• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 winners from Bangladesh

Congrats !!! Waiting is over now get ready to be settled in new contry :)

Hi everyone,
On 3rd of May i have received call from embassy.A madam told me to come on yesterday(4th of May).Than yesterday i got to embassy.After a long time waiting on window no 1 the officer told me that "can you make name correction on your passport?"I said no.Then she said,"Becouse if we give you the visa on this passport you will be called SAEIDMOBARAK without any last name.Is that ok for you?"I said that will be ok with me,no problem.Then she give me a token where written that to collect my passport from consular section,U.S.Embassy,Dhaka on may 10 at 2:30 pm.Then i asked the officer is that means me and my family got the visa,she replied yes.Thanks to everyone.
@tasfia:Did u submit ur QUESTIONAIRE on the day of interview or later.I observe that those who did submitted their QUESTIONAIRE on the day of interview got their visas on day of or day after interview day.I did not submit our questionaire on the day of interview.I consulted with a lawyer who has been working with DV case for 21 yrs.He assured me that we must get visas.So do not worry.We r under AP as we did not submit QUESTIYNAIRE.
@Mobarak: CONGRATULATION! :) Happy to seeing another successful story!
@Nahel: I'm really tensed about your case, Allah(SWT) knows best! My all the best wishes for you!
@tasfia:Did u submit ur QUESTIONAIRE on the day of interview or later.I observe that those who did submitted their QUESTIONAIRE on the day of interview got their visas on day of or day after interview day.I did not submit our questionaire on the day of interview.I consulted with a lawyer who has been working with DV case for 21 yrs.He assured me that we must get visas.So do not worry.We r under AP as we did not submit QUESTIYNAIRE.

@nahel vai, we submit that blue paper on that day.just after 1 hr of interview.dont know what will happen.
@Nahel, no brother I didn't leave. I am still under AP though my family members got visa. But it doesn't make any sense.

@tasfia007... what is ur update? any call?
Dear all,
who are under AP Please the the blow post here is some importat information:

Source: http://familybasedimmigration.com/forum/showthread.php?t=90

221g - FBI National Name Check Program—Frequently Asked Questions
Source: http://www.fbi.gov/

National Name Check Program—Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for my name check to be completed?

The length of time it takes for a name check to be completed varies from name to name. Normally, a name is submitted by an agency, such as the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), on a data tape. Currently, the National Name Check Program (NNCP) receives over 75,000 name checks every week, with about 45 percent coming from USCIS. When a data tape comes in, the names on the tape are electronically checked against the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Universal Index (UNI). The searches seek all instances of the individual's name appearing in both main files and reference files. A main file name is that of an individual who is, himself/herself, the subject of an FBI investigation, whereas a reference is someone whose name appears in an FBI investigation. References may be associates, conspirators, or witnesses.

The majority of name checks submitted on a data tape are electronically checked and returned to the submitting agency as having "No Record" within 48-72 hours. A "No Record" indicates that the FBI's UNI database contains no identifiable information regarding a particular individual. Duplicate submissions (i.e., identically spelled names with identical dates of birth submitted within the last 120 days) are not checked, and the duplicate findings are returned immediately to the submitting agency.

A secondary manual name search conducted within 30-60 days usually identifies additional requests as having a "No Record." The remaining name checks (usually about 10% of the name checks originally submitted) are identified as possibly being the subject of an FBI record. At that point, the FBI record must be retrieved and reviewed. If the record is available in the FBI's electronic record keeping system, it can be reviewed quickly. If not, the relevant information must be retrieved from an existing paper record. Review of this information determines whether the information is positively identified with the name check request. If the information is not identified with the request, the request is closed as a "No Record," and the requesting agency is notified as such.

The average time required to retrieve and review an FBI record for possible information related to a name check request is case specific—it depends on the number of files an analyst must obtain (which is dictated by the number of "hits" on a name), the location and availability of those files, and the amount of information contained in a file. If a file is stored locally, an analyst will be able to obtain the file within a matter of days. If a file is located in a field office or other FBI location, the applicable information must be requested from that location. There are over 265 different FBI locations that could house information pertinent to a name check request. If a file is electronically available, an analyst will have immediate access to that file. Additionally, once an analyst receives the file, or the pertinent information contained in a file, the analyst must review it for possible information related to the name check request.

Many times, the delay associated with the processing of the remaining name checks is not the actual time it takes to process a name check, but the time it takes for an analyst to get to the name check request in order to process it. This is due to the constant volume of name checks, several million each year, combined with the FBI's current work on processing residual name checks from a batch of 2.7 million requests submitted by USCIS in December 2002, as compared to the NNCP's limited resources. Less than one percent of the requests are identified with a file containing possible derogatory information. If applicable, the FBI then forwards a summary of the derogatory information to the requesting agency. It is important to note that the FBI does not adjudicate the name check requests, but only provides available information to a requesting agency for its adjudication process.

How can I have my name check expedited?

The FBI tries to process its oldest name checks first. Customer agencies will occasionally request expedited handling of specific name checks. Criteria used to determine which name checks receive expedited handling are internal matters of each customer agency. The FBI does request that the number of expedited cases be kept to a minimum in fairness to the other pending name check requests. Because each customer agency determines which name checks are expedited, contacting Congressional representatives, the FBI's Office of Congressional Affairs, or the NNCP will only further tie up vital resources and will not contribute to the expediting of a name check.

