• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners from Kenya Report Here!

We thank God for Magkin at least now that your dreams have been realised. We hope that you will keep us pschologically prepared for that place by updating us about the reality and the culture shock expected from that end as we prepare to join you, others like me by september as am in the last lot.God bless
Hi all.
I am very sorry for not posting my experience but I am working on it even if it's the same experience as njugunuts.
I am very happy for magkin and I think that njugunuts will fly also in some days as I am planning it too.
Welcome new forumites.
God is great.
Hi all.
I have come out with a success story as I was granted a visa and I will give you all I can.
@njugunuts, I am extremely sorry I wanted so much to meet you and my other brothers on this forum but it's now that I see that you have responded to my post! How can I get your email. Let me send you a private message.
Big up!


Please remember in prayer as i prayer for my interview coming up 15th march 2011 that the favour of GOD shall rest upon me and my wife and grant us VISA SUCCESSFUL interview in JESUS NAME,AMEN.

The favour of GOD shall fall upon all of us awaiting interviews on this forum in JESUS NAME,AMEN.


Congrats! Best of times in preparation for departure.

@ Magkin

All the best in your 'new' life


I'm up for interview late this month.just been going through the logistical nightmare of uprooting myself from southern africa for my interview in nairobi. Hasn't been easy though.
When are you leaving?
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We thank God for Magkin at least now that your dreams have been realised. We hope that you will keep us pschologically prepared for that place by updating us about the reality and the culture shock expected from that end as we prepare to join you, others like me by september as am in the last lot.God bless
thanks wanjeri i will update on the progress usijali stl utacome jst prepare ur documents in order n have confidence be informed on hapenins inthe embassy n all that then u will be sawa.cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
For May, immigrant numbers in the DV category are available to qualified DV-2011 applicants chargeable to all regions/eligible countries as follows. When an allocation cut-off number is shown, visas are available only for applicants with DV regional lottery rank numbers BELOW the specified allocation cut-off number:

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 42,000 Except: Egypt 31,200
Ethiopia 26,200
Nigeria 15,450

ASIA 23,500
EUROPE 27,800
Good to see that africa is moving very quickly. I called kcc and my interview date is 4th may. Anyone who has done police report in uk, how long does it take and for how long is it given? Also, how long does the medical report take before the results are sent to the embassy?
am a new member en i hve sme questions:1.i appld as single bt i returned the frms to kcc as married(hve 4 children) members,wht possble questions do i expect @the embassy?{the persn who appld 4 me ws in usa en he had only my photos..en i cudn't apply 4 myself since i was far frm twn wher i cud access internet}2.on intervw day,does the princpal applcnt pay the dv fee 4 him/herself first, en the rest of the fmly after the intervw coz itz alot of money 2 lose if u don't get through?PLEASE ADVISE AS SOON......
@Thuo you need not worry if you have all the necessary documents to prove your case. Since you informed kcc about your status you now have to produce evidence that you are legally married by producing: i) a marriage certificate ii) carry some snaps as prove that for sure you had a wedding ceremony in a certain church but not the traditional one iii) Birth cetificates for your four children iv) you will have to pay the Visa processing fee for all your family members which amounts to around Ksh 400,000 even if the other family members will follow you later. Your Visa will be prcessed as family and because this is a lotary you must be ready for the outcome and surely thank God for this far he has brought you . The benfits are enormous and to get that chance again if you loss it now is not essy. Am sure if all these documents are ready you will emerge a winner on 24th. We are a family in this forum and we will be with you in prayers. Let also other forum members give their views on the same
@ my2011 dv, Congrats on the visa and safe travels. Will be leaving at the end of April so you'll probably get there before me. All the best with the preparations.
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@ my 2011 Usijali, good things are on the way. :) I can imagine having to uproot yourself for the interview and then again for the move. Kwanza the way airfares for within Africa are almost the same cost as for the transatlantic's (*shaking my head*). But God'll provide.

Moving at the end of April, by then things should be nicely wound up here. All the best in your interview, and hope to meet in the States.
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@ Becks, Ask Ammeck 09 by private message, his interview was in the UK.
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Urgent for Thuo

Dear Thuo,

Welcome to the forum, though i'm thinking yo have joined very late for it to be of much use. I hate to be the bearer of bad news on this one but seeing as we're talking about a lot of money here (819dollars times 6people = Ksh.398,000), i'll give you my opinion, based on the entry rules for the DV lottery.

I think that Wanjeri is wrong and you have a lot to be worried about. The DV rules are VERY CLEAR that you must enter the information as it is on the day of application. The only exceptions are for:
1. Those who get married after entering the lottery (and can prove genuineness of the marriage based on prior knowledge of the "new" spouse which can be evidenced)
2. Those who get children AFTER entering the lottery
3. Those who were customarily married, but did not have a legal document to prove it and thus their legal documentation is dated later than the DV entering date. e.g have been married for 10 years, but get marriage certificate in 2011 to prove to embassy that they are married. However in such a case, the spouse should have been entered since one was married as at the time of application.

