• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 winners from SRILANKA Report here


My Visa is current in Jan 2011. And I sent my docs in Sept. Do you know how long it takes for them to process applications? I called them last week and the person said to call back in 8 weeks for an interview date. Anyone else current in Jan/Feb period?

Hi! Sand2010
Normally kcc takes about 8 to 10 weeks to process the application. By now your applications must be completed processing. If you are current in january 2011, send them another email by next week or else try to call them,you will get an answer same time. For my knowledge if you are current in january, you might have the interview in february 2011.(Because there is little delay in visa allocation) Keep sending emails to kcc, they will answer you. Good luck.
Average Designing VISA BULLTEIN FOR DV-2011 FOR ASIA


DV-2009 DV-2010 Diffrent DV-2011

OCT 7000 7000 9000
NOV 7200 200 7200 200 10750 1750
DEC 8250 1050 8250 1050 11600 850
JAN 9475 1225 9475 1225 13300 1700
FEB 11000 1525 10550 1075 16100 2800
MAR 13200 2200 12000 1450 19300 3200
APR 17400 4200 13600 1600 23700 4400
MAY 22800 5400 16400 2800 29600 5900
JUN 30350 7550 19550 3150 38800 9200
my friend has interviewed last Thursday her case number 2011AS000005xx. it was a success interview
this is true :: us embassy (srilanka) gives visa without any difficulty .
Average Designing VISA BULLTEIN FOR DV-2011 FOR ASIA


DV-2009 DV-2010 Diffrent DV-2011

OCT 7000 7000 9000
NOV 7200 200 7200 200 10750 1750
DEC 8250 1050 8250 1050 11600 850
JAN 9475 1225 9475 1225 13300 1700
FEB 11000 1525 10550 1075 16100 2800
MAR 13200 2200 12000 1450 19300 3200
APR 17400 4200 13600 1600 23700 4400
MAY 22800 5400 16400 2800 29600 5900
JUN 30350 7550 19550 3150 38800 9200

How can you collect this information? Please explan us.
believe it or not my interview was less than one minute
it was a great successful interview
I'll explain my interview experience soon i have to write a lot
HI! Thanushan

believe it or not my interview was less than one minute
it was a great successful interview
I'll explain my interview experience soon i have to write a lot

Its a great news. Congrats!
waiting for your interview experience.

Case number - 2011AS00019XXX
1NL received in july 2010
Forms sent to kcc by dhl on 16th of august-2010
DHL confirmed delivery on 18th august-2010
KCC confirmed receipht of forms by 25th of august 2010 through email message.
Police Clearance - Received on 31st October 2010 from us embassy of sri lanka.
I was told by KCC on 17th November 2010 that, my aplication is completed pocessing and waiting for the allocation of visa interview.
2NL - waiting.

For February, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2011 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 26,100 Except: Egypt 20,200
Ethiopia 15,000
Nigeria 12,100
ASIA 14,850
EUROPE 17,600
Hi all,

Congratulations for all who had successful interviews! And Good Luck for other who are yet to have it like me ! :)
After long time I got a chance to g through the thread and see how many changes has happened! Sorry for not replying!

I have a small query regarding my DV VISA Processing. My Case number is 18XXX and KCC has confirmed that they received my document. Therefore waiting for the 2NL to come! :)

Now the problem is .... My wife got a work VISA from her company to UK and now she has to move there for 2 years. Therefore I'm also planning to quite from my job and move with her under spouse visa to UK.
Since I have put all my work information in DV applications as the primary applicant, I'm having second thought as it will have a negative impact to my VISA processing or not.

What should I do? I mailed KCC, but they didn't gave me any feedback regarding my question. They just mentioned that they received my doc and waiting to processing, etc. So I'm more confused.

1) If I quite my job, will there be any problem to my VISA processing?
2) What should I do? Whom should I inform?

Please note I want to process my VISA in Colombo, not in UK.

Any thought?

Appreciate your feedback and inputs!

Thanks and best regards,
Case number - 18XXX

There will be no impact on your VISA processing. As long you are eligible for the lottery and provide documents such as your education qualification to qualify for the visa you should be fine. If you are planning leave the company you are working for just get a letter from them that you worked in the company. So in case they asked about your former employer and the information you have listed in the forms you can advise them and that you no longer work for them and show them the letter.

All the best.
No one in KCC or embassies will give you any "official advise" at this moment. You will not be ale to depend later on the he said/ she said stuff. So get informed and act prudently.

You will most likely have your intvw. in May-June, with 4-5 months left in FY, so keep that in mind.
If you want to travel back to SL for intvw and you get stuck with admin. processing then it will be a hassle, your wife will not be able to go back soon to her job in UK.

If you leave the job now it is obvious to anyone why, your life circumstances changed and you did it. It will not be a problem in my view. BUT, as you know you as a family will have to be ready to overcome 'public charge' issue in the DV process. Your wife's job will help and also try to get an i-134. But they will certainly consider your past experience and qualifications to see how well you be able to get a job in US and survive.

But why you do not want to process your visa in UK? Sure CMB is a hassle free post (UK is not bad either) but with your overall situation I think you may want to do it in UK. Its your call and if you plan to do that way, do as follows;

1. Get all your O/L, A/L and ALL relevant original docs before you leave SL.
2. After you leave, inform KCC of your change with new set of DSP 122 and , DS 240.
3. As soon as you leave to UK write to CMB embassy and ask them to obtain for you the SL police report and get it to you.
4. Near to your intvw. get UK police report, medical etc. (even if you come back to SL for intvw, get UK police report even if it is less than 6 mo stay, just to be safe)

Thats my 2 Rs !

Best !

Hi all,

Congratulations for all who had successful interviews! And Good Luck for other who are yet to have it like me ! :)
After long time I got a chance to g through the thread and see how many changes has happened! Sorry for not replying!

I have a small query regarding my DV VISA Processing. My Case number is 18XXX and KCC has confirmed that they received my document. Therefore waiting for the 2NL to come! :)

Now the problem is .... My wife got a work VISA from her company to UK and now she has to move there for 2 years. Therefore I'm also planning to quite from my job and move with her under spouse visa to UK.
Since I have put all my work information in DV applications as the primary applicant, I'm having second thought as it will have a negative impact to my VISA processing or not.

What should I do? I mailed KCC, but they didn't gave me any feedback regarding my question. They just mentioned that they received my doc and waiting to processing, etc. So I'm more confused.

1) If I quite my job, will there be any problem to my VISA processing?
2) What should I do? Whom should I inform?

Please note I want to process my VISA in Colombo, not in UK.

Any thought?

Appreciate your feedback and inputs!

Thanks and best regards,
Case number - 18XXX

My Name is Tony

My CN 2011AS00030XXX

I received my 1NL in May and I sent the completed documents to KCC by DHL and DHL confirmed the delivery.

There was no confirmation from the KCC. I am worried. Will I receive the 2NL? Can I call them and ask if they receive my document? Please anyone can advice me.

I am a Sri Lankan.