Does contacting my Congressional representative expedite my name check?

No, the customer agency determines expedited handling. The FBI's policy is to be responsive to our customer's needs given the limits of our resources. Re-prioritization from multiple sources would convolute the customer agency's ability to manage their priority cases.

Is there a fee I can pay to expedite the process?

No. Processing times are a function of the volume of work versus the resources that can be applied to the task. Paying an additional fee would not speed up the name check process.

I am aware that some name checks have been completed that were submitted to the FBI after cases that remain pending. Why are the name checks not handled in the order in which they are received?

The vast majority of name check requests are completed in less than 60 days. Of those remaining, the FBI tries to complete the oldest name checks first. The time to complete any given name check varies. There are many factors that impact processing times such as the number of files to retrieve and review, a file's location and accessibility, case status, and workload all impact processing times. Another factor that might delay the processing of a name check request on a first in/first out basis is the number of requests for expedited handling received from a customer agency.

My Freedom of Information/Privacy Act request to the FBI resulted in a "no record" response. Given that, why is my name check request still pending?

Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts (FOIPA) requests are sometimes confused with name check requests. FOIPA provides copies of FBI files relevant to a specific FOIPA request. For FOIPA, the FBI search uses the name or information as provided in the FOIPA request. A FOIPA search determines whether there is an investigative file associated with an individual—a "main file" search. For a name check, "main files" and "reference files" are both checked, in an effort to protect our national security, in addition to searching a name in a multitude of combinations.
Also FAQ:


221g - Administrative Processing Frequently Asked Questions
Administrative Processing Frequently Asked Questions

• What is Administrative Processing? AP is also called Additional Administrative Processing and is when the applicant is being checked more closely. It can be for security checks which encompass fingerprints and/or name checks or for document verification.

• When does Administrative Processing Happen? AP can happen at any time during your processing. It can happen at a service center, at the NVC level, or at the embassy level. It mainly is discussed here in the forums at the embassy level.

• Who can get Administrative Processing and Why? AP usually affects men and women from certain countries but anyone can get AP. Persons coming from T countries (Terrorist Countries) seem to have more security checks and have to endure AP at the embassy level after their interview. Common names, your nationality, religion, education, relationship of applicant, travels and job can all be factors for AP. Having incomplete or missing documents will also cause a case to be put in AP. In some cases if the embassy does not believe in the validity of the relationship they can investigate it further with a field investigation.

• What are the T-Countries? Although it is classified, the list of countries reportedly affected by these restrictions includes, but is not limited to, Afghanistan,
Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Djibouti, Egypt,
Eritrea, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya,
Malaysia, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia,
Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates,
and Yemen. http://www.abil.com/articles/ABIL ...0Wolfsdorf.pdf This list is complied from an attorney and the list of T-countries can change at any time.

• Can I check the status of my case? The embassy will not in many cases respond to emails until a certain amount of time has elapsed. The best bet is to contact Department of State aka: DOS and ask them for an update bi-weekly. They will not be able to give you details but they can tell you if the case is still pending in AP or cleared.

• DOS information: DOS can be contacted Monday through Friday during business hours. You must have all information concerning your case with you so that they can assist you.
Department of State’s visa Information phone number: 202-663-1225

• Can I expedite this process? The simple answer is NO. No one can expedite the checks since they are considered a matter of National security. An elected official can only make a congressional inquiry on your behalf. They cannot get the checks finished any faster.

• Does AP have any time frame for completion? NO AP can last anywhere from days, weeks, months and in a few cases years.

Anyone that happens to be given a 221(g) or Administrative Processing letter must be patient and let them do their work. Do not call constantly and ask about your case. Remember each time your case is moved it can then end up at the bottom of the stack and your time can be extended. Each case is different so you cannot judge your case by any other and each consulate/embassy may have a different average time for completion of AP.
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Nop, Bro, But if they find ne negetive report then occurd anything. I think you my get many information my previous post. I heard that 87% name check finished wihth in less then 30 days. i have more information by different forum or website. i will discus with this forum ASPS. please don't wry inshallah You will got visa. Wait.
Bhai allah ja koren-- valor janno-e koren. so, wait.

Not yet, Bro, But if they find ne negetive report then occurd anything. I think you my get many information my previous post. I heard that 87% name check finished wihth in less then 30 days. i have more information by different forum or website. i will discus with this forum ASPS. please don't wry inshallah You will got visa. Wait.
Bhai allah ja koren-- valor janno-e koren. so, wait.
Hi everyone,
On 3rd of May i have received call from embassy.A madam told me to come on yesterday(4th of May).Than yesterday i got to embassy.After a long time waiting on window no 1 the officer told me that "can you make name correction on your passport?"I said no.Then she said,"Becouse if we give you the visa on this passport you will be called SAEIDMOBARAK without any last name.Is that ok for you?"I said that will be ok with me,no problem.Then she give me a token where written that to collect my passport from consular section,U.S.Embassy,Dhaka on may 10 at 2:30 pm.Then i asked the officer is that means me and my family got the visa,she replied yes.Thanks to everyone.

Congratulations Brother.

@Hi all AP keep patience obviously good news is waiting for u all. Very soon very soon. Inshaallah.
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Hi everyone,
I have collected our passport with visa today.Thanks to all of you.Don't worry people under AP,Inshallah You all will get visa.