This means you have a big problem on a couple of issues:
1. Your 4 children were definitely not all born since DV entry so the only ones who might be/have been able to accompany you would have been those born after Oct/Nov 2009
2. You definitely were married at the time of application, as evidenced by the kids. However, you chose not to enter your wife for the lottery (even though your reasons for this are understandable). This means you entered incorrect details.
3. Your interview date is very close which means your file has already been forwarded from KCC to the Nairobi embassy. This means it's not possible to update your DS forms (unless maybe you can fill in a new one and scan and send it to the Nairobi embassy and say you wish to correct the details on the form)

Now, is there a light at the end of this tunnel? I really don't know coz it's down to the CO but i'll let you know the most possible outcome if you all go for the interview in order of likely occurrence:
1. You ALL, not just the family, but you ALL get denied the greencard.
2. You get put on administrative processing and they'll call you later and say you've been denied.

My suggestions:
OPTION 1: I really think you should ask for an interview postponement and seek the advice of an immigration lawyer or professional, e.g the guy who hosts this forum (Rajiv) or any other immigration lawyer you can. However, if you decide to go ahead as things are, I really think you're looking at a denial.
OPTION 2: Update your DS forms to include only you and any kids born after your date of entry. You can then come back for the rest of the family once you are settled in. This will be very hard coz i'm sure any such kids will be young, and it may tear the family apart.
OPTION 3: Update your DS forms back to single and then come back for the rest of the family in 5 years.
OPTION 4: Ignore all I have said above and just go ahead with the interview and hope for the best.

None of these decisions will be easy because they will either cost you in time or money. Also, if you decide to remove your dependents, any money you have paid for medicals etc will be considered wasted. The CO's are bound by rules which they must follow TO THE LETTER and I fear you may be a victim of these rules.

I now defer to the rest of the forumites for other opinions. Also, ask Ammeck09 this question, he has a wealth of experience.
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Well put Njugunuts. I'll add my two cents' worth nevertheless:

THUO i hate to tell you this but as things stand now,The MOST LIKELY outcome is a denial, chances of that happening are almost 100%. Here's why:

1. The rules of the DV program have to be followed to the letter by the applicant from the initial entry form to the end. Even though it was of no fault of the selectee that the person that helped him/her submit the initial entry made a mistake, the rules assume that YOU made that mistake cause that person acted on your behalf with your full consent (think about it, they have no means/time to verify who did what).

2. I have a cousin who had the same exact problem, for the 2009 DV, Nairobi. He had all the genuine proof of marriage/kids but since these were not included in the original entry, even though KCC had amended this after he informed them of his mistake at the time of initial entry, the CO in Nairobi denied him and his entire family based on the fact this made his initial selection as a DV winner void because of wrong information provided on that initial form. The CO told him he was satisfied with all the documents that showed proof of marriage and kids but SINCE at the time of initial entry these facts were not reported/entered, his initial entry was therefore void.
It hurt to see him get that denial after spending so much (family of 4).

1. If you have not contacted KCC to make the change to your initial application, DO NOT contact them. Leave it as it is, you stand better chances. After 5 years, you can apply for your entire family.
atleast you'll have got the visa as oppossed to all of you GETTING DENIED and spending so much.
2. If contact with KCC has been made about that change, CONTACT THEM AGAIN to reverse the change. BE ready to answer questions about that both with KCC but mainly to the CO at the embassy(use your imagination.......). You have to be thorough about how you explain this, it will make the difference between you getting a visa and a denial. Rest assured the CO will have all those changes you made before him.
@ Emmka, I couldn't agree more. I think he has already added his kids to his file, but his best chance lies with him changing it back to single. It won't be easy to explain the changes to his forms,but I think its the only way he has some chance of getting any visa. I really wish he had found this forum before he filled in his forms.
@Njugunuts@Emmka I fully agree with both of you about Thuo. I had not seen the whole issue from that perspective. It is true from your arguments that the information must appear as truthful as possible to the consular. If thuo wants to get through the consular then he should appear as single and then later on join with the family after the intial time limit of five years.Otherwise he might loss the chance and loss the Ksh 400,000 cash .The best move then is to appear as single. I hope Thuo takes into account Njugunuts and Emmka's contributions.The next move then depends on what additional information has been given by Thuo to KCC and the embassy.
Its so unfortunate my brother Thuo joined the forum late. This forum has almost all the questions and answers one may need.
Its now almost impossible to make changes in any of the documents.
Emmeka and njugunut,I was thinking about this...., thuo to Ask for interview postponment, then update the documents - DS form back to single, as you have stated. the rest of the family can always follow instead of losing all the cool Ksh.398.000.00.
but this is still a trial, even if its a lottery, rules must be followed.
Otherwise I wish thuo luck.
Kamauz, please talk.my 2011dv congrat...!
Njugunut, I have been out of the country- 'Ki kazi', but lam still very live here.
I will be in Nairobi on 19th march. will contact you.
I see, theres little activities nowadays- .to me, it means things are moving in postively.
The rest I wish you luck.
Mamaizoo how are you?
Hi forumites,

I agree with Njugunuts and Emmka regarding Thuo's case. It is better for Thuo to change status to single, pursue the visa alone and later come for his family after 5yrs.

@Olyn, am still around, i now have the passports. It took me just one week, waiting to see whether will be current June.
@ Thuo, i think Njugunut is clear and right.Going thro the DV lottery Instructions its pretty clear that "Failure to enter the correct photograph of each individual into the E-DV system may result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas associated with the case at the time of the visa interview." therefore i think if its possible just stick to the original story...that of being single.