sure if you need a 2nd notification letter or an interview date to set up an appointment with the Embassy approved doctor.

Thanks and best wishes for the New Year to everyone!!

Hi! Sand2010
Nice to hear from you. Wishing you happy new year.
I think its better for you to call kcc and check regarding the date of your interview. Normally about 4 to 6 weeks before the interview, kcc sends the 2nd NL.
Have u got all your documents ready? Its good u came to sri lanka to face the interview.

I feel you can do the medical test,when u are sure of the interview date. Atleast 2 to 3 weeks before the interview you can complete,that is fair enough.
Good luck for your interview and post your experience.

My case number is 2011AS00019XXX
1NL received in july 2010
Forms sent to kcc by dhl on 16th of august-2010
DHL confirmed delivery on 18th august-2010
KCC confirmed receipht of forms by 25th of august 2010 through email message.
Police Clearance - Received on 31st October 2010 from us embassy of sri lanka.
I was told by KCC on 17th November 2010 that, my aplication is completed pocessing and waiting for the allocation of visa interview.
2NL - waiting.
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kcc confirmmed me our interview dates at dhaka us embassy on the middle of march. as my case number is 17### and i Need advice from everybody. i have the following documents for dv interview-
1. passport----------- mrp
2 ssc and hsc certificate, mark sheet registration card and admit card ( except husbands hsc admit card, he lost it and didn’t take new one because of new issue date of admit card date.)
3. police clearance report_ waiting (hopefully get very soon).
4. medical_(waiting yet done)
5. marrige cerficate both English and bangle version but issued after wining the dv though i married before dv application and applied dv with spouse.
6. we both have a good number of very old id cards like old passport, college id, all library and all university ids and office id's.
7.as we both are banker and i am the primary applicant and my husband has changed to new bank. does it create any problem cause in dsp-230 form he showed his previous employer name. last December he joined another bank and we didn’t inform it to kcc. and actually kcc has confirmed last Thursday us that they will send a confirm within 7-10days. so i think in this case kcc doest have any thing to do.
8. i have used my fathers address(my fathers owns that home) as our address but we stay at my husbands home(it is a rented house) which is close to fathers house and we stay both home by rotation since our marriage. so does it create any problem?
9. for bank statement: as I am working in a bank for one year, I can show only my salary and I don’t have any account to other bank.

that’s all i have available to me and so far as i know, i dint have any wrong information give to my dv application and all information are genuine and all documents are 100% ok. So guys what do you think guys what do you think is it ok or I need more to collect. Please give me advice. Thanks all and wishing every body to get dv visa in the coming month.
kcc confirmmed me our interview dates at dhaka us embassy on the middle of march. as my case number is 17### and i Need advice from everybody. i have the following documents for dv interview-
1. passport----------- mrp
2 ssc and hsc certificate, mark sheet registration card and admit card ( except husbands hsc admit card, he lost it and didn’t take new one because of new issue date of admit card date.)
3. police clearance report_ waiting (hopefully get very soon).
4. medical_(waiting yet done)
5. marrige cerficate both English and bangle version but issued after wining the dv though i married before dv application and applied dv with spouse.
6. we both have a good number of very old id cards like old passport, college id, all library and all university ids and office id's.
7.as we both are banker and i am the primary applicant and my husband has changed to new bank. does it create any problem cause in dsp-230 form he showed his previous employer name. last December he joined another bank and we didn’t inform it to kcc. and actually kcc has confirmed last Thursday us that they will send a confirm within 7-10days. so i think in this case kcc doest have any thing to do.
8. i have used my fathers address(my fathers owns that home) as our address but we stay at my husbands home(it is a rented house) which is close to fathers house and we stay both home by rotation since our marriage. so does it create any problem?
9. for bank statement: as I am working in a bank for one year, I can show only my salary and I don’t have any account to other bank.

that’s all i have available to me and so far as i know, i dint have any wrong information give to my dv application and all information are genuine and all documents are 100% ok. So guys what do you think guys what do you think is it ok or I need more to collect. Please give me advice. Thanks all and wishing every body to get dv visa in the coming month.

What about sponsor letter?
It is must in Sri Lanka
Finally I got visa...Thanks god.But I have small problem.When I am travelling to USA very first time we have to go sponsor area other than any other area.If any one knows pls reply....
Good Luck for all DV WINNERS.
dv-2011 winners from srilanka

Finally I got visa...Thanks god.But I have small problem.When I am travelling to USA very first time we have to go sponsor area other than any other area.If any one knows pls reply....
Good Luck for all DV WINNERS.

yes.. you must go your sponsor area. Because The US government do not contact you directly. they will contact you through your sponsor for issuing green card. So you have to safely .Only at least one month you want live your sponsor area for your safety. That's all
Finally I got visa...Thanks god.But I have small problem.When I am travelling to USA very first time we have to go sponsor area other than any other area.If any one knows pls reply....
Good Luck for all DV WINNERS.

Let us know your interview experience.
yes.. you must go your sponsor area. Because The US government do not contact you directly. they will contact you through your sponsor for issuing green card. So you have to safely .Only at least one month you want live your sponsor area for your safety. That's all

Phew......there's NO such reqmt !!

You can enter US via any PoE of your choice.
They just need a US address for correspondence. To send the welcome notice and GC etc.
And if you want to, you may change the address you gave in the DS 240 at the PoE. Just tell the officer.
But sometime it wont take effect and GC may go to the original DS 240 given address, so ask original address also to look out for mail in your name as well.

After entering US and if you change address, then make sure you file AR 11. (it is a LEGAL reqmt for all non citizens)
Although you can file this before receiving GC, my advise is do not file before.
Just wait for GC and then file online (https://egov.uscis.gov/crisgwi/go?action=coa.Terms)

Best !